Prophetic Words


Over the last few weeks I have been hearing the Lord speaking about “inner turmoil” that is taking place in the hearts of many believers right now. The Lord showed me that this ‘inner turmoil’ within many is for many different reasons and is stemming from different things in the hearts of many of His people. Some are experiencing ‘inner turmoil’ from pain, trauma, grief and disappointment. Others are facing ‘inner turmoil’ because of circumstances they are finding themselves in. Others are facing ‘inner turmoil’ because of weariness and burn out. The list of areas of ‘inner turmoil’ that the Lord showed me went on. The focus of what the Lord was revealing was that He is ministering to these ones that are finding their hearts in a place of ‘inner turmoil’.
There is a call deeper into the secret place that these ones are sensing and feeling because the Lord is going to bring a rest, a deep rest that they have not known before. The Lord spoke to me that as they lean in, as they lay themselves down before the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to come and minister into those areas of ‘inner turmoil’ within, that as they partner with Him in the leading of His Spirit in dealing with this inner turmoil, that they will move into a realm of supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7) The Lord showed me that in this place of encounter He was bringing these ones into a place of deeper understanding of trusting Him, of ‘casting cares’ upon Him, a deeper place of prayer, a deeper place of surrender and allowing His Spirit to heal, restore, and put turmoil to rest.
The Lord showed me that there were many that were carrying this ‘inner turmoil’ within and the Lord spoke to me that they have carried it for a long time. They have lived with the ‘inner turmoil’ continuing to swirl within their hearts for many, many years. They have learnt to ‘live’ with this constant feeling of wrestle and inner turmoil within them. Some of these ones are now beginning to see the inner turmoil manifesting in greater ways in their body through physical ailments and physical symptoms, but take heart if that’s you, because the Lord is bringing healing to you. I heard the Holy Spirit say “I am going to the heart. I am going to the root. I am going to heal them from the inside, out. This is their year of wholeness, this is their year of healing, this is the year where they will step into a greater understanding and manifestation of what it is to live FULLY ALIVE (John 10:10) in Me and to not live with ‘constant concern’. They will walk in supernatural peace that I purchased for them at Calvary, and they will no longer be weighed down and marked by ‘constant cares’, I am decreeing that a major shift is taking place in their lives by the power of My Spirit, bringing that inner turmoil to rest once and marking them with My peace.”
The level of inner turmoil that I saw many carrying brought tears to my eyes, it was such a heavy weight, that many even though they had ‘smiles’ on their faces for all to see, they were battling a level of inner torment and turmoil that no one has seen. But HE has seen. He is coming as the relentless pursuer to love them to life. The words continued to surround me loudly “I am LOVING THEM BACK TO LIFE!!!! No more broken hearts.” When the Lord spoke those words, I saw. I saw the broken hearts all across the body of Christ and I saw the ‘hidden broken hearts’. Those that were carrying broken hearts that no one knew about it, they would cry and battle alone behind closed doors. The sadness they carried was deep. But now, Jesus steps in. I watched as He breathed upon their hearts and their deep mourning healed and turned to great joy. (Isaiah 61:3)
He whispered again to each one:
He began to speak words of life over them. Each word full of His love, full of hope, piercing truth to shatter strongholds and ignite life. Where inner turmoil had weighed them down, where they had felt like ‘shells of their former selves’ because this inner turmoil day by day had been eating away at them, as He spoke, each word He spoke, as they breathed in His breath, His life, His rhema, they were being loved back to life. They were coming back to life and the deepest rest in Him and His rhema that they had ever experienced was rebuilding them from the inside out. The great awakening to their identity as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and a son and daughter of the Most High was being ignited in them like never before.
As Jesus spoke, as He was loving them back to life, they began to remember again. They began to remember the dreams, the promises laid down. They began to remember the joy of first love. They began to remember the joy of abundant life before the inner turmoil began to steal hope, peace, joy and life from within them. They began to enter the divine dance with the Beloved again in the steps of joy and deep peace.
Friend, today, if you are one struggling with deep inner turmoil. Take heart the Lord has seen the deep turmoil, the wrestle, the struggle, the pain that no one else has seen in its fullness. The tears you have cried and He has not turned a blind eye or deaf ear. Jesus is here and He is drawing you deeper into the secret place, into His heart, to embrace you and life you back to life. Love you into wholeness and healing. Surrender into His arms and allow Him to work deeply on your heart, allow His Spirit to minister to you. Partner with Him in your yielding. He is bringing that inner turmoil to rest. You will not know this deep inner turmoil any longer, but in encounter with Jesus, you will be marked by peace, joy and hope. Where that inner turmoil was, LIFE will now reside, HEALING will reside. You will begin to BELIEVE again. You will begin to DREAM again. You will begin to HOPE again. You will not walk around carrying deep sadness within, but explode with joy in the abundant life that is yours in Christ.
This is your time, your divinely appointed moment for wholeness. This is your time of encounter with Jesus to come FULLY awake and FULLY alive and rediscover again, the amazing YOU that He created you to be in Him.
***edited 19.2.21 – typo fixed: now changed to not. KV