Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over many, ‘Do not move from what I have called you to. I am bringing expansion.’
When the Lord spoke these words, I saw many in the body of Christ who were dealing with ‘MULTIPLE VOICES’. I saw these ones with numerous voices around them that were all speaking different things, and it was bringing a confusion to what the Lord has called them to in this season. I saw voices coming in many different forms, and every time these voices were engaged with, I could feel confusion in the atmosphere. Then as they leaned in to try to discern if this voice was God or not, it would change form again. I felt like I was watching these voices like chameleons changing their colours and forms.
I then heard the thundering voice of the Lord and He said one word…
When He spoke the word ‘FOCUS’ it came with such strength and such a weighty and important call from the Lord, I could feel the fear of the Lord upon the word: it was a call to FOCUS upon Him and upon the Word, it was a ferocious focus, but it was a ferocious focus with a resolve. The sense then came to me so strongly that these other voices that were coming in different ways and some ‘masked’ so much to sound like the Lord, they were coming to bring forth DISTRACTION.
It was then that I heard the Lord say:
‘My people, there are many entertaining too many voices. There are many exalting other voices above Mine. There are many who are being led astray by voices that are not My voice. I say unto you, that in this hour you must be deep in the secret place with Me and in My Word to discern that which I am speaking. For I say unto you, that there is expansion that I am bringing forth in different ways in what I have called you to do in this season, but these voices have come to contain and to distract. These voices have come to hinder momentum and to attempt to lead you astray.
‘But I say unto you, that I am bringing you deeper into discernment like you have not known, as you cling to Me, as you focus upon Me and allow Me to teach you. These voices have come and taken eyes off of Me, and I am calling you to keep your eyes upon Me. Do not turn to the left or to the right, look to Me, for there is greater direction before you in this season that will come with clarity like you have not yet known.
‘I say unto you, entertain and dance not with the voice of reason. For I am calling you deeper into the place of listening to My voice and hearing that which I am speaking to be led into new things and new ways. There are many places in this season where I am calling for wholehearted faith for you to step out of the boat as I am calling you out on the water and to trust Me.
‘I say unto you, DO NOT MOVE from what I have called you to. Do NOT MOVE from what I have called you to put your hands to in this season. Do not allow the voices and these distractions to pull you away from that which I have called you to do in this season. There is a great battle taking place for many right now and it is a battle for your focus. It’s a battle for what you will magnify. And in this season where I am bringing you into such depth of insight and clarity as you lean into Me – as you seek Me with humility, awe and consecrate yourselves – the enemy is attempting to bring you back into a confused and confined place, when I am leading you into wide open spaces and I am bringing you into places where I have been preparing your hearts and maturing you, to be able to carry and walk in.
‘I say unto you, stop entertaining every voice that knocks at your door. Give not your ears to every voice that comes to your table. I say unto you, that there are many in this hour who are living in a place of deep inner turmoil, as you have allowed too many voices at your table. You have given your ear to too many voices. I say unto you, am I the God of confusion? I am not the God of confusion. I am not the author of confusion. I am bringing you into deeper realms of understanding in this hour, but you must focus upon Me and listen to the Words that flow from My mouth. I am calling you, My people, in this season, deeper into MAGNIFYING THE MANNA.
‘I am bringing you deeper into MAGNIFYING THE MANNA! Meditate, marinate and focus upon the manna that flows from My mouth. And as you do, not only will you walk in clarity like you have never known, but you will also come deeper into the intricate mysteries, insights and revelations contained within that which I am speaking. I say unto you, that the time is upon you to draw even deeper into the secret place to receive My Word and the manna that flows from My mouth.
‘Many voices are attempting to talk many of you out of your assignment/s in this hour and to steal your strength and confidence – and for many of you, without you even knowing it. I say unto you, that there are many in this hour that are entertaining voices in their lives and they are ignoring their discernment. I say unto you, do not ignore your discernment. You must follow the discernment that I am giving you; for to ignore the discernment that I am giving you will cause you to sit and remain at tables and have your ears given to voices that are not in line with My heart, My Word and My assignment for you in this hour.
‘Be wise, My people. Keep your eyes upon Me and, My people, I am exposing the lie that many of you are living under that you believe you do not hear My voice. I say unto you My sheep hear My voice (John 10:27). I am the Good shepherd and I am leading you and I am guiding you. Do not allow this lie to entangle you any longer. I am going to reveal more and more in the coming days how clearly you have been hearing Me, but you have been living in a deep place of doubt. The enemy has come hard after many of you to steal your confidence in hearing My voice but I say unto you NO MORE. For I am RESTORING your confidence in hearing My voice from the place of deep intimacy, trust and humility.
‘You will see in these days an increase of Psalm 119:105:
‘“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
‘Watch the increase of how I guide and provide for you in this season. Watch as I lead you to walk in deeper revelation of My Word as a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Watch the increase of clarity come.
‘Do not move from what I have called you to. I am bringing expansion.’