Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Arise, arise, arise in divine defiance towards that which is trying to hold you back.’

When the Lord spoke these words the sense of RESISTANCE against many was SO strong. But as I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard these words:

‘There is great resistance coming against many right now that is attempting to stop you from moving into that which I am leading you into. I say unto you, that as you ARISE IN DIVINE DEFIANCE towards that which is trying to hold you back, you will see that by My Spirit, I am turning that which is trying to stop you into RESISTANCE TRAINING and that which is going to catapult you further into all I have for you.’

When the Lord spoke these words, it reminded me of when the Lord first spoke to me a number of years ago to start boxing. He said to me that when I would start boxing and in the resistance training, He would strengthen me physically and He would meet me deeply. In that season He taught me MUCH about endurance and in the resistance, the STRENGTHENING that comes forth.

The sense surrounded me so strongly that there would be a temptation not to arise and push in this hour and to allow one’s mind and heart to be overcome by the resistance, but the Lord is calling those in this place of facing intense resistance to arise in DIVINE DEFIANCE to this resistance.

As I continued to seek the Lord’s heart, I heard:
‘My people, do not entertain or align with the resistance that is pushing hard against you. I am calling you to arise in divine defiance to that which is attempting to resist you and intimidate you.

Arise in divine defiance IN FAITH. My people, pay attention to the areas where you are facing most resistance for right now, for there is a mighty inheritance and a greater partnership with My Spirit awaiting you in these areas. For many of you, you will have to overcome fear, you will have to come out of hiding, you will have to stop dancing with intimidation and allowing it to steal your voice. It’s time to arise and take back that which I have promised you.

‘I say unto you, that there is a great and mighty increase of the winds of change that are blowing in those areas where resistance is attempting to set up camp in your lives. I say unto you, that as you arise in ferocious faith in this hour, in divine defiance against the resistance, you will find yourselves partnering with a move of My Spirit that is greater than you realised. I am opening up the unexpected. I say unto you, that there are new spaces of occupation and inheritance that are before many of you and there is great resistance that is attempting to hinder you from apprehending that which I have promised you.

‘I say unto you, that you must stand and ferociously push against the darkness that is attempting to cause many of you to remain withdrawn and hidden. I say unto you, that this is the hour where I am causing you to arise and take back that which is yours. For there will be great strengthening, great restoration, great healing and great recompense AS YOU ARISE in this hour. I say unto you, that there are giants that are attempting to cause you to withdraw from that which I have for you right now. But I say unto you, as you ARISE, STAND and PUSH BACK IN FAITH – in divine defiance to the resistance that is attempting to take many of you out and derail you – that you will find the greatest empowerment of My strength and the strengthening of endurance and your faith, in this hour, that you have ever experienced.

‘The enemy is trying to keep many of you in INACTIVITY, and I say unto you, that this is the time for you to ARISE and to MOBILISE. This is the hour for you to MOVE. This is the hour for you to MARCH FORTH and to OCCUPY. Watch, as you arise and step out, the move of My Spirit that you shall meet in your midst and the level of bold faith that I will baptise you in – as you step forth led by My Spirit.

‘I say unto you, do not be lured and soothed to sleep by the lullaby of fear and the lullaby of the enemy to keep you hidden. This is the hour where you must arise in the authority that I have given to you in Me, and you must ferociously TAKE WHAT IS YOURS. I say unto you, that in the resistance and in the TAKING in this hour, you are going to not only inherit and move into that which I have promised – on a scale that you have not even imagined or been able to comprehend – I am strengthening you for the days ahead. You MUST ARISE and you MUST MOVE.

‘I say unto you, My people, that when I SPEAK, I bring CLARITY. I say unto you, move OUT of the lands of confusion. Arise in DIVINE DEFIANCE against the confusion that is attempting to keep you hidden, bound and intimidated; and arise and defy the confusion and take the bold step of faith to move on that which I have spoken to you. For I say unto you, that there have been winds of confusion that have come against so many in this hour to keep you hidden, to keep you bound and to keep you intimidated; but the winds of CLARITY and the winds of My empowerment are increasing to empower you to ARISE and STAND.

‘I say unto you, that as you arise in divine defiance against the resistance that is coming against you, you will see PROVISION like you have not seen before. You will see an empowering strength, a physical provision, all that you need given to you in the increase of My grace upon what I am calling you to do and what I am calling you to apprehend by faith – to move into a greater level of partnering with Me in what I am doing in your midst and My Kingdom being extended.

‘My people, there are many that are shrinking back in this hour, and I am calling you by My Spirit to arise and to stand in bold faith and deep surrender in Me. To not only see mighty restoration come into your lives, but to see a great acceleration and entering into mighty works that I have planned to do in and through your lives in this season.

‘My people, you have to take it by faith. You have to apprehend it by faith. These are the days where you are going to see the greatest demonstrations of My power. These are the days of a mighty divine comeback, restoration and recompense for many. This is the hour of great visitation and I am calling you deeper into the place of NO TOLERANCE of anything that is opposite to My Word and that which I am speaking. I say unto you, that as you continue to draw close to Me in this hour, I am branding you with My fire in ways you have not experienced before. Cry out, cry out, cry out. I am branding you with a fresh fire that will see unbelief uprooted and new levels of faith increased as you draw close to Me and sit deeply in My Word.

‘I say unto you, that there are many who have had scales over their eyes in this season and I say unto you, “HERE COME MY FIRE! HERE COMES MY FIRE.” My fire will mark your eyes afresh with heavenly vision and deeper insight that you have ever known. Cry out for My fire on your eyes.

Cry out for My fire upon your eyes and you will see like you have never seen before. The enemy has come hard after the spiritual sight of many in this hour, and I say unto you, that as you come before Me in humility and cry out for the fire upon your eyes, WATCH as I open your eyes to see things you have never seen before.

‘Watch as I increase your spiritual insight, discernment and the ability to see in the Spirit that which is really taking place. Many in this hour have been so chained by the smoke and mirrors of the enemy, and I say unto you, NO MORE. NO more shall your vision be hindered as you seek Me and sit deeply in My Word. Such battle has taken place over your sight because of the level of DIVINE INSIGHT I am bringing you into.

Arise, My people, arising in divine defiance against the resistance and watch My empowering grace strengthen you and your faith in this hour to apprehend ALL that I have for you.’

‘From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.’
Matthew 11:12