Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Watch for My strong arm to deliver and to bring sudden birth.’

I then saw many in the body of Christ who have recently faced a relentless increase in warfare in their lives, and I could feel the temptation that many were feeling to ‘run and hide.’ I could hear people in the spirit crying out to the Lord, ‘Jesus, help me, this is too much.’ As soon as I heard the words, ‘this is too much’ I heard the Lord interrupt their cry and His thunderous voice went forth:

‘Watch for My strong arm to deliver and to bring sudden birth.’

As I leaned in and listened I heard the Lord say, ‘My strong arm is coming to deliver. My strong arm is coming to break the back of the oppressor and the relentless onslaught that has come against you. Watch as My strong arm comes forth and breaks the onslaught, and watch for sudden birth. For I say unto you, that in this season I have been doing things within you that you have NOT YET SEEN, and the enemy is after that which I have placed inside of you — the seeds that I have been cultivating and protecting — and he is also after that which I have built and birthed within you and am about to ESTABLISH in a greater way. Watch in the coming days and weeks for the sudden birthing that shall come forth from within you, by My mighty hand, to reveal that which I have been doing deep within you. Be not surprised by that which is unfamiliar and unexpected that comes forth, for I am bringing you into a greater space and momentum of walking in and carrying that which I have assigned to you in this new era.

‘I have seen the onslaught and the weariness that many of you have been facing and the relentless attacks upon your homes and families, and I am moving swiftly to bring forth that which I have promised. For there are many of you who have felt like I have forgotten the words I have promised to you around inheritance and family and the recompense and spoils that are yours from the war you have been in. But I say unto you, that I am the Lord who keeps My promises, and I forget not that which I have promised you. I am bringing you into a mighty demonstration of seeing what happens when My strong arm comes to deliver.’


‘For I say unto you, that you are entering the days of My glory and power being displayed in your midst in a way that you have not seen before. The tears of consecration and faithfulness to Me have laid and carved out a pathway for My glory to come. I have seen the faithfulness of many in these past seasons: to remain faithful to Me and to the call, and to continue to walk in My ways. Your tears that have come in the deep places of obedience have carved out a pathway for My glory. Nothing has been wasted, nothing has been unseen. I have been carrying you and walking with you, and I am now bringing you into a place of strengthening and refreshing. For I say unto you, that you will not be lacking or lagging: but you will be filled, refreshed, strengthened and empowered for the days ahead. For I say unto you, do not lose hope over your home and the promises I have given you. For in the coming days, weeks, months, years, you will see a great uprising of My power and My Spirit in and through your home that is going to draw many to Me and to My heart, and see many come to know Me.

‘Watch as supernatural solutions, innovations and divine intelligence — coming from SUCH a DEEP PLACE OF REST within ME — flows from within your homes like never before: to draw many unto Me and shine MY LIGHT from your homes and family unit like never before. Where there has been much stolen and such chaos, now you shall see EASE AND INCREASE in ME in supernatural ways, and see families walking in greater realms of peace that surpass ALL UNDERSTANDING IN ME, as multiple streams flow from within homes. Oh, watch the birthing from within the home and family unit increase in unprecedented ways in this season. Oh, the harvest OF HOME and IN HOME that many of you are positioned to reap in this season. Do not lose heart, do not be discouraged, for My strong arm to DELIVER you and bring sudden birth is upon you.’

‘Watch in the coming days as the WOO of My heart and the FIRE of My presence draws families into deeper and deeper places of prayer and intercession. Watch My groans and My heart and burdens fall upon FAMILIES and children in unprecedented ways in this season, and the ROAR of conviction of My Word flow from their mouths. WATCH and SEE PRAYING FAMILIES ARISING like never before and NATIONS CHANGED from the secret place as FAMILIES PRAY. I am RAISING UP PRAYING FAMILIES like never before. The enemy thought he could break many of them down and apart, but My strong arm has come to DELIVER and they are arising and will arise in this season: TOGETHER and PRAYING, further awakened to the power of prayer. Where the enemy came to divide, I am raising them up healed and restored and UNIFIED in prayer to GOVERN TOGETHER. Here they come, the GOVERNING FAMILIES!!!!’

‘Where many mothers have felt like the enemy has been after their attention and affection for their children — with constant distraction, opposition, shame, guilt and heaviness, relentless attack upon their motherhood — I am RESTORING the mother’s FOCUS. The focus of the lioness protecting her cubs and breaking off ALL witchcraft attacks that has come after their attention and affection as mothers.’

‘Watch for sudden changes in direction and landscape in the coming days and season. For the revealing of that which I have been doing deeply within you is going to bring swift and sudden shifts of the landscape and changes in how you move in this season. For I say unto you, that the days of living UNDER are gone: for I am bringing swift deliverance, revelation, impartation, and awakening to you in the delivery of that which I have been doing within you to awaken you further to your authority in Me. Watch how My strong hand brings into sudden alignment that which I have been speaking to you about.

‘For the enemy has come strongly with chaos and confusion against many of you, to try and convince you out of what I have spoken and shown you. But watch and see how THE DELIVERY BRINGS FORTH GREAT CLARITY. Watch how what I have placed within you comes forth and the birthing I suddenly release brings such clarity for you, to see that you have been hearing Me clearly ALL ALONG. Watch and see the exposing of the spirit of witchcraft that has been in your midst to keep you contained, confused and feeling defeated. But now is the time that My strong arm to deliver is positioning you in greater depths of the authority that you have in Me and the assignments I have for you in this hour.

‘I say unto you, that not only am I delivering you and delivering THROUGH YOU, but I am delivering TO YOU that which I have promised you. Stand still and watch what I will do for you. Hold close to hope and lean into the shift and the changes that are taking place by My hand, through the place of deep rest in Me. For great comfort Proverbs 3:5-6 shall be to you in the coming days. I AM making your paths straight. Trust in Me. I AM THE DELIVERER!’

‘Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.’ Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMPC)