Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser

I am releasing this vision I had as an encouragement for those who have been praying for President Elect- Donald Trump. There is such a shaking happening in the USA right now, and the division, the riots, the broken relationships, the mourning, grief, trauma, the fear many are feeling has been weighing heavy on my heart. I feel such a deep cry of the heart of the Father for unity, love, and valuing relationship with and honour of one another above opinions. 

Amidst this incredible shaking and division, many prophetic voices and seers have been releasing words on the urgency in the Spirit to cover Donald Trump in prayer and to remain steadfast in intercession for the nation, as the “battle is not over yet.” The invitation from the heart of the Father to come deeper in intercession to see the nation healed. Many have felt an urgency to pray for the protection of Donald Trump and the plans of the enemy to be cancelled in Jesus name and many “calls to prayer” have been released to call the people of God to join together in prayer for him.

That is where this encouragement comes in. I had a vision a few days ago where I saw Donald Trump and the atmosphere around him was so turbulent. It felt like WAR all around in the atmosphere. I watched as the people of God came around him, one after another, after another, after another, until there were THOUSANDS of people surrounding him. They all had their arms outstretched like and there were SO MANY covering him that I couldn’t see him anymore. All I could see was a sea of people covering him and it looked like a HUGE DOME. 

Instantly I was given eyes to see and I could see through the sea of people and I saw Donald Trump under all these hands. The more the people of God prayed, the more as the storm raged around, the lower and lower he got to the ground. He began crouching, and then crouching lower and lower, then kneeling and then lying down. The sense surrounded me that through this opposition around him and the prayers of God’s people for him, the Lord was doing a deep work of humility and awakening him more and more to his dependence upon the Lord and that there was a pliability about him. Everything going on was pushing him further and further into the heart of God and his need for Jesus and the wisdom of God. 

As the prayers of the saints continued and this deep work of the Holy Spirit was taking place, I saw the wind of the Spirit pick up in greater power and momentum and I saw FOUR words appear over him. The words were VELOCITY, UNSTOPPABLE, UNTOUCHABLE, and VICTORY!! The more the saints prayed and remained in intercession, the more I saw these words being LIT ON FIRE.

I was then surrounded with this incredible sense of the plans and purposes of God to in using Trump and in the USA were going to increase in VELOCITY, they would be UNSTOPPABLE, UNTOUCHABLE and there would be a continual MOMENTUM of victory that would be established in the nation. I was also surrounded with the sense of as God’s people pray, the enemy was being blinded and couldn’t ‘see’ Trump, but just a wall of God’s people standing before him saying “BACK OFF in Jesus name!!!!”

I saw specific wisdom being released to Trump by the Spirit of God and advisors around him, it was heavenly wisdom and prophetic insight that was like Elisha in 2 Kings 6:12, that the very plans of the enemy that are being “whispered” in secret, would be revealed and passed onto him, that would see the enemy’s plans continually shut down before they could even ‘take ground’. 

I then heard the words “Encourage My people, encourage the intercessors that their prayers are having GREAT EFFECT. Keep your eyes UP!!!” 

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) 

I believe that the Lord is decreeing VICTORY over the United States of America. This IS your day of victory! As I have said MANY times before, it is not about Trump, it’s about Jesus! It’s about seeing His Kingdom extended, it’s about seeing His goodness and love revealed in the nation, and MANY coming to know Him. Is God using Trump as part of his victory plan? I believe so! Will God use the Church and many others to bring victory to the USA? Definitely! The enemy is fighting HARD right now to bring about division. There needs to be more prayer than ever now for unity and healing. The Lord highlighted James 5:16 and I want to encourage you, no matter who you voted for, if any thing in this traumatising season for many in the USA has caused offense and broken relationships, I want to encourage you, repent of your offense. Value your relationships higher than your opinions. If there has been the sin of offense or relationships have been hurt and damaged over this, I want to encourage you to repent to one another and pray for each other. Don’t allow the enemy a foothold of division in your life over this. This is NOT the heart and intention of God. God moves in ways we don’t expect, and His ways are higher than ours, and the way He moves may offend our minds at times, but we must value, honour and LOVE each other despite difference in beliefs. It’s time to FIGHT for UNITY! 

Your prayers for President Elect Donald J Trump are having effect, no matter what you see in the natural. This vision was an ENCOURAGEMENT that your prayers are POWERFUL. I felt like the Lord was releasing a “sneak peek” into what’s going on in the Spirit. I want to encourage you, KEEP PRAYING! Don’t give up! It’s NOT over, the battle still rages. Continue to pray and decree. Use this word as a weapon! 

I decree the VICTORY of Jesus and His plans going forth UNSTOPPABLE and UNTOUCHABLE with great VELOCITY in the United States of America, in Jesus name.

I’m with you!!!!


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  • Connie

    Oh yes. I feel the need to pray for Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence and their families. Thank you so much for confirming the need. It edifies me!

  • Laurel Saint James

    Thank you dear Lana, my heart breaks with such joy for your care in the spirit for us in America! I am praying according to your {HIS} words

  • Lydia Harding

    Dear Lana,
    this is such a beautiful message. I agree totally with these words of our Lord Christ Jesus. He has shown me the same thing: That we have to pray for humility for Donald Trump, that he needs to pick up the thoughts of God to do, what God wants to do. It`s so good to see God doing incredible things in our world right now!! Your message is very encarouging to me,
    thank you so very much!!

