By Lana Vawser
Recently I heard the Lord say “You are about to move into a divine restart with a new heart”. I saw the Lord hitting a “RESTART” button and it was like a computer and was REBOOTING everything.
Where there has been incredible assault against believers and the “way forward” has been hindered, where hearts have really “copped a beating” from the onslaught, the Lord is about to do a SOVEREIGN RESTART!!!!
Where many are crying out “what do I pray?”, “I don’t know what else to do?”, “My heart can’t take anymore”, “How much longer?”, “what are you doing Lord?”, “Where are you?” and confusion is swirling significantly I felt the Lord wanted to encourage you, He is about to release a SOVEREIGN RESTART.
Not only is He about to bring about this RESTART with RESURRECTION POWER, everything will flow in greater acceleration, power, increase and ease. The “viruses” that have tried to kill you and kill what the Lord is doing through you are being removed. He is about to really fight for you and come through for you.
Not only are you about to move into that divine restart that will see greater acceleration, power, increase and ease come into your life, you are moving into with a new heart.
I saw the Lord looking at the heart of many believers that feel like they have lost or are losing their hope and trust. Their hearts are being filled with weariness, despair and pain as they continue to see things in the natural “get worse” and yet the Lord keeps speaking “hold on”. As He looked at the hearts of these believers I saw Him weeping with them as they wept. His comfort was strong, His love was healing, His eyes PIERCING WITH VISION.
I saw Him looking at them and present with them in their pain, but His eyes PIERCING with the VISION of what is ahead and what He’s about to do. He sees beyond the pain and what is being set before them. The joy that is coming!
As He embraced them, I saw Him place His hand on their hearts. He was releasing resurrection life into hearts, and as this resurrection life flowed into their hearts, not only did it heal such death and brokenness within, it was like there was an UPGRADE of heart to a completely new one. Once the resurrection life had infused into these hearts, the hearts looked completely new. Inside these hearts were such large jewels and I asked the Lord what they were and He said “These are the jewels that have been found and received in the battle and dark night. The scars I am turning into jewels. ”
This newness of heart was seeing the scars turning into jewels. The revelation of the JEWELS of REVELATION found in the DARK were becoming more and more the focus, rather than the scars that were received in battle. These ones had been tested and tried in the battle, they had been purified in the fire and the onslaught, but rather than focus upon the “scars” received, the focus was shifting to the glorious JEWELS of REVELATION of JESUS and His Word that were gleaned in the battle and darkness.
Dear hearts, if you are one of these ones who have been in such an onslaught and battle, it feels like the battle of your life, and at times you have felt like you won’t make it through, like you’re dying, like you have given up hope and you just cannot believe anymore, I want to encourage you, just wait for Him. You are about to receive a deep healing, a completely new heart, an upgrade of sensitivity to Him. An increase passion. A heart that is new and full of life again. You are going to hunger for Him like you never have. You are going to encounter Him like you never have. You are going to sense His leading like you never have and you are going to dream again like you never have. The jewels of revelation will be released through you and many will be set free, healed and delivered.
You WILL make it through this and stand up stronger than ever in your DIVINE RESTART WITH A NEW HEART!
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Lana, your posts in the recent weeks have been such an incredible encouragement to me. It literally feels like you have been following everything I’m going through, down to every thought, prayer, and battle. The Lord is using you so powerfully and I thank you for listening to Him and sharing. I’m so grateful for the encouragement He gives me through you. Thank you.
Dustin Bryant
Please help me, because I feel deaf, dumb and blind. My heart feels like it will stop or explode at times. I need Jesus to burn the dross away.
Thank you for continuing in your faith, words from God and posting. I follow and stand with you believing, many come in my inbox as confirmations. But this one! The Holy Spirit touched me as soon as I read “THE SCARS I AM TURNING INTO JEWELS”. I have never had that happen quite like that, so excited and praising God for His goodness and coming breakthroughs for all! Hearts full of big jewels we are
Faith Lubitz
I am SO READY! Thank you Lana for the very merciful encouragement!
