Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


This morning I was alerted that fire was thrown on Joseph’s tomb in Israel but was not damaged. Instantly I felt the Lord speak to me. 

That many who are carrying a Joseph anointing have been hit hard with tremendous fires of opposition but you have LOST NOTHING in the fire. It may have felt like you were in the hottest time of opposition that you have ever been in but as you have pressed into Him, you have not been damaged. You have been preserved by Him in the fire! 
Suddenly I saw the Lord turn the fires of opposition over these Joseph’s into the fire of awakening. The Lord’s fire being released empowering the Joseph’s to be released with greater impartations and favour into new realms of influence and places of authority. 
I saw Joseph’s arising all across the nations carrying the fire of God, and the fires of revival being released through His love into places of great influence, being released as they minister to those of influence and into governmental arenas. 
There is a tremendous shift happening over the Joseph’s. The fire of God bringing a great release into significant increase. Where people have tried to “throw the Joseph’s into the pit and silence them” the Lord is suddenly turning this all around and giving them greater platforms to speak and minister.
A shift is happening over the Joseph’s moving them further forward into Genesis 39:2
“The Lord was with Joseph so that He prospered in everything as he served.”
New beginnings are before the Joseph’s. Where you have stewarded and served well what the Lord has given you and remained faithful, explosions of favour of what you set your hands to is going to manifest on a whole new level. New realms of excellence. New levels of leadership and responsibility are opening up.
It is a promotion and shifting time for the Joseph’s. As the anointing over the Joseph’s is released it is going to manifest a deep level of unity, reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration across the body of Christ and into the world.
Get ready for new doors to open to see the fire of God released through you powerfully that will usher others into encounters with His love, bring freedom, set hearts alight with hunger and passion for Him and see revival fires manifest.

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  • Debbie Lennon

    I feel silly for asking, but can women carry the Joseph anointing, or is this just for men? I’ve been in an intense season of Job suffering for the past 22 months, but God Has encouraged me greatly through your prophetic words.

    • Jonathan

      Absolutely Debbie! Just as a male can be the bride of Messiah, a female is also considered a “Son”. Therefore, be blessed and prosper in the Joseph anointing!

    • Christina

      Yes ! They can. And we do ! Women like me have to carry the truth when their husbands won’t, and most of the church is women. God needs vessels.
      Was watching Joseph movies back to back last night. Told a woman at church I feel like Joseph in Potiphar,s household, being set up, falsely accused of stuff and surrounded by unbelievers. Demonized for being a bigot or fundamentalist or plain old crazy. Still in Babylon. But god,s light in me stronger. It grows stronger the worse the attacks get. Sadly my local pastor laughed at my request for deliverance as have even seen things recently. Devil hates me. Coz I love the truth. The living word. Who she’d his blood so we can be set free. Never compromise no matter how tempting the world gets.

  • Meshack Baloyi

    I felt so much encouraged by your prophecy as I know only God can take me out of my situation not man. I felt for a long time being left in the pit with no family or friends because of difference in opinion and believe, as I listen to your words I see the fire been ignited and I see my self getting out of the pit. I receive the new levels leadership and responsibility. Honest speaking what you are saying it is all about me.

  • Sandra

    This message is for me! Many years ago I had an encounter with the Lord. He said i would be like Joseph. I am a dreamer and for many years I have felt shunned by family and friends as well as felt I had no voice. I was told to move away and am not living close to family. I have had many years of suffering and struggles. This word has truly encouraged me. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to encourage and strengthen the body of Christ!

  • Rose

    The heart of the story of Joseph is to pay attentions to the details of your own unique life. Know that, regardless of what happens to you, God is working out everything for your good…and His Glory.
    At the end of the day, Joseph has a cool story to tell. The Real Big Story is about God. Look how quietly is worked all things for good in the practical: food was going to be needed, the right to access food needed to be given…and deeper relational issues needed to be worked out in the hearts of not only Joseph, but his father and all his brothers.
    Only God can do God-things. We participate…and find out how AWESOME it is to be a part of GOD’s family.
    I have a tendency to think of myself as “the center of the universe”…but, little by incremental little, I’m learning to give room to God to be my All, In All.
    The Anointing? That’s just God covering us with Himself! awesome. plain awesome.

  • Susan Rose

    Dear Lana, I believe your readers are hearing the “heartbeat of God,” presented through you. (Beats of grace, goodness, huge provision, restoration…and so much more…never ending…always yearning to give and to save.) Comments over past weeks reveal that others are hearing it too in their secret place, so they recognize it’s beautiful sound coming forth in your words. (His sheep recognize His voice.)
    Thank You, Lord, for Your loving encouragement. Thank You for raising up Lana as a very unique prophet for an extraordinary time.

  • Karen Maguire

    It is time for those who have been shoved into obscurity by their own family as well as others in the church and in th world to take their God ordained position!! A place of authority and plenty governed out of wisdom, discernment, love and humility.
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words, dreams and visions from the Lord. You are a blessing to the body of Christ.
    In His Service,
    Karen K. Maguire

  • DeAnn Carpebter

    Thanks for your words! For your obedience to steward your gift to proclaim and declare the Fathers words. I know this word is for so many but it feels like it’s been just for us these last weeks. It is so spot on. I felt the Lord speak of the Joseph anointing in Jan. And somehow missed the waiting and trial and only thought about the favor and provision. Your insight has been a gift this month as someone had forwarded me your websitestwo weeks ago, I have been greatful to read and consider all of it!! What a blessing Thank you!!!

  • Messenger

    If anyone is having this Joseph anointing experience throughout their life and has been hit especially hard the past 3-4 years I would just love to hear from you and be in communication. It’s a very hard thing to endure alone.

  • Carmen

    Hello Lana
    I can’t express how much this revelation has impacted my life. I so needed to hear this specific word for the Joseph’s among us. Wow!! Thank you for sharing…that “many who are carrying a Joseph anointing have been hit hard with tremendous fires of opposition but you have LOST NOTHING in the fire.”
    Thank you does not seem to be enough in words…Blessings x

  • Victoria Scott

    Hello there. I know this word came last fall but is so relevant today. I was searching for sites on the Joseph Anointing and came across thia powerful prophetic word. I recently wrote a book on the Joseph Anointing: Transforming Jacob to Israel in You…. Talks about rejection, forgiveness, reconciliation and transformation. Check it out on or…. Thanks

  • Ron

    Sis, thanks for releasing this word. This past Sunday I was preparing for corporate worship. I had no ironed shirt to wear. My wife pointed to an unironed shirt. We agreed with a sweater it would work fine
    As I put it on I remembered I named this my “Joseph Shirt,” my favorite. It is very colorful given to me by my son. Holy Spirit said, “this is who you are.” Instantly my spirit bore witness. Today I was led to search “Joseph Anonting” and learned three things about my gifting and assignment: favor, kingdompreneur, and prophetic.
    Unity, forgiveness, transformation, model producing, and kingdom building are fruit of this anointing. Building the Kingdom for the King’s return.