  • Jesh StG

    Since we couldn’t vote (because we are still Dutch citizens)we made a promise to pray every day for the Trump team before eating our dinner. Thank you much Lana, for passing on what God gives you. when “bullets” are flying around, it’s sometimes hard to see where we are at, and great to hear from an outsider where exactly we stand! blessings to you and your family!

  • Elaina Prinzivalli

    Thank you so much Lana for this very encouraging word from God. Many of us are continuing in prayer as we won a battle but we are still in a war. We are praying for God’s peace and for hearts to be turned towards him We are fastly approaching (after the Christmas season) a time where many Christians all over the world will begin a season of fasting and prayer for our country’s and it’s people. It will be right at the time when our new President elect will be sworn in. We are trusting and believing God to supernaturally protect him and to do great things through him not just for America but for countries around the world! <3

  • Elsie Bouwman

    And we with you Lana! Thank You Lord Jesus! “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry, the Lord gives freedom to the prisoners. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raised those who are bowed down’ The Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over strangers; He relieves the fatherless and the widow; But the way of the wicked He turns upside down. The Lord shall reign forever–Your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 146: 5-10)

  • Peggy Molter

    Hi Lana, thanks so much for that encouraging word that confirms what the Lord has been showing me. We must as a nation keep praying fervently for Donald Trump and his family and Mike Pence and his family.
    Miss you and thank you for the blessing of your words being sent out.
    Can’t wait for you to come back to Glory Fire in Lake Mary, Florida
    God bless you abundantly and thank you for obedience to the Lord. Much love sent to you all.

  • Roberta Hyre

    Thank you for waiting on God and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you. God ‘s continued blessings on you dear sister . It is so encouraging as we pray daily for President elect Donald Trump and Pence to know His divine protection is upon him and that God is bringing him to a place where he will humble himself before Him and know that He is the ONE who will give him the guidance to lead this great country and it’s citizens to victory and greatness once again!. Thank you Lord!!



  • Claudette T.

    Thank you Lana! it was so needed and encouraging. Keep up the intercession and God bless you and your ministry abundantly!
    p.s. The lord gave you a love for United States
    just like He gave me that great love for Australia. In 2010, I spend 5 months in Brisbane at my daughter’s home and ever since ,Australia is so dear to my heart .

  • Rose

    “I feel such a deep cry of the heart of the Father for unity, love, and valuing relationship with and honour of one another above opinions.”
    I said similar words to yours just yesterday to my husband…
    While I was passionately agreeing with the words in this post, I heard,
    “The Name of The LORD is a strong TOWER, the righteous run into it, and they are saved.”
    I am lifting my face UP…
    My prayer is higher than, “Make America Great Again.”
    My prayer is, “Make YOUR NAME Great Again!”
    “Our Father, Who art in heaven, HOLY and to be RESPECTED is YOUR NAME!”

    • Rose

      After this day, when I went to bed and was woken from sleep. I was experiencing an enormous demonic onslaught…
      I also experienced Jesus’ Presence as the most blessed shield surrounding me. I remained completely at peace and protected.
      Just the day before, Jesus had assured me that I was not to worry. According to my need, so would His Grace be sufficient for me. 🙂

  • Geri

    Thank you Lana for posting this, I am in agreement with you like many other believers. The verse that keeps coming to mind is: Isaiah 43:13 “Even from eternity I am He, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” And as I write this Isaiah 54:17 comes to mind, “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper.”
    Thank you Abba Father.

  • Marvin yahnke

    Thank you for encouraging the people of God, especially the intercessors in the United States of America. But not an America only, but also those all over the world who have loved and prayed for America. You have strengthened the hands have all those who have done so, by showing us what is going on in the Unseen Realm as a result.

  • Jane Droge

    Thank you, Lana,
    You were the first one I heard say “Trump will triumph.” I held on to that word and it kept encouraging me when it didn’t look too good for Trump. How long ago did you give that word?
    Thank you for your love and prayers for America.
    Love in Jesus,

  • Michelle Quintas

    Thank you I needed this prayer. When asking my sister to pray today she was filled with so much resentment and hate. My heart was so heavy . I corrected her misinformation to no avail. I finally decided to tell her, let us agree to not disagree or not to discuss the Presidency or politics at this point
    I will be in prayer as much as possible. Thank you again for your encouragement. God bless you.

  • Mike lynch

    How can I help how can I get involved . ibwill continue tobpray for Trump zGod is in control. Is there a list or how can I start a list or start movement to call. Send letter. E mail or to send a note of encouragement to Trump. Is there an address where ibcould send a letter that I care and I am praying for him
    He must here so land bad things he needs to here they are people that care Anne are behind him

    • NevDowl

      Aglow International “I am asking you to begin sending in postcards that simply say, ‘I am praying for you.’ President Trump said those were the most meaningful words that he heard while on the campaign trail. And with the current atmosphere of chaos and insanity in our nation, I want him to know that there is a worldwide army that is supporting him in prayer.” -Jane Hansen Hoyt
      President Donald J. Trump
      The White House
      1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
      Washington, DC 20500
      The Word of God tells us that we are to pray for all those in authority. I’m asking you to lay aside your personal, political views and join together for the good for our nation. Let’s counter the hate with grace and love. Let’s flood Heaven with prayer…

  • Kathy

    God is stirring my heart with more and more passion to pray over our President-his safety and his strength….Our God’s plans and purposes are breaking through the darkness as we agree with Heaven and God’s goodness! Please continue to encourage and release the vision you are seeing~
    Last night on TV one of the shows released that there are phone numbers for Trump supporters to call and encourage the president…do you have information about this?