Prophetic Words


I was at my son’s school picking him up and as I drove away my eyes were drawn to the school fence that had 20 or 30 storks (birds) all in a line. I was drawn to them, and was talking to my son Elijah about them. Daddy then tells Elijah that in stories people have written they have said that storks carry new babies to Mummy’s and Daddy’s (but it’s just a story 😉 ). I then stop at our local supermarket to pick up something and I walk past aisles and aisles of Easter Eggs, when my eye then caught a Lindt chocolate bunny but it had a HUGE belly like it was pregnant. God incidence? 😉
I came home and went into worship with a question to Him about these “symbols” and the words that came to me instantly was.. “BABY BOOM”.
The body of Christ has been in the birthing process, all at different stages, and there has been a constant “pushing” and “contending” that has been happening.
Today I sensed the Lord saying that the “babies are being delivered now” and there is going to be a huge “baby boom” in the Kingdom of God over the next few months.
The next seven days were highlighted to me especially over Easter that was going to mark the beginning of a great baby boom in the Kingdom. Babies (fulfilment) will be seen on extended, increased, accelerated levels. I saw a flood of testimonies coming into the body of Christ especially over the next seven days to mark the beginning of this baby boom in the Kingdom.
I sensed the Lord saying today as I saw those storks that as the people of God have aligned themselves with Him and continued to press in, everything is “in line” for the “delivery”.
God has set everything up for a great “revealing”.
There is going to be a breaking of the heavy burden many have felt in the birthing process. Weary hands will be strengthened again, as babies are going to be delivered. The supernatural delivery of heaven. The pain has been intense in the labouring. There has been anguish for many but overwhelming joy awaits. In the joy many are stepping into in their delivery the “pain” will be forgotten because of the joy of holding what was promised in their hands.
“It will be just as a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby, yet after the child is born she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world.” – John 16:21 – The Passion Translation
I also saw miraculous conceptions taking place, where many have been told they could never have children, or have not fallen pregnant when there has been a great desire to but constant obstacles, I saw these "walls" being broken and miraculous conceptions taking place. Contending for pregnancies was ending and testimonies of miraculous conceptions bursting forth.
I sensed many have been having dreams about birthing, about holding babies, about giving birth and SEEING the baby and holding the baby in their hands. I believe the Lord has been saying that this baby boom is going to see many holding the babies they have been birthing in their hands. A physical manifestation and representation of a promise fulfilled will be placed into your hands.
What many have been told is impossible and could not possibly be birthed and is impossible in the natural is being birthed now through His promise and faithfulness. (Hebrews 11:11)
The season is shifting from birthing to caring for the baby and stewarding the “baby” that has been released.
It is time to lean in and ask for WISDOM. For as this baby boom explodes in the body of Christ, wisdom is needed to care, love and steward this “heavenly delivery” well. The book of Proverbs is a book the Lord is highlighting for many in this “heavenly delivery” as it contains much insight into what the Lord is releasing.
I saw many mothers and fathers in the Kingdom who have been lifting others up higher than themselves, encouraging many, loving many, praying for many, mentoring many to expand them to go further than they ever have. These mothers and fathers in the Kingdom have been giving and giving and giving and giving selflessly. Often at times these mothers and fathers have wondered when their own “heavenly delivery” would take place, but have continued to love and uplift others. These mothers and fathers are now moving into a place of abundant harvest. The “revealing” of how God has set everything up perfectly for them, and they are now going to see the “physical manifestation” of long awaited promises. Faithfulness to Him and serving others is being rewarded.
I also had a picture of a hen and all her chicks under her wing and had a sense that God is also raising up many women and men in the Kingdom to “gather” spiritual sons and daughters. As this “gathering” is taking place they are arising as spiritual mothers and fathers and teaching these sons and daughters how to go deeper, to hear Him, to press in and move in great victory and authority that is already theirs. Moving deeper in intimacy with our beautiful Jesus.
Keep your eyes open and ears attuned to the Spirit. If you feel the call upon your life to be a mother or father in the Kingdom and the Lord is beginning to highlight people to you, press in and ask Him for wisdom, for He is raising up mothers and fathers now that is going to bring GREAT HEALING to generations.
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  • Brenda W Boyd

    Hi Lana, Thank you for this word. I feel as though it is for me. I have been under such a burden and cannot seem to shake it. I also sensed something else.
    Dr. Brenda Boyd, MBA, MM
    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 02:19:50 +0000 To: [email protected]

  • Philomena J Samuel

    A beautiful encouragement! The pain has indeed been intense and the burden unbearable. I wait expectantly for the breakthrough in my family and financial situation. It has been anguish since 2nd October 2011 but I’m waiting for the overwhelming joy and peace that the Lord promises.

  • Terry Vos

    This is awesome. Lana I wanted to give you and your husband an Update. We had our baby boy Luke on March 4th. He was born at 32 weeks. I almost lost my wife and baby, but by the Love and grace of God he saved them both. Baby Luke is getting discharged today a month early from His due date May 2nd. The Doctors are amazed that he didn’t need any medications, no assistance breathing, and all brain scans came back normal. Luke has met all criteria’s to be discharged and he did it exactly a month early. THANK YOU JESUS!!!! I want to thank you Lana for sending out prophetic messages during this journey that greatly encouraged my wife and me and many others. Thank you for being an instrument for God. OH and God has restored my marriage I’m flying to Alaska on April 12th and bringing back to Colorado my whole family.. YAY!!!

  • Jill Basener

    I thought it was for you, too. Especially the part about mothers and fathers in the kingdom!
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Elsie Bouwman

    Oh, that’s why I saw the Goll family in the Spirit today as I was doing chores in the barn. I saw that years ago James and Michal Ann Goll contended in faith for babies to be born, and I believe they had three? children, instead of no children as had been spoken to them medically? Prophetic words were spoken over them for children to be born to them and it came to be as they believed!! Their children are all grown now! I did see that they have many spiritual children too!! Praise God! Our God is soooo good and gracious and kind!!