Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
I saw encounters with Jesus upon God’s people that is seeing the release of a DIVINE CLINCHER into their lives and circumstances. 
DEFINITION OF CLINCHER: fact, argument, or event that settles a matter conclusively.
I saw these encounters being so momentous and transforming, and so profound where God’s people experience His power on an unprecedented level and there is sudden breakthrough and victory. 
In the middle of these encounters I saw a very large hammer being brought down by the hand of God upon chains, assignments of the enemy upon believers, upon injustices and upon impossibilities and as the hammer met with these intense, pressure filled situations I heard the loudest cracking sound in the spirit and I heard the words “DIVINE CLINCHER”. 
The sense of finality surrounded me. The “end of the story”. The end of the assault, onslaught and injustice.  The sense surrounded me again of the Warrior King, the Dread Champion arising (Jeremiah 20:11) and bringing a FINAL BREAKING THROUGH that sent the enemy running in dread. Where he has come time after time to bring dread and such onslaught against believers who are moving forward and taking ground, the Lord was fighting for them and bringing an end to these vicious attacks. 
From this place of encounter I saw the people of God rising up as dread champions and moving out courageous, bold, fearless and with such authority and creating havoc for the kingdom of darkness through the incredible move of the Spirit and Glory of God rising on them and through them. 
The enemy has tried to take many of you out lately. He has tried to kill many of you. He has come again viciously to attempt to steal from you BUT encounters with Jesus are before you that are SO PROFOUND and GLORIOUS that will see the Dread Champion arise on your behalf with a hammer in His hand to strike that which has come against you and release a DIVINE FINALITY. 
Many of you have felt you have been in this season of absolute onslaught, we have been in a season of confrontation but He has been working in you and deepening your roots in Him and now there is a great turning taking place from the season of onslaught to the greater accelerated spirit driven and empowered SOAR!
“You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) 

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  • Lili

    Yes, even as this word was being received, He was describing to me, the final justice gavel being lowered upon everything that the enemy had any access to in my bloodline and my estranged (falsely divorced) husband and father to my children! Amen and amen!

  • Deborah

    I too saw something similar two days ago. I saw the Lord kicking down what seemed like a wall and I knew with the kick there was a righteous anger and He was demonstrating to me, enough is enough! The barrier the stronghold IS coming down!!

  • Franca Mercati

    Amen ! I receive this message, thank you! yes indeed the devil has tried to kill me several times…I had 3 car crashes, 2 of which were near death accidents and it’s a miracle I am alive, also a man almost choked to me death…all this happened since I arrived in Tanzania 2 years ago…the attacks keep coming, but I have no fear as God sent me here and He keeps saving my there is no need to be afraid. The devil is now attacking my health, my finances and all my relationships, he has not given up yet but he is wasting his time, as I am not leaving this country. God sent me here and here I will remain until God says to move to another country ! if the devil keeps attacking me it means he is worried about me,

  • Susan M

    AMEN!GLORY TO GOD! Lana, I was praying at bedtime tonight specifically for a faithful prayer warrior friend who’s been fiercely attacked and robbed of sleep, (also for divine release myself from disturbing spirits attacking my sleep for months in my inner city neighborhood, etc.,) The Lord said, “Arise, and pray aloud and declare DELIVERANCE, for your friend, self, & others contending hard for My Kingdom who face similar strategic oppressive demonic assignments of robbery — which I will shatter!!” I got up to pray & read your breakthrough message tonight about God’s hammer dealing with ‘finality’. The Lord also showed me a cup overflowing with oil, saying, “My cup RUNNETH OVER!” No more robbery of My overflow!!” Alleluia!

  • Robear

    Confirmation, indeed, yea the Father is coming through for me, breakthrough, is at hand, Yes the vicious attacks, I endured,
    painful, my enemies tried to take me out, yet he has failed. I
    am victorious, Victory, is my portion, assured in this season
    of my life. Glory to God !!! Amen !!!! I’m an Overcomer !!!!!

  • Elizabeth Ricci

    Thank You Lord for hearing our cries for help and deliverance from the enemy;s vicious relentless attacks. We praise your Holy name. Come Lord Jesus we wait on you for your Fire to crush the enemies.

  • Deborah Lobo

    Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Amen! Thank you Jesus! Yes! I declare that the works of the wicked have been smashed! It is finished in the mighty name of Jesus!!!!!??
    God bless you Princess. Lana your posts are always timely. Thank you and mighty blessings in Christ.?

  • Rhoda

    Just read this before I checked your post and the date 8/10/16 is written by it also: Jeremiah 23:29 Is not My word like fire says the LORD, and like a HAMMER that breaks in pieces the rock [of the most stubborn resistance]?
    Then: Isaiah 30:30 And the LORD shall cause His glorious voice to be heard and the descending blow of His arm to be seen, coming down with indignant anger and with the flame of a devouring fire, amid crashing blast and cloudburst, tempest, and hailstorm.
    And more “good news”, talked to God about concerns once again in my body last night as I was lying down (as R/T your last posts), and this morning He responded with same scriptures as He had before- the women with issue of blood.
    Matt. 9:33 & Mark 5:34

  • Tascha M Smith

    Thank you! I literally cannot take it any more…. It is too much… I asked God for rest. Just like some of David’s soldiers I’m tired of this back to back to back attacks. He said I will receive the spoil! The enemy has been found & I will recover all! Amen I just need the manifestation NOW! In the name of Jesus! I’m ready for my fireworks & popcorn.

  • Monica Singh

    Lana, you are truly hearing from the voice of the Lord. I came upon your website at the beginning of this year while researching a topic. I was so touched by your word that I decided to subscribe for your daily emails. My sister passed away on the 28th of August 2013, at the time of her death, her boyfriend said she had committed suicide, but he is now being charged with her murder. Her case was for the 18-20August 2016 but was remanded for 20-21 October 2016. Her death day is 28 August and your word is for our case. PRAISE THE LORD FOR VICTORY.AMEN
    Your word today about the Divine Clincher is for me. Justice and the hammer in court. I asked the Lord for a word and he heard and you have written it.

  • arie hofman

    Had a huge encounter with the Spirit of God yesterday in church. Awesome! Promptly told someone about God at work afterwards. 🙂

  • JoAnne Robinson

    This is so on Point with what has been happening in our life . We’ve been going Deeper with God thru all storms & assaults . We receive this word Today . Thank you Lana