Recently, I heard the Lord say “The vision is bigger than you realise” and I began to see many had written down into their journals “vision” that the Lord has spoken to them for right now and for what is to come. Suddenly, I began to see a mighty wind that began to blow around them, but what I realised was that it was an “opposing wind”. The Lord showed me that many have been receiving greater clarity and definition to the vision that the Lord has for them for this season and for their lives and then out of nowhere, there has been an ‘opposing wind’ that has come to attempt to hinder the vision.
I heard the Lord speaking over these ones and He said “This opposing wind has come to knock the wind out of their sails’ because they are about to fly higher with Me than they have ever flown. The vision is about to take off into new heights and new ways and the enemy has come to hinder the place of soaring and keep many contained, constricted, confused, and feeling like they are living in a place of chaos. The vision is bigger than they think, the vision is SO much bigger than they think and the enemy has come with an opposing wind to knock the wind out of their sails, but I am coming with a mighty second wind to cause them to fly higher, see further and partner with Me in such deeper ways in all that I am doing in and through them.”
The Lord continued to speak “It’s time for EAGLE EYED FOCUS. It’s time for eagle-eyed vision. There is such extension and depth of vision that the Lord is bringing, there is such an extension of vision that is taking place right now that as My people spend time at My feet and make room to be ferociously focused on Me, that I am bringing HIGHER DEFINITION to the vision and the enemy is TERRIFIED. The movement of vision was beginning to take greater traction and the opposing wind then came to attempt to knock the wind out of many of My people’s sails, but I am saying that movements that are being deposited and birthed within them is going to come forth in such explosive ways in clarity of vision and breakthrough.”
I heard the words surrounding me “harvest, harvest, harvest” and the Lord showed me that the vision He has given to many, the specific strategies contained within the vision, and partnering with His wisdom and His ways was leading many into new realms of harvest in their own personal lives, they were being led into their place of greater inheritance of the promises spoken to them by the Lord and the enemy is opposing it greatly, but the Lord is faithful to do what He said He is going to do and as these ones partner with the vision that the Lord has given them and refuse to move and refuse to bow from what He has said and entertain the ‘opposing wind’, that there is such a breaking of the opposing wind and a second wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing strongly to bring forth greater empowerment, strengthening and refreshing to hearts as they RUN into the harvest of His faithfulness manifested and promises fulfilled. The enemy has fought hard at the gates of many of your harvest, but you are overcoming by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as you ferociously focus on the vision/s He has given you. I heard the Lord say “Be like a dog with a bone with the vision I have given you, ferociously guard the vision, ferociously protect the vision, ferociously focus on the vision I have given you and listen nor look at the opposing wind, follow what I have spoken to you, you are moving into a great harvest. (Song of Songs 2:11-13)
The Lord showed me that the vision/s He has been releasing, divine strategy, and wisdom are nets for harvest. In the partnering with the vision/s the Lord has been releasing and remaining firm upon them and moving in obedience to what He is saying, He has been creating nets for harvest. Some of these areas where the enemy has come with an opposing wind against the vision/s the Lord has given you, these are very areas where you will see a great harvest of souls come into the Kingdom and MANY come to know Jesus. The vision/s He has given you is not only connected to the harvest of His promises for your own life but the harvest of souls that are going to come in and come to know Jesus through what the Lord has you build with Him and through your testimony.
This encounter with the Lord started with the Lord saying “The vision is bigger than you expected or realised.” It’s bigger in its outworking, it is bigger in the plans that He has for it and the way He is going to unfold it, but I also heard the Lord say “You have just scratched the surface. The deepest well of vision is before you. I have so much more to show you and reveal to you. As you draw close to Me in the secret place I am going to take you into the depths of My Word and My heart to show you depths to the vision/s that I have spoken to you that are beyond what you have seen. There are mysteries and revelation and levels to the vision/s that I have given you that I am about to unveil. It’s time to be focused and be really focused upon Me and My Word and make room to truly listen to Me, and make more time and more room for Me to speak and reveal because I am not just leading you into just a ‘moment’ of encounter, I am bringing you into a place where I am showing you just how deep the revelation of this vision goes. It is not just a vision, for many of you, it’s a movement I am birthing and there are many levels and strategies and wisdom for the outworking of My vision in and through your life, so come away and listen. The fierceness of the battle against the vision I have given many of you has been relentless, but the well you are standing in now is the deepest well of My vision that you have ever been in. So dive in. Dive in through your positioning before Me, your listening ear towards Me, your marinating in My Word, and ferocious focus on Me and what I have spoken. The battle is breaking and the DAM of My revelation and vision is bursting forth and bubbling up in this well, drink deep, the depth of encounter in this deep well of My vision, it WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING.”