Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


Definition of MAJESTY: impressive beauty, scale, or stateliness, royal power, awe, glory, awesomeness, grandeur (Definition taken from
“The King made this mercy seat for Himself, out of the finest wood that will not decay. Pillars of smoke, like silver mist. A canopy of golden glory dwells above it. The place where they sit together is sprinkled with crimson. Love and mercy cover this carriage, blanketing His tabernacle-throne. The King Himself has made it for those who will become His Bride. Rise up Zion maidens, brides-to-be! Come and feast your eyes on this King as He passes in procession on His way to His wedding! This is the day filled with overwhelming joy – the day of His great gladness!” – Song of Songs 3:10 (The Passion Translation)
In worship today, I saw the people of God and they were worshipping the King, and I heard fireworks beginning to go off all around them. I instantly knew that the breakthrough’s were beginning to happen all around the people of God. The long awaited promises of God were beginning to burst forth SUDDENLY and with a LOUD NOISE testifying to His beauty and faithfulness. I saw the people of God looking in awe at the fireworks, and the breakthrough’s that were exploding all around them.
As the fireworks were erupting I saw scrolls leave the heart of Papa, from the throne and they were gold. These scrolls were carried by angelic hosts and brought and dropped before the people of God.
As the people of God picked up these scrolls and unravelled them there was a royal invitation before them. An invitation from the King and the invitation said “You are invited into the chamber of MAJESTY”. There was no date, no time, and no address. The sense overwhelmed me that the time was now, there was no date and no time because the invitation had been released for the now and was ‘ever present’ in this season.
I began hearing many of the people of God asking “HOW” to get to this chamber of majesty and what it was. Instantly I saw beautiful Jesus, there He was, standing in all His beauty and splendour with a beautiful crown on His head and shining with Glory and light that filled my heart with love.
He smiled and pointed down to the floor and I saw what looked like a cellar door. He bent down and lifted the cellar doors open and I saw a small arched very narrow door, almost like a rabbits burrow. I could hear the people of God begin asking Him how they were going to fit through that door to get through. He smiled and spoke “Go lower still”.
I was suddenly overcome with the glorious invitation from His heart to go deeper. He was asking for a deeper level of seeking Him out, a deeper level of consecration, a deeper level of yieldedness. A deeper level of worship. A deeper level of positioning that births the “YES” and “PERMISSION”. As many of God’s people began to cry out “YES LORD” and give Him permission, I saw the fire of God fall upon their lives and He began to examine their hearts, He began to purify their hearts at a deeper level, He began to cleanse and Psalm 139 began to boom in my ears:
Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.” (Psalm 139:23-24)
There was a deep purification happening in the hearts and over the lives of God’s people as they were going lower. As the purification was taking place and the people of God were drawing closer to Him, they began to go so low that the small arched doorway opened and they were carried through.
On the other side of this door was the most gloriously beautiful bridal chamber. Angelic hosts stood on every side of the room and they sand “MAJESTIC ONE, MAJESTIC ONE, BEAUTIFUL ONE, MAJESTIC ONE” they then picked up what looked like golden trumpets and they blew them loudly heralding a shift over the lives of the ones who had entered this chamber ushering them into a season of seeing His MAJESTY and BEAUTY like they had never experienced.
I saw the Lord enter the room and He explained that this was the place of ‘preparation’ for the next greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the earth. The place of deeper intimacy, the place of birthing, the place of SEEING His BEAUTY like never before.
He grabbed the hands of His people and He spoke:
“I am restoring the AWE and the ROAR in the Church. Out of the place of AWE, My people are going to ROAR.” 
The LOUDEST ROAR of the Bride is going to be heard ALL ACROSS THE EARTH from the place of deep intimacy, the place of the fear of God (reverent awe) being restored. From the place of seeing His beauty and His Majesty in a way the people of God have never seen before, the loudest ROAR of His GOODNESS and LOVE is going to be seen ALL across the earth.
“Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing, over and over poured out. For Your lovely name is “Flowing Oil”, no wonder the ‘brides to be’ adore You. Draw me into Your heart and led me out, we will run away together into Your cloud-filled chamber.” – Song of Songs 1:3-4 (The Passion Translation) 
The invitation is for all, the cost is great, the cost is laying down your life and going deeper still, but oh the reward… HE is the reward.. far outweighs the giving up of your life.
It’s time to go “lower still” AS the breakthrough’s happen around you!!! Get ready to be overcome by the beauty and majesty of the Lord like you have never experienced before and watch ALL THINGS suddenly explode and manifest FROM that place.


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  • Mary

    I had to comment. Earlier this year I saw in angel in my yard, he gave me a scroll but there was nothing on it. I have asked God over and over why. This week I dreamed I went deep into the ocean. Even into the mud, under the mud and a very narrow place. But I kept going I grabbed fish by their tails, and bought them to the surface. They appeared to be dead but they were not. It seemed like I kept going to get more and more, I knew these fish were people. Lana if God gives you any revelation about this, please let me know.

  • Elsie Bouwman

    Like the truck on highway 401 said on it last week: “King World.” Also, before waking a few days ago, I remember seeing a display case/counter like at the cash register at my Dad’s store decades ago. The display case was new and was an unusual color: purple. Yes, all the glass encasement and the shelves were a light purple! Today, I got the word “display case” to describe it.

  • Elsie Bouwman

    Oh, and that reminds me of yesterday’s reading of Melchizadek in the book of Hebrews. He is King of Salem and King of Justice! I didn’t know that his name meant King of Justice!!

  • Lidia Hidalgo

    Amen, Lord God I know You Are An Amazing, Awesome, and Almighty God, to You Honor, Glory, and Praise forevermore, Amen!!!