Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
I had a dream recently where I kept seeing the word FIREBRAND burning all around. I saw the word coming up out of what seems like ‘ashes’ and was burning on fire and brightly.
When I awoke from this dream I looked up the definition of FIREBRAND..
1. A piece of burning wood
2. A person who is very passionate about a particular cause (synonyms – radical, revolutionary) (
As I sat on the definition of this word I felt the Lord say “HERE COMES THE FIREBRANDS!!!” and there was such a sense of the Lord has been doing a VERY DEEP WORK in His people. The fire of opposition that has come against God’s people to attempt to kill them, the fiery trials that many felt would take them out, the fire that came and left many feeling like they are in a heap of ashes so burnt the Lord has been doing a DEEP WORK. In things ‘heating up’ in the natural in not a great way, the Lord has been working amongst the fire to bring forth GOOD.
In the fire that many have been facing I saw a supernatural encounter with the FIRE OF GOD that released an impartation and increase of passion for His Kingdom and His Kingdom cause that is unexplainable considering what many have walked through and faced, but there are miracles in the fire. The people of God are about to rise as FIREBRANDS. Where many have felt “burnt”, I felt the Lord saying “As you have clung to me, even though the fire has felt so hot, seven times hotter than ever, I have preserved you and now through radical encounters with My fire, not only will you be healed, you are rising up as a FIREBRAND and moved forward to REVOLUTIONISE in My name! “
These FIREBRANDS are rising up with deeper revelation of His nature and His Word and are releasing into the body of Christ TRUTH. Anything faulty or thought patterns that are standing against or attempting to defy God and His authority are being brought down. These FIREBRANDS are demolishing strategies of the enemy and releasing the STRATEGY of heaven. I kept hearing the words “LISTEN TO THE FIREBRANDS! THE HAVE BEEN THROUGH THE FIRE AND THEIR FRUIT TESTIFIES TO THEIR INTEGRITY AND INTIMACY WITH ME! THEY ARE CARRYING A BREAKER ANOINTING TO SET CAPTIVES FREE, ESPECIALLY CAPTIVES IN THE CHURCH!”
These FIREBRANDS having been purified and tested in the fire are rising up with a VOICE OF PURITY, calling the body of Christ higher and away from any impure heart motive and deeper into the secret place to allow the Spirit of God to prune, purify and purge to bring the body of Christ out further, stronger and shining like gold.
These FIREBRANDS are rising up like SIGNPOSTS and COMPASSES for the body of Christ to move the Church not only deeper into intimacy but deeper into holiness, purity and freedom.
“For although we live in the natural realm, we do not wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead our spiritual weapons are energised with divine power to effectively dismantle the defences behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as you choose complete obedience.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-7 (The Passion Translation)
The fear and intimidation that has attempted to keep you bound in the fire is melting away in His love and you are rising up RADICAL and more FREE than ever.
The enemy has overplayed his hand. Where he has attempted to burn you in the fire, the Lord is showing you the enemy’s tactics and his plans, so that you may gain greater insight and overcome. As you arise now as divine FIREBRANDS releasing His fire, passion all around, and seeing Him revolutionise families, places and people through you, you are armed and dangerous. Many in the fire have seen the strategy of the enemy over their life and the lives of others and are now rising up awakened to their authority in Him and shutting down the fire the enemy is releasing everywhere and they are in turn releasing the fire of God wherever they go increasing passion, hunger and igniting destiny and cause in others.
FIREBRANDS YOU ARE ARISING! NOW IS YOUR TIME! As you partner with Him you are moving forward in the power of the Holy Spirit to see a major divine revolution take place.

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  • Rae Graber

    Today the Lord spoke to me about three baptisms. The first baptism is that of John which is a water baptism of repentance. The next baptism is that of the Holy Spirit. The third and final baptism is the baptism of fire. (Mat 3:11) Three significant 3:11 scriptures talk about this third baptism of fire. Daniel 3:11, Matt 3:11, and Proverbs 3:11. The seven times hotter furnace of Daniel is describing the fiery furnace of purification that occurs when we refuse to bow down to idols. When we love not our lives and willingly die to self, the chastening of the Lord burns off the chaff and separates it from the “finest of the wheat”. In the refiner’s fire, we are clothed in new wine skins of light, transfigured, and able to walk with…

    • Paula Mastrodonato

      Yes! Tonight l heard from Heaven,”You are a firebrand!” Let me burn brighter for You! l will not hide my light or hold m vack in fear! Jer. 29:11-13 l yield to YOUR plans to set me APART for a HOLY Purpose!!?⚡?

  • Rhoda

    I recently asked God for Jeremiah 1:9 for me and my posterity and He quickly responded with Isaiah 59:21, but then yesterday I read Jeremiah 5:14 so I begin to pray that. Always with a loving and respectful additude (I Peter 3:15) but like fire, effectual. Your words I read today seem to say God will grant.
    A few years back before “the onslaught ” when God was giving dreams and forewarning about…I awoke to the audible voice of the Lord repeating: “You will rise from the ashes…” and “Keep My laws ever before thee…” over and over. It comes back to me now that you write this.
    I ask the Lord, let me always remember to HUMBLE MYSELF before You daily.
    I love I Chronicles 29:11
    “… and out of Your own hand we give to You.”…

  • Geri

    Thank you Abba Father for Your Word through Lana! Very timely and much needed in this season of intense heat.

  • Rose

    “The enemy has overplayed his hand. Where he has attempted to burn you in the fire, the Lord is showing you the enemy’s tactics and his plans, so that you may gain greater insight and overcome”
    These words have left me weeping. Tho caught in a snare, I have kept God’s Word faithfully in my heart, which blazes in and thru and to Him. I look not to myself, by to the ONE Whose WORD is Living Truth.

  • Rose

    Matthew Henry Commentary:
    Psalm91:1-8 He that by faith chooses God for his protector, shall find all in him that he needs or can desire. And those who have found the comfort of making the Lord their refuge, cannot but desire that others may do so. The spiritual life is protected by Divine grace from the temptations of Satan, which are as the snares of the fowler, and from the contagion of sin, which is a noisome pestilence. Great security is promised to believers in the midst of danger. Wisdom shall keep them from being afraid without cause, and faith shall keep them from being unduly afraid. Whatever is done, our heavenly Father’s will is done; and we have no reason to fear.

  • Rose

    God’s people shall see, not only God’s promises fulfilled, but his threatenings. Then let sinners come unto the Lord upon his mercy-seat, through the Redeemer’s name; and encourage others to trust in him also.

  • Alan Jones

    Thank you Lana! Someone sent this to me today – super encouraging! I’m a South African living in Tacoma. We planted Firebrand Church 2 years ago and it has been exactly as you describe.
    What an amazing, faithful God we serve!