Recently I heard the Lord say, ‘I am bringing you deeper into faith rest,’ and I knew He was speaking over the Body of Christ. The sense surrounded me that there was a very deep work of the Holy Spirit to build and establish His people in faith in a deeper way than ever. There was a deeper call to partner with the Holy Spirit in this hour to strive to enter into the rest of Hebrews 4:11.
I kept seeing the word ‘ANCHOR’ in the spirit and I heard the Lord say, ‘I am calling you deep into the place of being anchored in hope and faith in Me. In this hour, I am calling you deeper into My Word: to stand upon My living, active Word and you will see the power of My Spirit move in ways you have never seen through active, anchored faith within My Word.’
As I continued to lean in and listen to the Lord, the words, ‘FIRM AND SECURE’ thundered loudly. There was such a strong sense of the Lord working deeply to firmly and deeply root His people in the place of walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
The Lord continued to speak, ‘There is an UNPRECEDENTED SECURING by My Spirit taking place in those who are drawing close to Me. This is the hour of the unprecedented demonstration of My power as you stand upon My Word. For I say unto you, that where many have secured themselves to things apart from Me and My Word, as the shaking increases, you will be unable to remain. For by My Spirit I am moving and working deeply to bring My people into a deeper place of their souls being anchored in Me and hope in Me.’
I continued to seek the Lord’s heart and I heard:
‘Do not move from that which I have spoken. I am taking you deeper, My people, into learning to live by faith and not by what you see. This is the hour I say unto you, that you will see some of the biggest mountains before you move and be cast into the sea (Mark 11:23). This is the hour of the unprecedented demonstration of My power through the declaration of My Word and faith in what I have spoken.
‘I am raising up a people who are unshakeable and immovable, not in their own strength, but as they secure and anchor themselves upon My Word. For there are many narratives and many things vying for your focus and vying for your attention, vying for your belief. The enemy has been coming against many of you with his false narratives to lure you into unholy agreements of unbelief, but I say unto you, that in this hour you will see the greatest demonstrations of My power as you see My Word go forth and manifest in your lives.
‘For I say unto you, that there is a greater awakening taking place to the power of My Word. The power of My Word and My Spirit to break chains, to heal and to deliver. Feast not upon the lies of the enemy, feast not upon weariness, foreboding or entertain outcomes, but I say unto you, come deeper into My Word and apprehend by faith what I have promised you.
‘For I say unto you, that there are many that are still caught in the deluge of disappointments. But I say unto you, refuse to remain in the place of entertaining disappointments, and know that in this hour I am setting you free from the disappointments that have caged and contained you. I say unto you, that I am bringing you deeper into a new realm of faith and expectation and hope in Me.
‘My people, where there is struggle, where there is wrestle, where there is battle, where there is tension: anchor yourselves even deeper in My Word, for THERE you shall find Me and find life. I say unto you, watch the words that flow from your mouths, watch carefully that which you speak. There is great power in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and there are many that are eating the fruit of that which they have spoken. I am calling you deeper into the declaration of My Word.
‘I am calling you deeper into the awakening to the power of that which you speak. For I say unto you, that there are greater demonstrations of My power than you have seen: My miraculous power that will manifest in this hour as you speak forth My Word and you repeat My rhema. For I say unto you, watch the miracles that will manifest in this hour as you continue to stand upon My Word and fill your minds and your mouths with that which I am speaking and have spoken.
‘For there is a great temptation in this hour to lay down your arms. There is a temptation to stop fighting and to give up your weapon of faith because of much of what many have walked, but I say unto you, continue to stand (Ephesians 6). I say unto you, STAND! STAND! STAND! Where many of you have felt like you do not have strength to continue to stand, I say unto you, that you will find the strength TO stand in Me and you will find strength AS you stand in Me.
‘I say unto you, that you are coming into a deeper place of knowing the supernatural strength that is found in Me. I say unto you, do not place faith within weariness, but place your faith in Me; knowing that I am sustaining you, I am strengthening you and I AM restoring you and restoring your hope, and taking you into deeper realms of faith in this hour.
‘I say unto you, that I am bringing you into a deeper revelation of My FINISHED WORK! I say unto you, that where many of you have felt like you have come to the end of yourself, where you are facing impossibilities, where you are facing mountains and giants; I say unto you, that as you allow my Spirit to continue to teach you to walk by faith and to believe, you will see the power of MY FINISHED WORK bring resurrection power into your lives and circumstances that you thought were finished and over.
‘I am calling you deeper, My people. I am calling you deeper into the secret place, coming to Me in humility to be schooled by My Spirit in the walk of faith. Embrace My workings, embrace the move of My Spirit to continue to teach you My ways and establish and secure you in My Word in greater ways; and know that as you partner with Me in this hour, I am causing you to arise in greater faith to partner with Me in all that I have promised you. This IS the hour to ascend and apprehend. My people, know that in this hour, in the tension and in the wrestle by My Spirit, I am strengthening you in endurance – by My Spirit – with a strength that you have not known before. A strength that is found in ME and in MY UNFAILING, ALWAYS REMAINING, NEVER CHANGING WORD.’
‘The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.’
Isaiah 40:8
‘All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.’
1 Peter 1:24-25