Prophetic Words


“He is so loving that it will amaze you. So kind that it will astound you and He is so famous for His faithfulness to all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted. Keeping His promises to every generation.” – Psalm 100:5 – The Passion Translation
His love and kindness is going to amaze and astound you especially over the next few months as many see “everything fall into place” setting them up for the entrance further into this “new day”.
His PROVISION will be profound and His Glory and fame will be made LOUD through what He is providing in your life.
Do not be distracted, keep your eyes on Him and by His love and revelation you will be greatly impacted.
It is not time to retract but to move forward in greater impact than ever before.
He is setting the stage for you to move forward in greater influence and responsibility to bring His Kingdom to earth.
The demonstration of His passionate love for you is being seen in greater levels as He brings hearts desires into manifestation and dreams into being.
Be wary of distraction that is seeking to cause you to retract from standing in declaration of trust in Him in impossibility – when you are about to step into some of your greatest moments of His love revealed bringing tremendous impact into your heart and life.
I saw the throne room with angels all around and they proclaimed “Glory to God in the highest. His kindness, love and faithfulness reaches to the sky and His people are awakened to greater insight of His heart of love for them BURSTING with delight”.
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