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I had a vision today where I saw many who had felt like they had been walking in a desert for SO long. The heat was intense, it felt like they had been walking for SO long, awaiting the breakthrough amidst such pressure and scorching heat/pressure.

These ones had been contending and looking for breakthrough for so long, there had been almost a 'disorientation' of what the Lord was even saying anymore. Whether they had even heard Him right.

Just at the point of feeling like they were about to collapse in weariness, before them appeared a glorious vision, a glorious display of revelation from His heart concerning their next step of direction and breakthrough. The Lord was speaking these "next steps" and "visions of breakthrough" before them through prophetic dreams, visions, revelation of Scripture and many other ways to highlight the next area of breakthrough. As they looked at these visions just in this distance, because of the pressure and disorientation of the last season, many began to say "Oh it's just a mirage! It's not real, it's just a mirage!".

I then heard the Lord say "It's not a mirage, it's a MIRACLE, MARKET MOMENT".

The very things that were being revealed to them, these 'next steps' and 'areas of breakthrough' just looked 'too good to be true' but they were the door of Ephesians 3:20:

"God will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you!" – Ephesians 3:20 (The Passion Translation)

These very revelations of 'next steps' and 'breakthrough' were not a mirage, but a MIRACULOUS MARKER MOMENT where the Lord is now opening doors to and for His people that is not only containing hearts desires but so far above and beyond anything they have ever imagined, hoped for or dreamed. The Lord is going for the DEEP hearts desires of His people, as they have remained aligned with His heart, He is opening SUPERNATURAL DOORS in these areas, that will be nothing short of miraculous.

Where many of God's people got things put before them that were "GOOD" things but not "GOD" things and remained faithful to wait for the "GOD" opportunity, I saw a SUDDENLY of these GOD ordained doors opening up all around.

Where the people of God have been SO weary, these revelations of next steps and manifestation of the doors opening concerning them and how the Lord is going "ABOVE AND BEYOND", His miraculous power is going to re-energize His people in supernatural ways.

I saw the people of God positioned in strategic places of favour, new networks, greater heavenly alignments and places of increase, where they stood and sighed a sigh of great joy "This is bigger and better than I have EVER dreamed!!!!!!!! Glory to the FAITHFUL ONE, the FULFILLER OF DREAMS!!!

How He is about to move and where He is about to position you and what He is about to 'do for you' in the breakthrough is going to BLOW YOUR MIND and leave you in a WHIRLWIND OF AWE!


As I watched this vision unfold before me, and I saw the people of God being strategically positioned, I heard the Lord speak again "This is the season of POPCORN!!!"

I remembered when the Lord spoke to me months ago and told me that this was the season of POPCORN. When I inquired of the Lord what He meant, He told me that where the people of God have been sowing seeds faithfully, over and over and over, despite the hardship, despite the pressure, despite the trial, the enemy came with the fire of opposition to attempt to burn and destroy the seeds, but the people of God remained with their eyes on Him and continued to sow.

The Lord spoke to me that there is now a GREAT TURNING, where the fire of His love is falling upon these seeds and the seeds are beginning to POP, one after another, after another. SUDDEN ACCELERATED BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!

As I saw the people of God stepping into these miraculous marker moments, I saw POPCORN popping everywhere. The fire of His love is falling upon the seeds of hearts desires (especially long awaited hearts desire) and His love and power is bringing sudden breakthrough, BREAKTHROUGH MOMENTUM!!!

As the display of this MIRACULOUS BREAKTHROUGH was taking place, I saw something so deep and so beautiful happening. The people of God were being drawn deeper into His heart. Deeper into the rivers of deeper revelation of His love. In the midst of this beautiful manifestation of ACCELERATED BREAKTHROUGH, the Lord was opening invitations to His people into deeper realms of BURNING with His love. I saw DEEP healing of the heart and soul taking place in many of the hearts of God's people. Some were being healed overnight by the revelation of His love and attention to their hearts desires in the manifestation of breakthrough, that had been there for YEARS. As the people of God were going deeper into this beautiful revelation I saw angels with musical instruments beginning to play music and the people of God sung LOUDLY "You are a GOOD Father, You are My Papa, You care about me, You love me, You sing over me, You are a GOOD GOOD Papa."

As I was waking this morning I heard the Lord speak "Here I am, as Bal Perazim (2 Samuel 50:20), the Lord of the breakthrough". He is about to show Himself strong, as our defender, as the victorious One over the things that have come against His people in this fierce battle, the One who fulfills heart desires of His people as they delight in Him.

The accelerated breakthrough, the season of POPCORN is going to release the TESTIMONY of Christ, and His love, His beautiful aroma to ALL around you, and many will come to know the love of Jesus through YO
UR testimony in this season. They will TASTE and SEE that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8) The FRUITS of you NOT giving up are about to be seen!


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One Comment

  • sayara nuñez

    I neededddddddd Readdddddddd Thissssssssssss <3<3<3< Thankssssssssssssssss a lottttttttt Lordddddddddd<3<3<3