Prophetic Words


Hi friends!
It has been some time since we have done a proper update email – I figured now is a good time for it.

We have updated our website! It is much cleaner and performs much faster (so far), I have moved some functionality onto other platforms so the website itself is more a platform for the prophetic messages. Feel free to check it out. (

Secondly – beware of scammers. We heard only today of someone else who received a prophetic word from Lana – that we had nothing to do with. We never ask for money and we WON’T reach out to you to join any new Facebook or Instagram channel.

Thirdly – as we mentioned earlier we have moved to Sydney. In the time since we have finished setting up the new entity. Some people like to send us things via mail, we are extremely blessed by everyone who has done this in the past. We would like to note that our PO box has changed, please check the details on our website if you are intending to send us anything in the future. 
Our Australian banking details have changed also, if you do sow using direct deposit please take note. 

Finally, our next online course starts very shortly – we are excited to dive in and we hope to see you there. If you are interested, feel free to check out the banner on our website and click for more information. We are always happy to answer any school-related questions at [email protected] if you have any.
There are those that have covered us in prayer and continue to do so. It has been some time since we have been on the road to meet with many of you, but I just want to take this moment and thank you for your support. 
Have a blessed week. Kevin (and Lana) Vawser