Prophetic Words


Hey Friends, I am SO honoured and excited to be included in this incredible compilation of prophetic words for 2018 with these amazing, trusted prophetic voices, put together by Larry Sparks at Destiny Image.
Here is a brief description of the book and you can go to the link below to download this amazing FREE resource. There Follow the directions to the checkout at the end to download.
I believe this is an important, significant and weighty compilation of prophetic words for 2018, I highly encourage you to download it and share this so others can be blessed by this book.
From Larry Sparks:
Featuring Prophetic Words from…
Lana Vawser, James W. Goll, Dr. Bill Hamon, Jane Hamon, Rebecca Greenwood, Jennifer LeClaire, Robert Henderson, Ryan LeStrange, Ana Werner, Torrey Marcel harper, Tim Sheets, Doug Addison, Beverley Watkins, Jeremiah Johnson, Charlie Shamp, Jesse and Amy Shamp, and Cindy Jacobs
What is the Holy Spirit Saying for 2018?
When God speaks through prophetic voices and words, He is giving His people instruction, direction, and revelation about the “times and seasons” ahead.
Prophetic words are invitations. God the Sovereign speaks, and we, His people, have the responsibility to respond through prayer, obedience and supernatural action!
In this unique compilation, you will receive 18 unique prophetic words from trusted generals of the prophetic and powerful emerging voices, all providing you a supernatural blueprint for 2018. ”
You should be able to go to this link and purchase the FREE e-book, just like you were making a formal purchase from the Destiny Image store:


  • Licinda Stevens

    Hallelujah!!!Beautiful, Lana!!Thank you too to you and Larry Sparks for the free resources! Super exciting all round!!!

  • Diane

    My God! This is so right on time to what was going on inside of me, I thank God for using you so mightly. Thank you for your boldness and your prompt obedience for you are truly a voice to be trusted right down to the second.

  • Timothy Young

    Mrs. Lena Foster I read your word every day I know you’re a prophet I’m going through a great deal of difficulty right now the Lord is not really speaking to me he speaking but not about the problems that I’m going through I’m sending you this hoping that you will read it I asked you that you pray and even contact me because I’m out of work and I’ve been out of work for 8 months I’ve been living on my 401k and I really need to hear word from God please Lana if you read this I pray God give you a word I really I know I’m supposed to be standing in faith the night I’m doing the best I can it just when you get hit so hard by the devil he attacks your face and I know he is I’ve gone through this before it’s just the closer it comes to the Lord answering your prayer the harder hit you and I would really appreciate it if you would pray over this and even contact me at the Lord directs you thank you

  • Celeste Hofer

    I don’t see prophecies by Kat Kerr or Mark Taylor listed on the front. I hope they are. I love your words Lana.

  • Neci Eden

    God has used you in so many ways step forth sister in your divine calling. Be a watchmen on the hill. Blessings