Prophetic Words


The Lord spoke to me recently, ‘The movers and shakers are arising.’ These ones are ones who the enemy has come against intensely and there has been a constant battle where the enemy is attempting to move them and shake them.

These ones have continued to press deeper into the Lord, they have continued to trust in Jesus and hold His hand. They have endured fire after fire, onslaught after onslaught: and in the midst of breakthroughs surrounding, they have continued to face intense battles attempting to ‘break them.’

The Lord spoke to me that these ‘movers and shakers’ have many ‘private battles.’ The sense surrounded me that these ones have paid a great price to carry what they carry and to walk in the anointing that rests upon them. They are not focused on the ‘price that has been paid,’ they have laid their lives down to Jesus and are living in the place of deep surrender to Him and giving Him glory. They walk in the place of revelation that the greatest price was paid for them by Jesus, and they offer their lives as a living sacrifice to Him and find deep joy in the privilege of knowing.

Many of these ones have battled intensely in secret. They have endured deep pain, they know what it is to come face to face with fierce opposition. They know what it is to walk through the dark night of the soul. They know what it is to be on the threshing floor.

They know what it is to continue to stand and trust the Lord in the midst of feeling alone in fierce battles.
These movers and shakers in the last few years have faced some of the greatest battles of their lives, but at the same time, there have been the deepest places of encounter with Jesus, revelation of His Word, and glorious breakthroughs.

Many of these ones have faced such intense, increased fire, they have had many moments of running, like Elijah under the juniper tree (1 Kings 19), and wanting to hide and give up, but the Lord has continued to come and strengthen them, time and time again.

These ‘movers and shakers’ carry a deep fortification within them that is not based in anything else but Jesus Christ alone and what He speaks. They live not by their earthly reality but by every word that flows from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

These ‘movers and shakers’ have really been through it, especially in the last few years, but I feel the decree of the Lord so strongly…


Suddenly I saw the word, ‘COMMISSIONING,’ in flames of fire all around, and the Lord spoke again:
‘There is a fresh commissioning upon you now, My movers and shakers. There has been intense battles in your life to move you and attempt to shake you and break you, but NOW there are significant moments of empowerment, impartation and commissioning in the turning of the tide — where you are being sent forth with the anointing to ‘MOVE AND SHAKE’ the plans of the enemy, and to extend My Kingdom. I am now sending you forth empowered by My Spirit and seeing demonstrations of My power in ways you have never seen before. You shall see a great increase of My power flow through you to MOVE, SHAKE and ERADICATE the plans of the enemy. You will now go forth carrying a ‘mover and shaker breaker anointing,’ to see My victory flow through you to shift atmospheres, to bring radical freedom, deliverance and healing.’


As I watched this fresh commissioning taking place over these ‘movers and shakers’ — the Lord sending them out with new assignments and radical demonstrations of the power of God through them, and such increase of favour over their lives in specific areas to accomplish the will of God and extend His Kingdom — I saw a major birthing taking place.

The Lord spoke again:

‘The “movers and shakers” know what it is to face the enemy eye to eye, battle with intense darkness, but they KNOW how to OVERCOME. They have not been overcome, they have moved deeper into the revelation and manifestation of what it is to be an OVERCOMER in Me.’

‘Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us (so much that He died for us).’ Romans 8:37 (AMP)

‘The enemy has tried time and time again to chain them and keep them down, but I am decreeing that NOW there will be an increase of deliverance ministries being birthed through them. Now they are moving out in increase to break the chains of the enemy upon others and places, like never before, in the power of My name.’ I watched as this radical birthing was taking place.

These deliverance ministries took on different forms, but there was a major increase of the anointing for deliverance upon them. They were not moving forward into this new season of birthing without wisdom, but full of wisdom and insight: moving in the revelation and discernment of the Lord as He trained them in their deep battles to know and understand the schemes of the enemy and the revelation of the Word and the place of overcoming.

They are ones being sent forth like Elisha who heard the plans of the king in his bedroom (2 Kings 6:8-22) and moved forward in victory. These ‘movers and shakers’ are going forth in such divine insight of the times and seasons, and the revelation of the Word to bring breakthrough and radical shifts.

The Lord spoke again:

‘The enemy has tried SO hard to lock down these “movers and shakers” but they are now going forth with an anointing to UNLOCK. Wherever I send them through their INTERCESSION and DECREE, they will UNLOCK the plans and breakthroughs of My Spirit in the places that they are sent. They are being sent forward to move and shake the strongholds of the enemy and ignite those places with My fire as My Spirit moves through them in power.’

‘Movers and shakers,’ ARISE! Now is your time! The Lord is moving you into new areas. He is anointing you for new assignments. He is sending you forth, where you will experience greater demonstrations of His power flowing through you. Many of you have been in the battles of your life, but the tide has turned. The enemy has come against you hard, he has hit you and tried to stop you, but now you shall demolish the plans of the enemy, in the name of Jesus, in ways you have never imagined. What God is going to do through you, the enemy is going to be sorry he ever messed with you.’

The Lord spoke again:

‘Movers and shakers you are now arising in greater ways with the fire of My victory burning within you. You see not through eyes of defeat, you see not through eyes of a victim mentality, you see not through eyes of fear: but you are now arising and seeing with greater clarity and vision through My eyes — the eyes of victory and truth. The enemy has tried so hard to place false lenses on you in your battles and attempt to cage you in fear, but NOW you are arising in greater boldness, courage and the breaker anointing to usher in the greatest move of My Spirit in the places I send you.’

‘Places will shake at My power that will flow through you, wherever I send you, things will not stay the same: things will be MOVED and SHAKEN by My power and life, breakthrough and mighty signs and wonders will explode all around. The battles you have faced and the opposition you have faced will be nothing compared to the mighty demonstrations of My power through you.’

It’s your time, ‘movers and shakers.’ The enemy has spent so long trying to move and shake you because he’s terrified of you and Jesus in you. Watch and see how the Lord is going to remind the enemy of his defeat through you, in this mighty increase and birthing that is upon you. You are KEY to what the Lord is releasing in the earth.

