Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Don’t be surprised by the battle over the TAKE BACK.’ When the Lord spoke these words, I went into a vision and I saw many who were going back into lands that were forfeited or lands where the enemy came and plundered.

The Lord showed me that there was a mighty shift taking place in many right now, where they had been looking at these lands that were forfeited because of circumstances, trials, discouragement, despair, burn out, weariness and opposition. They were looking at the lands where the enemy came and stole and plundered; and where they had previously looked at these lands with such sadness, discouragement and hope deferred, there was now a FRESH FIRE that the Lord was igniting in their hands to violently go after the TAKING BACK of that which is theirs to occupy and they had felt driven out by the enemy.

I saw this ferocity in their eyes to apprehend again that which is theirs and that which is promised to them by the Lord and that which the Lord has anointed them to partner with Him in, in part of their destiny and assignment.

I saw these ones arising in such ferocity and beginning to step back into these forfeited and stolen/plundered places. I then began to see such resistance at the threshold. There was significant demonic activity and significant push-back that was coming against these ones at the crossover. But it was then that I heard the voice of the Lord say, ‘GO FORTH! NOW YOU SHALL PLUNDER AND APPREHEND ALL THAT IS YOURS, AND STEP IN WITH GREATER FAVOUR, PROVISION AND GATHER ALL THE SPOILS AND MORE.’

The sense surrounded me so strongly that there was a call from the Lord to NOT retreat: and the intensity of the resistance was an indicator of the magnitude of that which was going to be apprehended and the magnitude of the move of His Spirit they there were being invited into in the taking back of these lands and places that He had called them to move in.

As I continued to lean in and listen to the Lord’s heart, I heard:

‘SPEAK TO THE GIANTS! SPEAK TO THE OPPOSITION AND WATCH IT COME DOWN. I say unto you, My people, that many of you are facing some of the most intense opposition in this transition, but I am moving you into not only the taking back of what was forfeited and that which had been plundered, but I am also moving you into a new realm of seeing the NEW THINGS that I am birthing. BEHOLD, I say unto you, I am doing a NEW THING in your midst (Isaiah 43:19). I say unto you, that where the enemy has come with such disorientation and discouragement in these areas where you have felt chased out by the enemy, now you shall receive some of the greatest revelation and clarity by My Spirit to move with Me in the new things that I am going to do in reoccupation of these lands that you have moved out from.

‘I say unto you, ‘GO AGAIN! I say unto you, BEGIN AGAIN! I say unto you, GO FORTH again and watch the victory that shall manifest in your midst. I say unto you, that as you step back into these places of “take-back” you shall see expanse and increase in ways you have not seen. For where the enemy came to plunder in these areas, I am now bringing you forth again, in divine comeback, mobilising you again to move forth and move into MULTIPLICATION.

‘I say unto you, that where the enemy came to attempt to chase you out and bring such deep weariness and discouragement in the battle to lure you into choosing to forfeit, you will see by the power of My hand a mighty increase in your midst and these very areas where the enemy tried to chase you out become some of the greatest areas of HARVEST for My Kingdom and to see people come to know Me. These areas where the enemy tried to take you out, watch how they will become nets to bring in the harvest.

‘I say unto you, My people, watch over your mouths. Watch over what you speak over these lands that you are taking back. I say unto you, speak life, not death. Speak blessing, not curse. Be not careless with your words and speak not what you see in the natural, but speak that which you SEE IN ME. I say unto you, that there shall be such an increase of the manifestation of the miraculous in your midst as you align your faith with that which I am speaking and what I am revealing to you in the heavenly realm and through My Word.

‘Speak what you see Me speaking and revealing, and SO IT SHALL BE. Do not allow the enemy to lure you into speaking death at the doorway of the take-back because of the level of opposition you are facing. Stand in your authority and speak to the giants and speak My name and that which I am speaking, and WATCH that which is attempting to stop you from taking back that which I am causing you to apprehend again come down, and the very things used against you turned by My hand for your good.

‘It’s time for the take-back. It’s time for the come-back. It’s time for you to take back that which was taken and that which was left, and begin again. It’s time to move forth in victory in Me in these areas unlike that which you have experienced before; and watch the expansion and increase of that which I will cause you to build with Me in these very areas that the enemy tried to take you out of. These areas of take-back, as you follow My leading and My Spirit, will not only be taken back and reoccupied in My strength and you will stand in great victory, you will find a new level of empowering grace to move into the new things I have for you in these lands and areas and to build with Me in great expanse from a place of such deep rest, joy and empowerment in Me.

‘The giants of intimidation and fear tried to chase many of you out in many ways, but now you shall see how I will BAPTISE YOU IN BOLDNESS afresh by My Spirit, to partner with Me in all I am going to do in these lands and areas you are taking back. Watch the new level of authority that you will step into in the take-back. You will be awakened to the authority you have in Me in ways that will astound you. Walking in deeper revelation of My power and My authority in you, as you live in Me and partner with Me in all I am going to do, is going to cause the enemy to tremble as MY GLORY and My name is lifted high and proclaimed in the earth.’