Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
The Lord has been speaking to me since last year regarding vision, and how imperative and important it is for the body of Christ to have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. To be aligned and engaged with what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches.
Since crossing over into 2018, I have been sensing an incredible amount of confusion in the atmosphere. There has been a lot of fear that has been swirling around, and the Lord has been showing me many who have been battling with “confusion” over the vision.
Many prophets are now moving into an upgrade of vision. The Lord is about to take you into a realm of hearing from Him and seeing through His eyes that is on a level you have not experienced before. The Lord is going to take many of you deeper into the Word into stories that you have known all of your life, but this season, the Holy Spirit will unlock some of the greatest keys of revelation that you have received.
I saw many prophets so deep in the Word of God, so deep in the truth of Scripture and encountering Jesus, the Lord was releasing these keys of revelation, that were then being birthed into arrows of fire. These arrows of fire were then going to be released as prophetic words into the body of Christ and they were going to bring a CHANGE OF DIRECTION, A CLEANSING, A PURIFYING and an IGNITING.
For there are encounters upon many prophets in this season where the fire like the fire John the Baptist carried to prepare the way for Jesus, is going to be imparted into these prophets. The prophets will be rising up in such increase with such strategic prophetic words from God with greater accuracy and clarity that will call the Church in greater ways to prepare for the greatest move of God we have seen upon the earth. The voices will rise up more and more with the sound of “cleanse your hearts, prepare your hearts, He’s coming!” They will carry not hearts of judgement, criticism or slander, but hearts of love, hearts of encouragement and hearts to bring correction but with love and rooted in biblical truth. They will speak the words of the Lord with such integrity and purity, because they have been in the heart of the Father. They have not sat with the Father, to “just get words” but they have remained in the heart of the Father, to hear what He is saying, to know Him, and to carry His heart wherever they go and every word they release to be full of His encouragement, edification, comfort and exhortation.
Because of the prophetic words that are going to be entrusted to many prophets in this season and the level of fire and breaker anointing upon these words, the enemy has come in against many of them with such confusion, fear and attack on vision.
I prophesy over these prophets of His heart, that you are about to move into a whole new world of vision. This is your greatest season of encountering the heart of God. This is your greatest season of intimacy with the Lord thus far. Many of you have been feeling an attack on your intimacy and secret place, that is because you are moving into the greatest season of intimacy with the Lord than you have ever had. The Lord is about to entrust you with some of the most beautiful, treasured, amazing secrets of His heart, firstly because you are His friend, and He shares His secrets with His friends, and secondly to prepare the Church.
I prophesy that you are about to see FIRE UPON THE VISION. Where the enemy has attempted to bring confusion and such fear upon the vision God has for you and through you for 2018, you are not only about to see with tremendous clarity, but you are about to see the fire of His presence, His love, and passion increase within the vision. You are going to see further than you imagined. You are going to see with sharper clarity than you have seen, and you are going to release the fire of God in such increase as you prophesy. The favour of God is going to fall upon the words that you speak as they are spoken from His heart with love, humility and integrity, the Lord will take His words through you and they will spread further than you can imagine. Not for your glory, but for the Glory of God and for the words of the Lord through you to bring change, breakthrough, healing and comfort to many, but most importantly, to draw them closer to Jesus and to know His ways.
In this increase of vision, greater entrustment of words from His heart and favour, I felt the Lord release a warning to me for prophets. To keep wisdom close, to stay yielded to Him and His Spirit and to stay low in the secret place.
For I saw in this divine upgrade of vision, of greater entrustment with His heart and revelation, I saw the enemy looking for ways to come in and to cause pride to rise in the hearts of the prophets. I saw the enemy looking for the places in the hearts of prophets that were not yielded or places that were wounded and not surrendered to the Lord, to come in and to bring a temptation of pride.
The Lord showed me that the safeguard is staying close to Him. Stay yielded. Stay low and surrendered in the secret place and stay accountable to others. Keep short accounts with the Lord and let not the exhortation of James 1:5 leave you:
“And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! ” – The Passion Translation
“As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her.” – (Proverbs 3:14-15) – The Passion Translation
“For wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong” – (Proverbs 3:7) – The Passion Translation
Some of the encounters and the revelation the Lord will have experience and release, will be so weighty, so beautiful to bring such a shift in the body of Christ, you must surround yourself with wise counsel and community, stay deep in the Word and remain in the place of humility, close to His heart so the enemy will find no entry point.
Prophets of His heart, the season upon you with the Lord is glorious. Take heart, for the attack on your vision and the confusion has been to prevent you from moving into this deeper place of intimacy and revelation with the Lord, but the Lord is breaking it. You are truly moving into a whole new glorious day with the Lord, and a level of prophetic understanding unlike you have known. The heavenly encounters, the throne room encounters, the encounters with His Glory will leave you undone. Continue to invite His fire to come and to do all that He needs to do in you and through you, and watch as some of the most powerful words are released through you in this season to prepare and equip the Church to receive, recognise and see the new move of His Spirit upon us, that may just look very different to what they expect.
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  • Nahomie Riche

