Prophetic Words


Recently, when I heard the Lord say, ‘I am releasing the unrestrained voices,’ I leaned into the Lord and listened, and I heard the Lord say:

‘I am releasing and raising up the unrestrained, unapologetic, refined by fire voices, heralding My truth and My heart in this hour. I am raising up these unrestrained voices who will speak My truth and My Word boldly and unapologetically. These ones have been refined by fire, and they are ones who have not and will not bow to the applause of man. I am raising up and releasing these voices in this hour, and My Word will be released through them like arrows: to see My Word and My Spirit break open some of the hardest grounds, regions, hearts and stubborn resistance against My Word and My way.

‘These ones have been tried by fire in great ways, and many of these ones have been in the wings of waiting in the secret place, waiting upon My leading to position them in this hour to go forth and speak and release that which I am calling them to release. Many will look at them and call them the wild ones for they are a new breed carrying an unapologetic boldness that has not been seen before by many, and they are the trailblazers in this hour. They are unafraid and unapologetic and have been living in a deep place of being gripped by the groans of My heart. They have been in places of deep travail and they are being raised up in this hour, to not only speak and declare My Word, but there is a confrontation with the powers of darkness and strongholds over regions that will be exposed, uncovered and revealed by My truth.

‘Many will look to these ones and see they are untamed by the hands of man but they have been prepared, refined and strengthened by My hand for such a time as this. They bow not to the ways of man and the wisdom of man, but they are ones that are deeply carrying the love and knowledge of My Word and My ways. They are unapologetic in their release of speaking exactly that which I am calling them to speak, and they know depths of humility and dependence upon Me as they have journeyed fire after fire.

Many of these ones have faced the rejection of man as they have not bowed to systems, but they have allowed My Spirit and My fire to purge, purify and refine them for such a time as this. They love not their life unto death, and they are arising in this hour powerfully convicted of the need for My Word to be released unapologetically and with great obedience.

‘These ones are arising, finding their delight in My gaze and are not looking for the applause of man. They are arising with such purity and humility in this hour, from the place of deep intimacy with Me: and I say unto you, My people, mistake not the boldness that I have placed upon them in this hour for pride or brashness. For their unapologetic anointing is the boldness that I am releasing in My Bride in this hour that is going to see My Spirit break through with My Word in powerful demonstrations, in ways that have not been seen before.

‘As they arise and speak, not only will My Word go forth to accomplish that to which I sent it, it will be a powerful demonstration of the boldness that I am baptising My people in, and calling them to arise into, in this hour. These ones are arising in deep humility, recognising they see in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor 13:9) but they arise with a faith and confidence that will not water down My Word, apologise for My Word, hide from the power of My decree through them or bow to false ideologies and applause of man. They arise confident in who I AM and the power of My Word and the authority I have given them.

‘They are going to restore a standard in My Bride, through their prophetic decree, conviction of the truth and power of My Spirit, and their purity.

These ones are arising in this hour unafraid. The boldness and confidence in which they are arising in this hour has come from the place of deep intimacy with Me. They are arising with Davidic hearts and fire like Elijah. Many of these ones have been trained in their intense battles against the spirit of Jezebel, the political and religious spirit. They have experienced the attacks of leviathan and they have learned to war: and where they have battled with attacks from these demonic spirits in their lives, they carry a fire of no toleration.

‘They are arising now as ones heralding My truth and the power of My prophetic voice through them: to see these demonic forces come down in regions and places, and the power of MY TRUTH and MY WORD arise and CONQUER and OVERCOME. These ones are arising to uncover at My leading, and see My Spirit uproot and tear down through their prophetic decrees and release of My truth in places where these demonic strongholds have long held territory.

‘These ones are called and positioned by My hand to confront the powers of darkness with the razor sharp words that I will release through them. When showdowns take place in their midst, they are unmoved by the powers of darkness — they are deeply confident and convicted by who I am, My power and the infallibility of My Word.

These ones are arising in this hour, filled with words that many have been afraid to speak. But they are the words of My heart: and they are the words that will see My Word pierce through the darkness and pierce hearts that will see hearts, regions and nations gripped with the power of My Spirit and the awe and wonder of who I am. These ones are arising in this hour gripped with the fire and burden of My justice: and as they speak in this hour there will be a great demonstration of My Word and power come forth like a hammer and a gavel to bring forth justice in the earth into the places where I send them.

‘There has been a great shift that has taken place and there is a great changing of the guards happening: and these unrestrained voices are arising in this hour and I am using them to prepare the way for My coming as the King of Glory — and through My Word and demonstration of power through the release of My Rhema, a tremble restored at the power of My Word.

“But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.” (Isaiah 66:2)

‘Arise unrestrained voices, arise! It’s your time to arise! I am positioning you in this hour to prophesy — to speak with unhindered boldness that will break constraints and make way for My Glory.’