Prophetic Words


I heard the Lord say this will be a week of UNTANGLING for many.
A week of being delivered from things that have kept you bound, continually trying to trip you up and suffocate.
This will be a week for many of being untangled from “old things” and “old alignments”.
This will be a week for many of seeing the first fruits of freedom to run into the new alignments without hindrance.
This will be a week that many who feel like they have “lost themselves” or “don’t recognise themselves” (in a negative sense) because of the depth of hardship, trial, trauma, grief and battle they have faced, to finding themselves and the “song” within their heart again, in the place of encountering the kindness of Jesus. The song of mourning and sadness, will be shifted to a song of celebration in Him.
Some who have been running and carried on “adrenaline” for months, will be transitioned by the hand of God, into being carried in anointing in a powerful way.
This will be a week for many of finding the SLIPSTREAM of His grace, empowerment and provision to be carried into “new things” the enemy has been fighting you so hard over & what God has been speaking to you about over & over. Expect to be “caught up” suddenly into this slipstream that the enemy has been trying to block for months.
In this slipstream, what would take a year to do, supernaturally God will do in a moment by His power. Raise your expectation. This is a week that many will be untangled and accelerated into the slipstream of His Spirit, where joy and freedom resounds