Prophetic Words


This morning the Lord took me into a vision and I saw a nursery that was full of newborn babies and I could hear them all crying. I knew at that moment that the Lord was speaking about “multiple births” again.
I heard the Lord saying over and over “Can you hear the sound of life? Can you hear the sound of life? Can you hear the sound of new life?”
I then began to see many who have felt like they have been in a place of STUNTED BIRTH and STILLBIRTH.
I felt the Lord say “Many have felt like they were carrying a promise and then it was suddenly stopped, it was suddenly delayed, the birthing never came and for others they felt like they gave birth to the promise and then suddenly there was no life. The promise died. It fell apart.”
He continued to speak:
“Many have felt like they have been in such a place of CHAOS and CONFUSION especially in the area where I have spoken clearly My Word, My Way and My promise. There has been such confusion and chaos over the promise… “
Then suddenly I was taken back to the vision of the newborn babies crying loudly in the nursery and what struck me was how each of these babies were stationed next to each other, side by side, they were in perfect rows and then the Lord continued to speak…
“Where there has been SUCH chaos and SUCH confusion, such attack, such thieving, such delay, such despondency, I am speaking DIVINE ORDER. That which has been OUT of order, I am now bringing into MY DIVINE ORDER in greater ways than has ever been seen. I am speaking DIVINE ALIGNMENT.”
Immediately I was surrounded in the Spirit by the sense of ACCELERATION OF DIVINE ORDER. I was surrounded by Amos 9:13-15 (MSG), the swift alignment and acceleration of God bringing things into their perfect divine alignment and order of His WAY and His strategy, His fulfillment and His recompense. Where the enemy has attempted to come and mess with times and seasons and the appointed time of the Lord, the Lord was bringing forth a greater manifestation of His DIVINE ORDER and DIVINE JUSTICE.
I then heard the Lord say “Many have felt like they have experienced a STILLBIRTH, but I am speaking “IT IS STILL BIRTHING TIME”.
I knew immediately the Lord was speaking that where the enemy has come and stolen, where he has come to kill and destroy, what God has spoken STILL remains. The sense surrounded me so strongly of (Genesis 50:20) what the enemy meant for harm, God will use for good. I was surrounded by Romans 8:28 “And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.”
I heard the Lord say “Encourage these ones who have found themselves in a place of despondency that I am faithful to fulfil that which I have spoken. I will bring forth that which I have spoken. Can you hear the sound of MULTIPLE BIRTHS? I am bringing forth such a fruitfulness in the lives of these ones that they will see supernaturally they will step into an increase and fruitfulness that could not have come by any way but by My hand and My power. I WILL DO that which I said I will do. I have NOT changed the subject. I am speaking “IT IS STILL BIRTHING SEASON” and I will bring forth that which I have spoken. (Isaiah 66:9)”