Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Injustices be uprooted! I am accelerating the winds of My divine justice.’ When the Lord spoke these words, I knew that there was an even deeper deliverance taking place right now in the lives of His people, the Church and in the nations. 

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard the Lord say:

‘I am going deeper, I am going deeper, deeper and deeper still. I am going after areas of injustice in the lives of My people and in the nations. I say unto you, that I am going even deeper into the depths of injustice in the lives of My people and in the nations, and I am declaring MY JUSTICE in greater ways. I say unto you, that in this hour I am going deeper into the deepest roots of injustice in nations and I am UPROOTING them by My mighty hand. That which has been hidden is being brought into the light, but the depths to which I am bringing forth that which has been hidden is unprecedented. 

‘I say unto you, that these are the days of deliverance and a powerful move of My hand in the lives of My people and in the nations and right now. I am INCREASING THE WINDS OF DELIVERANCE upon the lives of My people and in the nations to deal with injustice that has taken place in the lives of My people and in the nations. And by the power of My hand I am UPROOTING deep roots of deep rooted evil and injustice within the nations, to bring forth My power, My Glory and My Kingdom. Be even more alert and watchful in your expectation, in this hour, for how I will move and bring forth My justice. I am the One who sits in the heavens and laughs (Psalm 2) and I say unto you, that I will not be mocked by the pride of man, I will bring forth JUSTICE by MY MIGHTY HAND.

‘My people, I say unto you, that the hour has come for an acceleration of My justice being demonstrated in your lives. I say unto you, can you hear the fierce winds of My divine justice blowing louder than ever? I say unto you, that I am leading you deeper into the lands of recompense in the areas where injustice has had the loudest voice, and I am leading you in with a song of deliverance and songs of freedom. I say unto you, watch for the earthquakes of My power in your lives to break open the grounds of injustice and bring forth some of the most unprecedented demonstrations of My justice in your lives.

‘I say to those of who who have felt delayed by injustices, and I say unto you, RECEIVE THE WINDS OF ACCELERATION into your lives in this hour to ACCELERATE YOU into mighty recompense and demonstrations of My justice, and to bring you forth into all that I have for you, in this hour, and MORE. I say unto you, that delay because of injustices against you will no longer be part of your story, for I am MARKING and BRANDING your life with My divine justice. I am coming in might and coming in power to execute My justice and bring forth MY VICTORY in your life. 

‘For I say unto you, that in Me, you are the head and not the tail (Deut 28:13). There has been much injustice that has taken place against you, My people, that has attempted to keep you living “under” it and has attempted to keep you from the place of governing that is yours in Me (Ephesians 2:6): and I say unto you, WATCH AND SEE what will take place when My mighty hand and My divine gavel comes down. For NOTHING can stand against My mighty delivering arm and My strong hand to bring forth divine justice. I say unto you, My people, there is great VINDICATION for many of you in this hour. For where many of you have had much stolen from you and much has been broken because of FALSE ACCUSATION, I say unto you, VINDICATION IS UPON YOU in My name. 

‘Suddenly I heard Romans 12:19 thundering in the spirit around me:

“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say ‘Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (TPT)

‘My people, this is a time to stand and to stand still and trust Me, for I am fighting for you (Exodus 14:14) and I am bringing you forth into unprecedented victory. Victory that has always been yours in Me, but victory that you will now SEE manifested in and through your lives.

‘Arise in faith, My Bride! Arise in faith that I am bringing forth My divine justice! Vengeance is mine and I will repay, and this is your “day” of REPAYMENT.’

‘I say unto you, that many of you have been hindered by injustice against you in the natural and injustice coming against you in the spirit because of judgements, witchcraft and accusation, and it has hindered you in the lands and places that I have called you to build. I say unto you, that not only am I breaking the power of these injustices in your life and there will be a greater empowerment of My Spirit to build in these lands and places — with mighty acceleration as you build in My way and are carried on the winds of My Spirit — it will be as if no time has gone by. For I am the God of REPAYMENT, RESTORATION and RECOMPENSE, and I am redeeming time for you. 

‘But I also say unto you, that there are MULTIPLE BIRTHS that will now come forth in GREAT acceleration as these injustices are broken and My justice comes forth. Make room for supernatural, sudden, accelerated birthing, where I will DEPOSIT AND DELIVER in an INSTANT. Make room by sitting at My feet and listening to that which I am speaking to you. Make room in your expectation for Me to move, DEPOSIT AND DELIVER in some of the most unexpected ways and places. And make room for the birthing through your surrender. 

‘Lay down your expectations and open your heart and your arms for what I am about to DEPOSIT AND DELIVER. This isn’t just a new day in some of your lives: this mighty DEPOSITING AND DELIVERING, mighty supernatural birthing in and through your lives are heralding a new ERA for you IN ME. You will then go forth in this hour and you will see Me DEPOSIT in impartation and deliver (bring to birth), in the lives of MANY, from the multiple births that came forth in an instant in your life, by My mighty hand.’