By Lana Vawser
Recently I had a vision where I saw the throneroom and Jesus was picking up very LARGE, THICK books. One at a time He opened them and I knew He was opening them over the lives of many of His people.
As He did, I saw these pages were SO ALIVE and almost made of water, as I could see what looked like rivers flowing in the pages.
Suddenly, it was if the underside of the book got a huge hole in it and the rivers of rushing water started pouring out and falling like a mighty rushing waterfall.
I then saw this waterfall crashing upon many in the body of Christ as they sat at their computers. This waterfall flowed into God’s people and flowed out of them mightily. This mighty refreshing revelation flowed out of them as pages upon pages were filled on their computers with words of life, insight and revelation.
The atmosphere was so pregnant with the sense of life giving revelation and keys of breakthrough.
I then heard the Lord say “New books are being birthed right now. They will contain great impartation for encounter with Me, revelation, refreshing, direction and bring great shift to the body of Christ and the world. 2017 will have an increased grace and acceleration for publishing.”
The winds of acceleration landed upon these ones in the body of Christ and these books were birthed in SUDDENLY’S! Where many thought it would take them a year or years, it took months. His winds of acceleration were breathing upon these manuscripts to see them birthed in SUDDENLY’S!!!
Instantly I saw these manuscripts finished and the cover of each of these manuscripts had a COMPASS on the front.
“My specific direction is being released through these manuscripts.”
Many of these manuscripts will restore the TRUE NORTH into people’s lives, cities and nations to awaken destiny!!!
NOW is the time for many of you to receive the revelation from His heart in waterfall proportions and see His manuscript through you SUDDENLY grow wings and fly!!!
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Katie R Dale
Lana, how beautiful Jesus’ revelation with the breakthroughs for publications for 2017!! I SEE this was meant for me, and I am overjoyed to read this! I am currently feeling the Lord stir up in me the resolve and dedication to finish my manuscript which I’ve been working on for YEARS and now I KNOW He has purposed it for such a time as this! It is so appropriate that He is talking about waters and compasses. I have been titling my chapters with a nautical theme and am in the process of picking an oceanic title for the memoir I’m working on! Thank you for being faithful to your calling. You have blessed me much, but especially through this post today. Blessings on you!!
Frank John Ingersoll (Sandy)
God has given me several books. Most recently THE KINGDOM BUSINESS which is now in print. PARABLES OF THE MASTER ARCHITECT AND YOU is soon to be in print. STEEPLECHASE also waiting for the Lord’s release. I often use the wording “setting your compass to due North, meaning only HIS will be done:.
Daniel Byler
Hallelujah thank you Jesus !!
Michelle Strong-Swift
Many years ago the Lord gave me a poem:
‘What is that you have in your hand?’
‘In my hand, Lord? It’s just a pen’
‘Then give me your pen, I’ll use it to teach,
When Simon gave his boat, I sat in it to preach.’
‘Then give me your pen, I’ll use it to pour,
When the widow poured the oil, I gave more and more.’
‘I want to reach out, to touch the hearts of men,
But I can’t do a thing, unless you give me your pen.’
I wrote several poems around that time, but nothing much since. Maybe the Lord is reawakening His gift?
I receive this, In Jesus’ Name! I am ready to hear His download to me. I know it will flow!
Justice Larbi
Wow powerful. I receive the download of this waterfall of revelations to write books in JESUS Name.