By Lana Vawser
I had a vision tonight which I felt an urgency to release. There is much spiritual activity going on right now. I saw onslaughts coming against households of God’s people. These onslaughts were relentless.
I then saw angelic hosts drawing DEEP boundary lines all around properties and once they were done, I saw Jesus seal those boundary lines with His blood. Chains and assignments of the enemy, suddenly breaking!
As this happened, I saw PSALM 91 shining above houses and I felt the Lord saying PSALM 91 is a KEY for this season and the onslaught many are facing.
All over the houses was the word “VICTORY!!!” A strong decree of the Lord that the power of the blood of Jesus was going to be seen. A strong decree of the Lord “YOU WILL SEE VICTORY!!!”. Where these onslaughts have come against households to ‘take out God’s people’ and just when many thought they couldn’t stand anymore, I saw the Lord decree “I AM MAKING YOU UNSTOPPABLE IN ME”.
A sudden, divine turnaround took place by the power of His Spirit not only seeing MANIFESTED VICTORY released into households but an UNSTOPPABLE STRENGTH, FEARLESSNESS and COURAGE found in Him exploding forth!
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Psalm 91 has been written on my heart lately too. Early Sunday am, not able to sleep, I sat outside reflecting and resting in God’s arms, and was moved to sing On Eagles Wings. The trees started dancing and the birds were singing with me. What a glorious affirmation that the snare of the fowler will never capture the ones who say to the Lord, my refuge, my rock in whom I trust!!
Thank you for obeying Holy Spirit and sharing this word. I dreamed about the perimeter of my home last night and just asked Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning behind this Dream. This word was just sent to my email and immediately I felt it was the answer to my prayer!
Blessings and love to you my sister across the ocean. 🙂
Claiming Ps. 91
Jacquie Moore
Amen. Hallelujah. Thankyou Jesus
Michelle Strong-Swift
GLORY!!!! Yes jesus! The blood still works!! I recieve it!! In Jesus name?????
chelliah Jayaseelan
Your revelation obtained from God stuns me as we face the same situation of the enemy through his people.What an encouraging words you are offering without minding your time.You are a true asset to the Kingdom.God bless you family and ministry immeasurably. Amen.
janet murray
thank you. I already printed up Ps. 91 several days ago, Jn 15, Ps. 16. God bless u for these words of encouragement. I pray for your finances..come in from drought to deluge.
Elsie Bouwman
I see again the stone in the book of Daniel:
“As you looked, a stone was cut out by no human hand, and it struck the image of its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. The the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold, all together were broken in pieces, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away, so that not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that stuck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2: 34-35) That stone is Jesus Christ and we are in Him!!
Robertsine Israel
Great and might are you Lord! Awesome word thank you so much Lana! I receive this word!
Sharon S
I can not thank you enough for the words you have given in the last days! I feel you are speaking directly to my circumstances. It has been excruciating and debilitating – to say the least. I am grateful to The Lord for His victory, in Jesus’ name! Blessings abound to YOU, Lana! Amen and amen… ?
Deborah Lobo
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Amen!!! Thank you Jesus!!!??
Thank you Lana, God bless you Princess??
Marilyn Arledge
I am thanking the Lord for this amazing thing that He is doing. And thankful to you Lana for getting this out to us so quickly. An answer to our prayers, PTL, PTL, PTL, now and forever more!
Thank you Lana!
Thank you precious heart, Lana, for sharing his words, this day, on my birthday, Aug 16, 2016, Psalm 91, my favorite Psalm, my covering and
protection. Victory, is assured unto me. I will see Victory, abounding
over my home, over everything for my God, is my defense, my helper,
in him I place my confidence. I Stand on his Words with the complete
all knowing assurance, in what he speaks and says, through you, for he is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent, has he spoken it, and shall he not make it good ? Behold, I receive commandment to bless, and I can not reverse it,
says the Lord !! Glory, to you Abba !! I love you !! You are So Good
Abba !!! All the time, Yes Indeed !!!!!
Terri Richardson
Hallejauha! Yes! Let the boundaries be set and seal it with Your Blood, Lord Jesus!!
