Prophetic Words


Recently I had an encounter with the Lord and I saw Jesus and He was walking up to His people that were sitting at tables and I knew that these tables represented ALIGNMENTS and MODELS. As He walked up to these tables He began to speak to His people and He said “It is time to CHANGE TABLES”
Immediately I was surrounded by the sense of the new era we have entered and the importance of drawing close to the Lord and hearing His voice and leading for where we are aligned, how we are aligned, and how we are to build with Him. The sense surrounded me so strongly that the “model” of how things have been done, is rapidly changing. The Lord has been speaking to me for years about the changing of the wineskin and the time that was coming upon us in a new era where we would have to follow Him and know His ways to move into the new thing that He was going to do (Isaiah 43:19) that would be completely unprecedented.
Now, in this encounter, what struck me was the weight upon the voice of the Lord when He spoke “It’s TIME to change tables”. I began to see other tables that were set for the people of God in this new era. New strategies, new ways of doing things, a new ‘model’, and new ‘alignments’ with people.
This encounter was communicating in SO many ways, the IMPORTANCE of alignment in this hour and be aligned with Jesus in our hearts, our deeds, our actions, our obedience, our lives, our ministries. Every area of our lives to be in total alignment with Him and not to ‘remain at a table’ because that’s where we have always sat or how it has always been.
The Lord has had me release this prophetic word to encourage the people of God, to not stay in the comfortable or familiar seat because of fear of what others with think, fear of offending people, fear of the new. The truth is, the tables that the Lord has set before His people in this new era are more glorious than ever before and the Lord showed me that many are feeling a ‘heavy oppressive frustration’ right now and the ‘ease’ that once was, is no longer, and that is because it’s time to change tables. It’s time to take your seat a new table.
I heard the Lord say “Don’t apologise for changing tables and don’t make excuses for having to change tables”. When He spoke those words I could feel this very strong sense of the fear of man that would be the hurdle that many would need to overcome in taking their place at the new tables. Follow in the leading of the Holy Spirit into these new tables and embrace them with everything you have.
I also saw the beautiful comfort of the Holy Spirit embracing those who are changing tables and coming out of alignment with people they have built with before and moving into new ventures with the Lord and the sadness in the heart that comes with the ‘breaking away’. The comfort of the Holy Spirit is upon you and He is pouring His love, peace, and refreshing upon you as you move to the new tables the Lord has for you.
I saw Jesus sitting at the new tables and He was waiting for His people to take their seat. As many begun to come and take their seat at the new tables with the Lord, I was struck with the depth of encounter that happened at those tables with the Lord. The encounters looking into the fiery eyes of Jesus that were so deep and so intimate.
The new tables await you. Don’t be afraid to move to the new tables. It requires obedience, boldness, and courage. Don’t stay at the same table because of comfort or fear. You want to be at the table Jesus is sitting at and calling you into, for there you will find Him.
You want to be sitting with Jesus at the table He is calling you to. It’s time to take your seat at the new tables.
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