Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘I am supernaturally levelling you up in expectation.’ When the Lord spoke these words I saw many who had been facing huge mountains after mountains after mountains, and each one of these mountains felt like mountains of impossibility. These were situations, circumstances, opposition and areas of life that were desperate for a move of the Lord upon them, and these mountains, I knew, were stopping many of God’s people from moving forward.

As I leaned in and listened, I heard the Lord say:
‘Momentum. Momentum. Momentum. I am declaring momentum over My people in this hour. It’s time for mobilisation, and many have been hindered and opposed by the mountains that have raised themselves up against My Word and the assignments that I have given My people in this hour. There are many who are moving into completely new realms and new landscapes that I am leading them into, and mountains have arisen. But I say unto you, do not look at the mountains. Keep your eyes off the mountains, for the mountains are insignificant. I am about to level the mountains (Isaiah 40:4-5) with such great and mighty power that these mountains will be laid bare. I say unto you, that these mountains are a distraction, they are attempting to take your gaze. The mountains cry out, “Behold me, behold me,” but I am calling you higher, My people. BEHOLD ME, BEHOLD ME for I am supernaturally levelling you up in expectation as I LEVEL the mountains that are before you.

‘For what many of you are facing in this hour, with these mountains that are before you, is attempting to hinder your focus, your faith and your ferocity of apprehending that which I have promised you. The mountains are attempting to engulf you in their taunts and the natural realm narratives: but in this tension, I am building supernaturally within you a resolve and a ferocity of faith that you will see bring such deep expansion within you, that is making room for what you are to carry in the coming days. I am strengthening your faith in this hour and building endurance within you, in Me, that cannot be taken from you. Your dependence upon Me is deepening in a way that you have not experienced before. For many are looking at natural realm circumstances and emotions, and saying, “Lord, I am so weak, I have no strength left.” But I say unto you, that not only am I refreshing you and supernaturally restoring your resolve, but I am bringing you into a deeper place of faith.

‘Where mountains have come and placed great pressure upon you; where natural realm circumstances have screamed loudly; where the enemy has taunted you in what feels like every direction, I am supernaturally strengthening your faith and I am bringing you into a new level of expectation. As you look to Me, as you look AT Me, I am levelling you up in expectation, and you will see in the coming days and months an even greater demonstration of My power to level mountains. You will see a greater levelling up in expectation of what I can do. For the enemy is attempting to limit so many in this hour, by his luring taunts and the loud chatter in the spirit to lure you, My people, into agreement with his lies and to draw you and keep you in a place of unbelief. But I say unto you, that in the stretching, the unbelief is being exposed to be repented of and bring you deeper into My truth, but in the stretching I am making more and more room for faith to arise within you.

‘Where the enemy has come to delay and steal your faith, I say unto you, I am releasing a hunger for My Word in unprecedented ways, and I am bringing you deep into a Bible revival. I am bringing you deeper into the place of experiencing the supernatural power of My Word to break chains, to heal, to level mountains and to make a way where there seems to be no way. Where the enemy has attempted to keep you in chains by the heaviness of natural realm circumstances, I am bringing you into an awakening more and more of your authority and your position in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Where many of you have felt like you have battled to just “remain in faith,” I say unto you that now there shall be the greatest comeback in your life, by the power of My Spirit in the realm of faith.

‘The days of struggling to believe and struggling to hold on are going to be a distant memory as you encounter Me and My Word in such deep and profound ways: that not only am I restoring you and strengthening you, but I am positioning you in a supernatural turnaround of expectations, where you will begin to walk on water with Me. My people, I am bringing you into a place of walking upon My Word like never before and seeing impossibilities bow to My name. Where many of you have felt like waves have tumbled and plummeted you, I say unto you, that now you shall not only walk upon the waves with Me, but you will move in an empowerment of faith and expectation to see Me do what only I can do.

‘Oh the expectation I am increasing within you, My people, that is going to make more and more room for My divine intel and strategy for the days ahead. Where mountain after mountain has felt like it would stop you, I am declaring that you are moving into your greater days of hearing and receiving My divine strategy and intelligence to MOVE WITH ME in the earth like never before. You are moving into a deeper realm of mobilisation with Me and a momentum in My Spirit that is unprecedented. You will see in the days ahead in greater ways the mobilisation of My Spirit within you and through your life that is going to see you catch MY WIND OF ACCELERATION to ARISE AND BUILD.

‘My people, do not be discouraged and held back by seemingly “unmet expectations.” I am calling you to a deeper place of surrender in the supernatural levelling up of expectations of what I will do in this hour. I am calling you deeper into that place of surrender, and as you move deeper into that place of yielding, you are going to begin to see from a higher perspective what I have been doing, what I am doing and what I am about to do.

‘I say unto you, that many of you have been in the battle of your lives over unmet expectations. The enemy has attempted to lure you into remaining in grief and in regret. Shake it off. I say unto you, shake it off and know that I am leading you into greater days in Me than you have walked in. Not dependent and defined by the natural realm, but defined by who I am and what is possible IN ME. I say unto you, surrender afresh and look not at the battle, but WATCH as I level up your expectation in this hour, because NEW BLUEPRINTS ARE UPON YOU. Battle, battle, battle has been resounding loudly around you: but I say unto you, listen to what I am speaking and you will hear My voice thundering, “BLUEPRINT, BLUEPRINT, BLUEPRINT.” Much of what many of you have battled is the battle over the blueprint that will bring forth some of the greatest mobilisations that you have EVER seen.

‘You are entering the days of hearing and receiving My wisdom, and they are unprecedented days. Continue to position yourself daily before Me and ask for My wisdom (Proverbs 8:34-45 TPT, James 1:5). Know that I am shaking and breaking off ALL that has hindered your expectation. I am not only delivering you, but levelling you up into a whole new realm of expectation and revelation of My Word that is going to make room for some of the most powerful and unprecedented moves of My Spirit that you have yet seen. Be ready! It’s time to level up!’