Sandra L. Betancourt
A word in due season, Lana. It is exactly what the Lord has been sharing with me in my quiet time with Him. Looking forward to seeing what will happen next!
Donna Lee
Thank you, This was a awesome Word. The Lord told us, Me and my husband several years ago to pled the blood and read Psalm 91 over ourselves and our friends and family. Our God is awesome.
I have been noticing that, as I stand firm in faith and grace and courage, stirring up of resentments in family and friends just fall to the side, impotent. I watch as an amazement crosses each face…a wonder…and a return of peace and kindness.
A spirit of addiction struck me out of the blue a few months ago. Yesterday and today, I’ve been marveling that it has simply vanished.
I don’t understand everything…but I do know that the LORD is fighting brilliantly these days!
We have two plaques up in our bedroom: Psalm 91:1…and the verse:
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.”
Warfare seems to rage most intensely in the early hours of the night when we most long for sleep. We move in faith daily.
Puddin M
Thank you dear Sister in Jesus Christ for sharing with us the mighty works of the King and His Angels in this season , this battle is intense !!! I stand on God’s Psalm 91 words and works !!! All praises , glory , honor and power to the Most High God ….
Aundrea Hernandez
PRAISE GOD!! I’ve been applying the Blood of Jesus over my home & job. After reading the Zip Line Breakthrough Word, as i was sleeping, i heard a Loud Audible sound of something Breaking. I literally rose from bed, and walked the house to see what may have broken – everything was in it’s place. Did not think too much of it, until a friend i hadn’t heard from in a while, text me last night, saying at 3 am The Lord spoke an Audible “Momma” to her. She checked her children, they were ok. She remembered I call her “Mamas.” I remembered the Audible sound of something Breaking. I thought, perhaps the Breakthrough? You posted, “I saw Jesus seal those boundary lines with His blood. Chains and assignments of the enemy, suddenly breaking!”…
Evangelist Cotia
Lana has spoken what the Lord has revealed to her regarding the Angelic Host Drawing Boundaries. My husband and I have been under such diabolic strongholds attacks 5 yrs from neighbors who have campaigned throughout the neighborhood speaking evil against us to anybody who will listen to them and have been successful in their false fabrications and stories they have made up causing other people to hate us and try to attack us based on their pure lies.My husband and I are children of the Most High King Jesus we are ministers of the gospel of Christ. These neighbors do not want us in our own home even though they are the renters. I share this short portion to confirm what Lana is saying about the Angelic Host covering our home with Jesus blood
Seeing feathers on the ground lately where I live…
Lord you know my cry for a deeper intimacy and relationship with You. Make us bolder in spirit and heart through faith in Christ Jesus. May Psalm 91 be our cover as we dwell in the secret place of Your Love. Hide us under the wing of Your protection as You educate us by the Holy Spirit for greater exploits for Your Kingdom. More of You my God, more of You we cry. Thrust us out for Your Glory and Purposes with an extended vision, a global perspective. In Jesus Name
Lord you know my cry for a deeper intimacy and relationship with You. Make us bolder in spirit and heart through faith in Christ Jesus. May Psalm 91 be our cover as we dwell in the secret place of Your Love. Hide us under the wing of Your protection as You educate us by the Holy Spirit for greater exploits for Your Kingdom. More of You my God, more of You we cry. Thrust us out for Your Glory and Purposes with an extended vision, a global perspective. In Jesus Name. Amen
Lana thank you so very much for sharing this vision from God because on the very same day in the morning hours of 8-16-16 God spoke to my heart and instructed me to walk my properly lines and anoint each corner post as well as the fence pleading the Blood of Jesus. Not until the next day did the Holy Spirit lead me to your website for the first time. When I read what you had written I got so excited because that is exactly what God instructed me to do. God bless you and all that you do. I am looking forward to hearing more good things.
Natalie Hill
Thank you so much for sharing this. I just read this the day after my son and I walked around our home 7 times declaring victory after a very difficult few weeks and years. This word is so timely for my family and true. God bless you!
Mark Hartman
Howdy, I know you wrote this in 2016…but I believe my sister in Florida just lived it!
This is her Facebook post. I believe it will be instantly recognizable as to why I thought her experience and this prophetic word go together.