Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser

This morning while watching the Inauguration concert, amongst the tears for this new day upon the nation of the United States of America, I also felt the urgency and call from the Lord to increase intercession to cover President-Elect Donald Trump, his family and all events and the inauguration tomorrow. I then saw Jennifer LeClaire’s call to urgent prayer and felt the spirit of intercession come even stronger.
While praying I had a vision where I saw Jesus saying to His people “Pray, Pray and Keep Praying”. As God’s people prayed I saw Jesus walk up to men in dark black hoods and He grabbed their hoods and uncovered them. They were completely exposed and disarmed.
I then kept hearing Proverbs 24:2 over and over and open my bible to see the verse “For their minds devise violence and their lips talk of trouble.”
Kevin also reminded me of a dream that I had last night which we believe the Lord is encouraging us to not only cover all the events and President-Elect Donald Trump, but also HIS FAMILY.
I want to encourage you to continue to pray over President-Elect Donald Trump and his family. Please continue to pray over all events in Washington DC and the inauguration tomorrow. Cancel all assignments of the enemy in Jesus name and decree an uncovering of any hidden agendas of violence or trouble in Jesus name. Let’s decree that Washington DC will be MARKED with celebration for this new day of victory in Jesus name.


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  • margaret petersen

    Amen!!!! I’m in agreement Lana! Also, pray that the Lord Jesus would apprehend and subdue EL CHAPO,who has been extradited by mexico to the united states for the inauguration of Donald Trump..Lord God,we cover Donald Trump and mike pence and their families and plead the blood of Jesus over all of Washington DC,and That NO weapon against the Trump adminswtration would prosper,IN JESUS precious Name!!! amen

  • Sharon Covey

    Lana I have been following you for some time now. I take very seriously your updates. Your update to stay in your secret place really hit home for me I have a quite place I go to but have benn lax in doing so lately. This morning I was in prayer for our Pres and the inauguration in my quite place and I saw 4 large angels with a huge scroll and they were threading a black stinking fowl thick carpet into it and started to roll it from Washington Dc to The pacific ocean. The Lord gave me the visual of what you have been prophesying. Jesus was standing over the nation directing this to be done.
    Thought you might like a confirmation of your view of the evil being removed from our land. Yours in Christ Sharon

  • Vicki Kemp

    I love what the Lord shares with you! I love Donald Trump and his family and I do pray for them! God Bless you & your family Lana!

  • Vicki Kemp

    I love what the Lord shares with you! I love Donald Trump and his family and I do pray for them and Mike Pence & his family! God Bless you & your family Lana!

  • Linda J Pontnack

    Yes and Amen (so be it) rejoicing over having others praying for Trump and his family with me. Holy Spirit has me praying for Trump & family, administration permanently. Thank you my sisters in JESUS NAME!