• Prophetic Words


    By Lana Vawser, July 25 2024 Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Do not be afraid of the simplifying for I am making room for increase.’ ‘As I leaned in and listened to the Lord I heard, ‘My people do not be afraid of the shaking. For I am bringing you My people into a place of greater focus. I am bringing you into a place of refined focus upon Me. ‘For I am shaking all that can be shaken in this hour, and that which is not for this season and also things that were not built upon Me, will not remain. I am bringing forth a shaking now…

  • Prophetic Words

    LVM Update. Scammers and Website Contact Page is now fixed

    Hi friends. It’s been some time since we last wrote an update email. We pray you have had a great Christmas and New Year celebration. I wanted to touch base on a couple of things. Firstly – scammers. We still see multiple pages on Facebook and Instagram that are created to look like Lana Vawser pages, often called Pastor Lana Vawser, or Lana Vawser Ministries. We are reporting them as we see them but sometimes they can remain for a long time unhindered despite our reports. Please be diligent. Our Facebook pages have many thousands of followers, we will not reach out via messenger (or telegram). If someone does contact…

  • Uncategorized

    Merry Christmas from Lana and Kevin Vawser

    To all our friends who have journeyed with the Lord in 2016 we want to take this moment to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy 2017. For so many of us this has been a rapid year of acceleration, and with acceleration comes the turbulence and change! We more than ever have leaned on the Lord for wisdom, guidance and protection in this time. We have journeyed away from full time work, into a massive faith-walk and adventure that has taken us into every state of Australia, and many states in USA. We are convinced that no matter what 2017 looks like, it will be a year of…