    I’m called to this. The Lord does has glorious plans for His Church and for the World but it won’t come without trouble though. Good thing is the glory that will come out of it outweighs the trouble. Easier said when your not in the fire though. Had another painful night. Was screaming at The Lord, it was so painful.The Lord got me through it as HE always does but oh how hard it was. Hope that was my last one. Did get to scream praises outside my window at satan so that was fun. Something the Lord let me do from time to time. Praise His Holy Name

    • Nahomie Riche

      I just wanted to add this for you Lana thank you for helping others find out who they are truly by The Lord. I didn’t know who i was until The Lord started revealing it to me around 8 years ago and boy was the enemy also on my heels! It was wonderful and painful at the same time. Alot of people don’t know who they truly are and why God put them on the earth. It doesn’t have to be a prideful thing it’s just a good fact. God knew us before HE put us in our mother’s womb(Jeremiah1:5). I didn’t grow up knowing who i was because I didn’t have that kind of nurturing in my home. The Lord started to reveal it to me in my early thirties. I am forty now and know much more who I’m truly am. It’s wonderful and I’m happy. There’s such a peace you know despite the warfare. I think it’s just beautiful when we are awakened to our true identities, who GOD created us to be. Praise His Holy Name

  • renagoichberg7788

    This is a wonderful, encouraging word to me in a season where God has kept me low, lower than I ever imagined I could go. I pray I will stay low – for His glory alone – to encourage His bride into that secret place of intimacy with Him. Thank you, Lana. God bless you greatly!

  • Katy

    Thank you Lana, once again, your words go straight to my heart. Thank you for your encouragement & words of wisdom that are soooo anointed. May God refresh and strengthen you daily as you pour out so beautifully on others.
    Katy van Prooije

  • Debora Ellis

    Alelluia!!!! ❤️??? I felt the Holy Spirit as I read and received this word. I love you Jesus!!!
    Thank you beautiful Phrofet of God. You are blessed beyond your excpectations ???

  • D.J. Blanck

    Oh I have a judgment and It’s not a small thing that God Is Doing, so pray for me, so that I can have more patience in waiting and hearing clearly from the Lord. Sometimes It not all fluffy stuff ya know. Because of your email, I’m going to try to wait another week. I don’t usually sit on the stuff I get, but feel an urgent need to send it out right away. Some of you prophets really know how to sit on stuff for years and that really bugs me. Maybe you can comment on that?

  • Kisha

    This is such an encouraging word and just what I needed to hear thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness!

  • Esther cowley

    Thank you Lana 4 your faithful posture b4 His throne. Your words released are so nourishing & such a timely reminder to maintain our focus in Him. He has not forgotten us. Our King is coming?. Be blessed Esther x

  • asrmartinsASR Martins

    What a wonderful word of encouragement, hope, faith and love! It surely stirs up that child-like trust in God that we all need so desperately. Trust and faith rooted in a deep intimate relationship with Christ. Thanks Lana, this word lifted my spirit tremendously and it really encouraged me to stay focused and relentless in seeking his face, his wisdom and his heart.


    thank you lord for the word ,,,, that’s me all over with fear and confusion which has been with me for yrs………T

  • Elizabeth B

    This word has truly blessed me! I read this word 3 times and each time I’ve gotten an even greater understanding about what God is doing in my life. Thank you Lana for this prophetic word!

  • Cathleen

    Father thank you for Your Word, I know this to be true by Your very breath. I stand at Solomon’s beautiful gate awaiting Your call. Thank You for what You have done, what Your doing, and those things You are bringing to pass for Your glory alone. I speak these things by the authority of Your spotless Lamb. Amen