Prophetic Words


This morning when I got up and was talking to the Lord I heard Him say to me that many are experiencing "interference in the airwaves".
It was then that all I could sense was "static".. and the static was getting louder and louder. I felt the Lord saying that there over the past few days and leading into Pentecost many are experiencing "interference in the airwaves".. lots of "static".
Right now many are "between channels". In that place of "waiting" for the opening of the "next".
Circumstances, curveballs, confusion that has come to bring "static" into the lives of believers and cause them to "CHANGE THE CHANNEL". There is SO MUCH opposition happening right now, that the enemy is working very hard to cause the people of God to "CHANGE THE CHANNEL". To give up on their dreams, the promises He has given them and to "settle" for less than the Lord has told them was coming.
Many have been feeling extremely confused and discouraged by the "static" that continues to get louder. I saw this "static" even attacking His people in the "night hours" robbing His people of sleep and leaving them extremely fatigued.
I heard the Lord saying "Don’t change the channel, don’t change the channel, for you are transitioning into a NEW CHANNEL of hearing My voice and hearing My direction. A new channel of breakthrough."
It was then I saw a baby being PUSHED OUT of the birth canal and out into reality. Don’t let the "static" bring you to a place of doubt. Keep believing and holding His hand because you are moving into a new channel of hearing Him with greater clarity, receiving greater wisdom and direction and new realm of breakthrough.
Press in especially over this weekend, as much of this "static" and "confusion" will break for many this weekend over Pentecost as His fire and power fall upon many bringing greater freedom, release and momentum.
I have felt the Lord speaking SO much these past few months to His people to NOT GIVE UP! I wondered why He keeps saying the same thing over and over, but now as I see the amount of opposition and "static" that is going on in the lives of believers, He wants to encourage His people.
The story of Daniel kept coming to my mind where the angels were delayed because of great opposition, but do NOT be AFRAID or DISMAYED for this great delay is just adding increase and abundance to your breakthrough when it comes.
Hold on tight! What many of you have been feeling is not what’s "in you" but the interference in the spiritual airwaves. Press through them by standing firm and do not change the channel. Once this "static" is broken, you will move into your heavenly destined channel SWIFTLY!!!!
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  • lobit

    Reblogged this on gotta LOBIT! …even more and commented:
    “Many have been feeling extremely confused and discouraged by the “static” that continues to get louder. I saw this “static” even attacking His people in the “night hours” robbing His people of sleep and leaving them extremely fatigued.”
    I could relate to this pretty much! The past 3 days, I was in Vietnam for a business trip (I just flew back to Manila yesterday). Every hour, for almost 3 consecutive nights, I found myself waking up. I really found that quite strange, as I am a very sound sleeper.

  • Lidia Hidalgo

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  • Steve Jones

    This is an awesome Word! Thank you so much for this! I receive this!!!
    In Christ,