Prophetic Words


I heard the Lord say:

‘There is a great test in this hour and it is the test of stewardship of My divine intel and My secrets. For My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those that I can entrust with the very secrets of My heart.

‘I say unto you, a great exposing is coming as My fire falls: to reveal those who will carry My heart and steward My secrets with purity, integrity, humility and secrecy. I say unto you, My people, that I am raising up the secret agents of My heart in this hour, those who will carry My divine intel and steward My intel at MY leading. Those who will not parade, misuse or prostitute My revelation and My divine intel, but those who will move only on My instruction and leading in the stewardship of My secrets. For I say unto you that there will be many times in this hour where you will hear Me say to you, ‘You are sworn to secrecy.’ There are things that I will be exposing, revealing and releasing in this hour that are to be kept between you and I.

‘For in this season of unprecedented acceleration in revelation and divine intel, it does not equate the rapid release of revelation. For there is much that I am releasing in this hour that is for the purpose of intercession and for the heart to heart sharing between friends. I am looking for those in this hour whom I trust as My friends. I am looking for those who will not use My intel and revelation to be ‘seen,’ to ‘parade revelation,’ or to build their own kingdom. For there is a great shaking coming upon My people in the stewardship of My voice and divine intel. I am looking for those that I can trust and entrust with the secrets of My heart.

‘These secret agents of My heart that I am raising up in this hour have no desire to be seen by man, but they are ones who are living seen by Me. They are those who are living before Me, the audience of One. For I say unto you, that many have been moving in elitism with revelation that they are carrying, but this is the hour to come deeper still in humility to hear what is on My heart. For I am calling you, My people, deeper into discernment. I am calling you into the humble place of partnering with My Spirit, to be discipled in discernment. For the hour is urgent and I continue to call out: for many are continuing to run in pride and ambition in the carrying and releasing of My revelation.

‘Watch My fire that is coming in a greater way upon the stewardship of My voice. Watch the refining and watch the increase of discernment and intel in this hour. For it is My desire to raise up My people who live from the place of deep intimacy with Me — and they live carrying My heart without agenda. For the hour is coming where I am bringing you, My people, into a realm of deeper discernment: to see and perceive that which I am doing and what I am speaking. I am looking for those who will receive that which I am revealing and they will carry this intel with purity.

‘For I say unto you, that I am releasing divine intel not to be passed on as ‘intelligence’ between people. I am not releasing and increasing discernment to be released in the wells of gossip. For My fire is increasing and My fire is going to shake and reveal ALL the misuse of My voice. I am bringing forth a DEALING of My hand upon those who are using discernment for division and divisiveness. I am looking for those who will carry My discernment with PURITY and with My heart, and not misuse that which I am releasing.

‘Watch in the time ahead for the shaking that will come. Watch how I will bring a separation between those who hear My voice and carry My secrets with deep purity and sensitivity — those who are able to keep My secrets and will only release that which I am speaking at My command — and between those who are using My revelation and intel to feed ambition. I have been shaking, and I will continue to shake in greater ways, that which is built on ambition, pride and self promotion. I am bringing down these structures: only that which is built on Me and by Me will remain.

‘There is a fire coming upon the prophetic stream to cleanse and purify, in a greater way, of selfish ambition, pride and the misuse of revelation. I will not tolerate the polluting of My heart, My intel and My divine secrets. I am raising up My Bride to walk in purity and discernment and intel in the days ahead: to see MY Kingdom and MY plans in the earth extended — not to be used to extend the kingdoms and plans of man.

‘My eyes are roaming the earth. I am looking for those I can trust to carry My heart. I am calling you forth, secret agents of My heart. I am calling you to report for duty, the duty of carrying My intel and My secrets in a greater way. The greatest test in this hour is the test of keeping your mouth closed when I have sworn you to secrecy. Listen to Me, My people. BE SLOW TO SPEAK! I am looking for My friends that will carry and listen to My heart without agenda, and oh, the Glory you shall see. Oh, My Glory that shall be revealed in your midst. Oh, My Majesty that shall be seen in your midst. Oh, the weight of My Glory that shall be in your midst, that will leave you prostrate before Me. (Exodus 33:11)

‘The secrets of My heart and the depths of the inner chambers of My heart that I am leading you into, you have never been into before. Oh, the mysteries you shall see and receive. Much of what I am revealing to you in this place is for intercession and for the days ahead to see, know and perceive that which I am speaking, and to govern with Me from the secret place. My fire is coming upon My Church where there has been a prostitution of revelation. Watch now, as I speak and the thunder of My voice comes forth: it will leave you prostrate before Me.’