Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser, July 25 2024

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Do not be afraid of the simplifying for I am making room for increase.’

‘As I leaned in and listened to the Lord I heard, ‘My people do not be afraid of the shaking. For I am bringing you My people into a place of greater focus. I am bringing you into a place of refined focus upon Me.

‘For I am shaking all that can be shaken in this hour, and that which is not for this season and also things that were not built upon Me, will not remain. I am bringing forth a shaking now that is clearing out that which cannot be carried into the new season.

‘As I am shaking and clearing, I am bringing forth an upgrade. I am bringing you, My people — in the pressing and in the pressure on every side — into a place of deeper dependence upon Me, and I am bringing you into a greater realm of hearing, receiving and seeing My divine wisdom. I say unto you, that you cannot move forward in this season without hearing and receiving My wisdom. The need to hear and receive My wisdom in the days in which you are living is incredibly important. For there is much turbulence in the spirit right now and you must not rely on what you have known, how you have moved with Me in the previous seasons or even how you think things will turn out or should look. You MUST call out to Me for My wisdom and be prepared to obey and move no matter what My wisdom looks like to you or those around you.

‘For I have new strategies that I am calling you to move in, in this hour. These strategies — My divine wisdom — will feel foreign to many of you, as it is taking you in pathways that you have not walked in before. But I say unto you, as you obey where I am leading, as you implement and build UPON and FROM My wisdom, you shall see great increase in your midst. You shall see My presence and My glory open up the realm of fruitfulness, life and increase that is found in Me. For it will be very clear in this season who is building upon My wisdom and who chooses to remain in what they have known, in a greater way than you have seen before.

‘For the shaking is increasing and the urgency to walk in and know My wisdom is increasing. For I am not a God who withholds My wisdom, I am the One who is wisdom itself, and I will not turn away a hungry heart. This is the hour that you must crave and call out for My wisdom. And as you come to Me with a humble and teachable heart, oh how I will answer you and lead you into My ways and the understanding of My ways on an unprecedented scale.

‘For I say unto you, that in the shaking and in the pressure, there is a continual revealing of the heart. I am refining hearts at deep, deep levels to bring you deeper into the place of union and oneness with Me. For in Me, there is oneness. You have been grafted into Me and in Me, you live and move and have your being. But there are many who are not walking in sensitivity and oneness with My heartbeat, and their pace is not matching the pace of My heart. For this is not a time to be found running at your own pace. This is the time to be found nestled into My heart, knowing Me and the rhythm of My heart and following in the pace of My heartbeat.

 ‘There are many of you who are in the birthing canal. You are in the space where I am upgrading the operating system of building in your midst. I am shifting structures. I am changing strategies. I am bringing you into a greater understanding of the intricate instructions of what I am building in and through you in this hour, and how you are to make room for the move of My Spirit. But you must continue to move in obedience to Me and lay down your own agendas. For many will look and call you foolish for your radically abandoned trust and deep dives of faith that I am calling you to. But as you follow where I lead, oh the increase and the fruitfulness that you shall see. Oh the habitation of My Glory that shall be in your midst.

‘Do not allow the landscape of the last season to contain you. Do not allow the landscape dreams of how you wish and long for things to be to chain you. I am calling you deeper, My people, into the depths of trust: letting go of the reins and allowing Me to shift and move and build things as I desire, remembering that I AM THE BUILDER. Continue to lay down the landscape dreams of how you wish and long for things to be, and watch how I shall far exceed that which you could ever dream. For in the changing of the landscape, alignments are and must shift. There is an even greater exposing of alignments that I am bringing forth right now, and I say unto you do NOT allow your heart to keep you in alignments that I am moving you on from. Do not allow your heart to be entangled when a season has ended. For I am moving you from old season alignments into new season alignments, where you will see My glory and My favour upon these alignments in ways that you have never seen before.

‘Be open to unexpected alignments. Be open to unexpected ways that I will move, and be open to unexpected strategies. Be not quick to judge things as ‘not of Me’ because they are not fitting into your expectations. I am calling you, My people, deeper into a place of living with open hands. Do not be afraid of that which I am simplifying. Do not be afraid of pruning in areas that I am pruning, and be not afraid of the doors I close or the NO I give. For I am building and shaping things and making room for a mighty move of My Spirit that YOU CANNOT YET SEE. I am going to move suddenly and swiftly in some areas and you will see that simplicity and simplifying is actually the birthing ground for expansion and increase.

‘Come deeper in trust, My people, listen to My wisdom and My intricate instructions. For this moment is crucial for that which I am birthing and for My Glory to come.’