Prophetic Words


I have had a burden on my heart for those who have felt like so much time in their life has been wasted in waiting.

Years and decades have gone past without the manifestation of His promises, in some long awaited areas, and the glorious joy of breakthrough.

I sensed the Lord saying that nothing is lost. No time has really been lost because He is now redeeming that time that has felt “lost”.

This year I had one of the most profound encounters of my life where I heard the Lord thunder “BEGIN AGAIN”.

I knew He was speaking over seasons and speaking to time. In that moment the realisation that time is but a resource to Him and time bows to Him, surrounded me so strongly.

When He thundered “BEGIN AGAIN”, He was thundering that all that had been lost, stolen or hindered, in the Spirit, He was redeeming time and it was beginning again bringing forth supernatural restoration, recompense and fulfilment of that which He has spoken and promised.

The years of pain, anguish, despair, hopelessness, disappointment and waiting, HE was redeeming. He is making up for what many have felt has been “lost time”, more than ever.

More than before will explode into the lives of His people as they wait on Him.

More will be done in His redemption and restoration than was seemingly “lost” in what has been for some, decades of waiting. He is doing and restoring more than ever before to those who have felt they have lived in years of loss.

Many who have felt the best years of their life are over, are about to move INTO the best years of their life as they wait on and delight in Him!

Inheritances lost will be doubled; hearts broken will be mended, made whole and filled with more joy and peace than ever before. Promises for restoration of broken marriages from decades of hurt — healed.

Financial ruin through the enemy’s attacks and stealing will be turned, to see these ones as some of the most generous givers in the Kingdom.

We as the people of God have stepped into one of the greatest seasons where the banner He has raised declares, “RESTORED”.