Ive been going through a very dark time that has lasted for a very long time. I have done everything that I know to do to make it stop. The tears would flow all day if I didn’t have work etc. I know that this is not caused by sin. Ive walked with him for over 30 years and have faced all different battles but this has been so hard. Right now, I believe God is telling me I need to move, but I don’t know where. My bags are packed, as I know I cannot stay where I am anymore. Im going all alone as my children are all on there own. I’m reminded of the scripture that says that Jesus went off to a lonely place, that is where I am right now. I’m at a lonely place with Jesus, and I’m believing, and I’m hoping for the light of a new day to…
Lana, your prophecy is exactly talking about me. I had been in a wilderness season far too long, and I asked God many times to let me die there. The demonic stronghold and oppression were overwhelming. How I wanted to give up life, but I couldn’t. I was feeling God had abandoned and rejected me. Now, my transition from darkness to light has been happening. The yoke is destroyed and the torment has stopped. Life is no longer a constant struggle, but full of hope in the Lord!
Jacquie Moore
Yes, could do with a Re Boot right about now. Thankyou Jesus
Amen..i hope this post is for me….i need it desparately
Could not be more excited!!!
Psalm 51:9 &10
Oh the joy!! Unspeakable and full of glory already!!
Thank you sis!!
Deborah Lobo
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Papa??. Lana, I can never thank you enough. God bless you Princess??
Pam Blunt
Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication to waiting on the Lord and sharing that with us Lana. So many of your recent words have been just how it is for me, so it is very encouraging – and I so need that.
Sharyn Wilbraham
Thank you Lord. Those words quickened. I believe and receive this new heart reboot and newness for your glory. Amen.
Blessings abundant Kevin and Lana.
In Jesus,
I am one of these! Thank you Lana for this!!! The lord for my constant prayer is I can’t change my broken heart lord, help! Just last night I was crying out the exact words “I can’t take it anymore, where are you!!!!!! I feel like I’m failing!!! Help me!!” And you know what, I know this is true because one of your most recent posts has come to pass in my life! I received a personal word from the lord from the most “unlikely person, in the most unexpected way!” It was a miracle, she had different doctrine than me, but she said she felt lead by the lord to write me something and upon receiving it, wave after wave after wave of goosebumps poured over my head. I said, lord what is this and he said ” I am quieting you with my love!”…
Thank you for the incredible encouragement and releasing hope to continue to fight the battle with faith!! So blessed by your revelations of the Lord’s heart. Thank you!!!
The Lord has lead me thru an extremely long season of Silence. We SO LONGED to h e a r Him…and when you l o n g so deeply, you NEED s i l e n c e around so that you can hear the smallest sound, or the faintest movement in your heart and being, or capture that thought that moved through your mind so quickly…
For a long time, I have also been aware that there is the most incredible, sweet MUSIC in silence. I have grown to love the depths of Silence.
My daughter would not let me play music in the house (we all had headsets). She had purchased an electric piano and would play the sweetest, softest melodies on it.
This month, she agreed that the piano needs to be moved to our livingroom. Now, she longs for me to play it, too…
I am encouraged by your statement that there is MUSIC in silence. I have strained to see Him for so long, but have just recentlystarted falling asleep listening to Him in the silence.
There is MUSIC in the silence. It is a MUSIC that soothes the very fibre of my being.
Hope you’ve been on that piano. You speak a sweet melody.
Be Blessed!
Rae Graber
Sometimes our lives get stuck. We find ourselves going in endless circles and nothing we do will unfreeze it. At times like these, we need to unplug so things can reset. The dark night is the unplugging. Aaron’s rod had to remain in the dark night in the tabernacle of meeting. It is in the dark night of death to self that Christ can resurrect us with His fruitful life.
The riches of the secret place and treasures of darkness (Isa 45:3) is where God transforms death into life. In the dark of night, God turns hurts and wounds into gems and jewels to adorn us as His Bride.
This revelation that we gain in the darkness, enables us to overcome the night. When we pass this test, the Lord of Hosts “knights” us to wield His Sword.
Rae Graber
Last Thursday, the same day you posted the Lion of Judah, my truck died while driving home. It died right in front of a fence with a mural of a family of lions painted on it. The largest image was a HUGE profile of a majestic male lion within an ENORMOUS sunflower.
It turns out it my battery and alternator needed to be replaced to reboot/restart my car.
Sunflowers seek and face the light of the sun. This sunflower looked like the sun and it had the face of the Lion of Judah in the center of it. The face of the Son is the rebooting, resurrection power. Those who look to Him are radiant. Their faces are never covered in shame. (Psa 34:5)
Recently you saw a field of sunflowers, God is raising up sons who seek His face!
Victoria federico
I love your ministry..such a blessing to tbe earth and to Gods children. God bless you abundantly