Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘You MUST go after in faith ALL that I’ve promised you in this season.’

When the Lord spoke these words, the words ‘MUST’ and ‘ALL’ were very loud in the spirit. I could feel the sense around me of the temptation many are feeling as they are facing Goliaths of many kinds: the temptation to run, to hide and to give up. But the Lord was calling His people to arise and STAND in faith.

‘Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].’
Ephesians 6:13 (AMP)

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard:

‘My people, you MUST go after in faith ALL that I’ve promised you in this season. I say to those of you that are feeling the pressure to withdraw, to pull back and to shrink back: STAND! In this moment of significant transition you MUST stand. I say unto you, feed not yourself from the natural realm, feed not yourself from circumstances and the words rooted in man’s logic or opinion. I say unto you, in this hour it is urgent and imperative that you are feeding yourself from MY WORD. I say unto you, that you will not defeat the Goliaths in your lives and in the lands I have called you to in this season by your own strength, by your own ability or any natural wisdom and natural means.

‘I say unto you, that it is in the revelation of WHO I AM, My Word and the power of My Spirit that you will see that which seems immovable BECOME MOVABLE by My Spirit. Watch that which taunts come down under the power of the declaration of My name and an army of My people standing in ferocious faith. I say unto you, in this hour move on ALL I have spoken and stand upon ALL that I am speaking. By faith, I am calling you, My people: take Me at My Word and by faith stand. And where the enemy would attempt to talk you out of the BOLD FAITH that I am calling you to, to believe for ALL that I have promised you, resist the enemy and STAND in bold faith to see ALL I have promised you in this season.

‘I say unto you, I am calling you up higher. I am calling you up higher. For in this hour, those who are seeking Me with pure hearts and in humility, I will entrust to you the secrets of My heart. I am looking for those who will linger in My presence and delight in Me as their greatest reward (Gen 15:1). I say unto you, that I am INCREASING INTEL in this hour. I am increasing intel: My intel and My wisdom for you to walk in greater realms of victory that are already yours in Me, and to apprehend and occupy all that I am calling you to.

‘I say unto you, that I am calling you to a posture of ferocious faith to apprehend what is yours in Me. For I am not a man that I should lie (Num 23:19). I am faithful to do all that I have promised you (Heb 10:23) and I am calling you to arise and stand. The pressure of this season and this time of transition for many is attempting to intimidate you to withdraw and shrink back: but now is the time to STAND and PUSH FORWARD IN FAITH. I say unto you, that the level of My intel and wisdom that I am releasing in this hour is to further posture and position you in victory and to see you occupy the inheritance that I have for you.

‘“From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.”
Matthew 11:12 (ESV)

‘For I say unto you, that there are new positions and assignments in this season and I am training you on the battlefield. I am bringing you deeper into “on the job training” in Me, and as you lean into Me and continue to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) – standing and refusing to move from what I have spoken – I am building endurance within you and teaching and training you for the new things I have for you that are ahead.

‘The enemy is trying to chase you out of the process. The enemy is attempting to intimidate you to cause you to withdraw so you will not continue to come up higher into the heavenly wisdom, insight and intel that I have for you in this hour. You must NOT SIT BACK and wait for the battle to pass, you must ARISE AND STAND in Me and in the victory that is yours in ME – and now is the hour to FIGHT. This is the hour to ARISE and FIGHT. For many in this hour are feeling the temptation to be lulled to sleep in complacency, to wait till the storm passes: but I say unto you, you must ARISE and STAND. You must ARISE AND FIGHT.

‘In this hour I am exposing areas of the heart where many have been fighting from a place of unbelief and have found not the strength in standing as their hearts have been dealing with unbelief. I say unto you, embrace the refiners fire upon your hearts in this hour and watch Me continue to uproot deep unbelief. For I say unto you, that there are many who do not even believe they are fighting FROM victory in Me. There are many in this season that are fighting from the place of emotion and allowing their emotions to lead them, and I say unto you, My people, “TAKE ME AT MY WORD!”

‘Stand upon My Word. What am I speaking? What have I spoken? My Word is the ultimate truth, and victory has been purchased for you IN ME. NO matter what, REMAIN! Remain upon My Word. I say unto you, that as you continue to stand upon My Word and what I have spoken, where many of you have felt like confusion has almost knocked you out, I say unto you, that you are being ESTABLISHED IN THE CLARITY OF MY DIVINE DIRECTION unlike anything you have known thus far.

‘There is an INCREASE IN INHERITING! There is an INCREASE IN INHERITING! Intimidation is attempting to keep many from the INCREASE IN INHERITING that I have for you right now. ARISE! ARISE! ARISE! STAND and by faith go after what I have called you to. Stop allowing intimidation, confusion and fear to chase you around and chase you out of all I have for you. You are the head and not the tail (Deut 28:13), you are an overcomer in Me (1 John 5:4) and it is TIME TO STEP IN. It’s time to STEP OUT. It’s time to step IN AND OUT into the expansion that I have for you in this hour. Shy not away in fear from that which I have promised you and am calling you to. You must arise and stand and know that I am with you and I have gone before you.

‘For there are many in this hour that I am promoting. Their humility and their purity before Me, their faithfulness and intimacy with Me: I’m bringing them into promotion and greater favour for the sake of MY Kingdom and MY Glory, MY works in the earth going forth, MY will being accomplished. There are many of these ones that have faced the greatest onslaughts of their lives the last few years, which has intensified in the last few months. I say unto you, the crossover has begun. The winter you have known, the darkness of battle to simply just “remain” is coming to an end.

‘You are going forth to occupy in new ways and in new territories in new ways. Yes, there are new giants in the new lands: but I say unto you, that there is a strength, endurance, refreshment, healing, clarity and restoration that is being given unto you; and you shall not move into the new lands and new territories I will have you occupy in a place of barely surviving. Watch in this hour how I supernaturally suddenly restore and strengthen you to move into all the new that I have for you. That time is NOW!’