Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

Many have been hit with a strategic kick

There has been strategic hits the past week or so from the enemy against many of God’s people, and these strategic hits have come to hit God’s people in a way that they feel like they have been kicked in the stomach and the wind taken out of them. I saw these strategic hits and kicks happening right at threshold points! There was a fog, a mist, a confusion that was being released over many of God’s people in these hits to prevent them from seeing what they God is about to release them into. New levels of favour, breakthrough and promotion. 
The hits from the enemy have been with such strategy to bring such a ‘kick in the stomach and leave them winded’ because the threshold God is leading His people into crossing over will see them step into new levels of divine strategy and life giving breakthrough! Crossing over into this new level will see divine revelation, strategy and wisdom given to God’s people to move into the new territory He is giving them. 
Very strategic breakthrough and release is before you! You may feel like you have been kicked hard out of the blue, but you will overcome in Him and get ready for some “out of the blue” surprise encounters with Jesus and surprise breakthroughs! 
You are crossing over! 
Don’t give up, stand up and know that the next level of breakthrough and increase draws nigh!!
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  • Jimmy Little

    Thank You Jesus and thank you Lana! I am so ready for some out of the blue surprise encounters with Jesus! And surprise breakthroughs! I am expecting this in Jesus name!

  • Paige

    OMGosh. It as if you were in my head. Obviously – I am not the only one going through this. Thank you so much Dad for giving Lana this word. Thank you Lana so much. I am so grateful for you!!!!

  • Mary

    My husband and I have definitely been kicked in the stomach. He is facing his second open heart surgery after nearly 20 years of what he thought, and doctors thought, was good health. Totally out of the blue and yet your word lines up perfectly. We’ve sensed a huge door before us into greater destiny and then this. Trusting God will see us through to the other side.
    Thank you for sharing this word.

  • David Thomas

    Once again I am blown away with the accuracy and amazed at the immediacy of the words from Lana. I just an hour ago had a confusing twist in what is a major strategic breakthrough in a very long (7 year) struggle and test in business. I actually felt as if I was hit very hard in the stomach and I had the wind knocked out of me. I was instantly overcome with exhaustion, depression and anxiety in a manner I had not felt recently.
    Fortunately I realized I needed to just praise my way through this and rise above it leaving all of the details of the dilemma in my father’s hands. Then I went into my office and Lana’s message was on my email many hours earlier than usual but just exactly when I needed the encouragement! God richly bless you, you are an atmosphere changer even to the other side of the world! Wow!!

  • Susan M

    This is exactly true in the Spirit, Lana…I praise God for your listening heart and gift of the prophetic at work in you. I receive this promise in Jesus Name, Amen. Praying for ongoing ministry anointing and blessings upon you.

  • Tanisha Daniels

    Thank you Lana!!
    I am so grateful for your ministry.
    Truly. Your total submission to keeping us all in a heightened state of awareness is an amazing blessing.

  • Charlene

    It’s true. I felt kicked and hit in the stomach and shared this with my husband before reading this word. It just happened this week, and it was so unexpected that it did leave me without wind. OK. I will look UP.

  • Deborah Lobo

    Amen. Thank you Jesus. Love you Lana, please keep me in prayer, thank you n God bless.

  • Paula Driscoll

    Thank you Lana….I receive this as from the Lord. It bears witness with my spirit….we need only stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Glory!! Thank you for your faithfulness and grace sister…… <3

  • Connie

    Right on the money Lana! I told two girlfriends this same thing almost word for word today! I am excited it will lead to victory though! And it came just like you said! A fog came first and I felt like today my spirit was hit with a defibrillator! I am awake again! A spirit of division came to attack my husband and I and when it couldn’t get through to us, it went for our kids! I explained to them their arguing was the strategy of the enemy to divide our family and try to render us powerless – so now they understand the enemy’s strategy! We win!!!???? Unity in Him!!!

  • Marcy Willis

    It’s like you are living with us and know everything about our lives! This is so amazing and SO encouraging! I was trusting that what was going on was exactly what you said it was! SO seriously encouraging that I can’t let this opportunity go to tell you just how blest we are to hear the Lord through you, confirm everything we think He is doing!
    Thank you Lana for staying close to Him, for Him and for all of us out here in the Kingdom!

  • Sharyn Blackman

    Amen. Praise the Lord.
    I receive this word..
    Thank you Lana for your faithfulness in sharing..
    May God continue to bless and use you.

  • heidii


  • Johanna Schaefer

    Thank you Lana! I had a sense of the truths in the verse “no weapon formed against you will prosper”. The weapons of this past 2 weeks have been fashioned by my enemy…. But with the Lords promise they have not born fruit. I am learning again the weapons of my warfare…. I am standing with joy in trial, the Holy Spirit my comforter. I know too, the threshold before me, I know that Father Is positioning me, he is training me for the breakthrough He wants to see in the sphere of work I am in. Thank you for your words, they bring both confirmation and encouragement.

  • Penny Hughes

    Lana it’s insane how you seem to know about my experience of this last week it blows my mind it’s like god has had you just prophecy to me how is this?

  • Jasmine

    Blown away by the accuracy of your words day after day week after week.
    You are a true prophetic voice . God bless you

  • Sue Rob

    Thank You Jesus for Your encouragement, for Your servant/friend Lana!! Hit the target with great Holy Ghost wind-in-the-sails Word! Such a gift to have heavenly ” Intel”!! God bless you Lana!!! Thank you! Thank you !!

  • carolyn watkins

    I believe this & have experience it likewise. Thank you for the clarity.
    I say it is well…so be it!
    I’m determined!… And Still Trusting God to Bring me Completely OUT of …Over & INTO His Promises.
    GodBless You & Family!!

  • Andzouana Jacinta

    Amen Lana.
    Thank you so much. I am blesed by this article. It is encouraging. Truly our God is ever faithfully His eyes are roving all over His children and He knows their needs. A word for the season!