Prophetic Words


As I was spending time with the Lord today I heard the Lord say “WATCH FOR THE NEW AND UNUSUAL GRACES”
I knew immediately the Lord was speaking about grace and empowerment to flow in the anointing and empowerment of His Spirit in ways that we haven’t before.
I felt quite strongly the Holy Spirit encouraging His people just because it feels “uncomfortable” doesn’t mean it’s not God. There are new ways that the Lord is wanting to move through His people in this hour. There are new giftings, new anointings, and new ways of moving with the Holy Spirit in this hour that the Lord is inviting His people into. It can feel uncomfortable and scary to step out into the unfamiliar but it is exciting because you will find the empowerment and move of the Holy Spirit through your life in a way that you haven’t seen or experienced before.
The Lord spoke to me that these ‘unusual graces’ are ‘unusual’ for a few reasons:
1. They are not what you are used to operating in.
2. There is a new level of creativity He is releasing in these assignments and projects. It looks different. The blueprint is completely new. It is a new level of pioneering and building with the Lord—in completely unexpected, yet glorious, ways.
Again, I felt the Holy Spirit saying “do not hold onto what was out of fear or being comfortable but step into the new and unusual graces, for in these places, you will find unprecedented moves of My Spirit and an explosive harvest of fruit.”
For the last few weeks, the Lord has been speaking to me about how He is going to show up in the lives of His people in new and unexpected ways. The Lord has been showing me that some of the greatest encounters with Him in this hour are going to be in some of the most unexpected ways and places. I was surrounded by a strong sense of Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. I was reminded of some of my deepest encounters with the Lord where He has invited me to have eyes that look for Him EVERYWHERE. So I am looking for Him everywhere I go in my day, always looking for what He is doing. I believe that a key prayer in this hour is that very prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see Him in the unexpected. To look for Him EVERYWHERE.
There are going to be some moments of “commissioning” into these new and ‘unusual graces’ and assignments in some of the most unexpected ways.
I hear the Lord saying “Lean into the LEADING”. There will be moments in your day where you feel the tug of His Spirit on your heart, unexpectedly, you will feel and recognise His presence in unusual ways, don’t dismiss these moments. Steward these moments well by stopping and leaning in. For some of these moments are going to be moments of incredible encounter and commissioning for you by the Holy Spirit. The ‘depth’ of these moments of encounter with the Lord and His heart, and the wisdom and direction He is going to release in these unexpected ways He will show up, I don’t have words to articulate. There is a new depth of His heart and His voice that you will find in unexpected places. Stay grounded and founded in the Word of God daily, and look for Him everywhere.
The joy that will be found in the new ways you will encounter the Lord is deep. The joy that will be found in moving with the Holy Spirit in these new and unusual graces, the new assignments and ways He will move through you, will be some of the greatest moments of your life thus far, in the way you see Him move.
Operating in these new and unusual graces requires deep trust, deep dependence, and yielding to the Holy Spirit. Trust Him where He’s leading you, even if you’ve never imagined going in the direction He’s leading. Trust Him, for, in your obedience and surrender, you are being positioned to see the greatest move of the Holy Spirit through your life, thus far.