Prophetic Words


‘Cry out for wisdom. Beg for understanding. Search for it as you would for silver. Hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to respect the Lord. Then you will begin to know God. Only the Lord gives wisdom. Knowledge and understanding come from him.’ Proverbs 2:3-6 (ICB)

‘I am your servant; give me understanding, so that I may know your decrees.’ Psalm 119:125 (NRSV)

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Do not doubt your discernment.’ When He spoke these words, I felt such a weight of His heart in this hour, for the urgency of the season. This is a time to be positioned and asking the Lord for wisdom and discernment, but it is also a time to NOT DOUBT the discernment that He is releasing.

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard:

‘My people, now is the time to allow Me to disciple you in discernment. For these are the days where you need My discernment more than ever before. With the rising of deception and the dabbling in divination, it is imperative that you, My people, are living close to My heart and deep in My Word.

‘For I am arming you in this hour with the discernment that is needed for the days ahead. I am arming you and increasing your weaponry and this weaponry is not to be reasoned out with natural eyes and with man’s logic. You must surrender and listen. You must humble yourselves and listen to that which I am revealing. For this is a time where I am uncovering that which is hidden in darkness. I am exposing the roots. I am exposing that which has been hidden for many decades, and I am bringing forth that which is impure into the light.

‘I am bringing you higher, My people, into a place of seeing and discerning that which I am speaking and that which I am doing, and it requires a humble heart. It requires a heart that is humble, sensitive and pliable to My Spirit. For I do not speak on man’s terms, no, do I speak on man’s agenda. I am speaking and revealing in this hour, bringing forth the hidden things both light and darkness.

‘My people, do not doubt that which I am speaking. For this is the hour where I am increasing your weaponry with discernment, and you must stay close to Me and deep in My Word to hear and discern what to do with that which I am releasing. For I am not releasing divine intel in this hour to be paraded and passed on. For I will deal strongly with those who take My divine intel and the whispers of My heart, and pass on this intel in whispers to others. For I am looking for those that I can trust My intel with in this hour. For I am calling you, My people, deeper into the place of intercession. I am calling you deeper into the place of prayer. For the divine intel I am releasing, I am calling you to PRAY. I am calling you to intercede. Stay before Me in deep communion with the insight and divine intel that I am releasing to you, for I will show you what to do. I will lead you and I will guide you. Do not use my divine intel and what I am revealing to you to gain the ears of others.

‘My people, will you receive My refiner’s fire upon your hearts to prepare you for the divine intel and discernment I am increasing. Will you allow My fire to purify and refine all that I need to refine and purify to make room for the increase of My discernment in this hour? For I will not allow My divine intel and discernment to be polluted, I will bring My fire and My dealings upon anything that would try to POLLUTE or DILUTE My divine intel and discernment.

‘For I am raising up My Church to live on the offence and not the defence. This is the hour where I am releasing such deep divine insight and revelation, wisdom and discernment so that you can partner with Me in all that I am doing in the earth. Oh the heights of revelation, wisdom and discernment that you shall live from as you live deeply rooted in My Word and at My feet. As you lay down agendas and preconceived ideas, to receive that which I am speaking and releasing.

‘PAY ATTENTION, My people, to that which I am speaking. Do not disregard your discernment. For to ignore your discernment, and that which I am speaking to you in this hour, would be foolishness. I am bringing you up higher. I am calling you further into My heart and into My Word and I am giving you divine understanding of the times and seasons as you lean in, live low, and listen.

‘I am calling you deeper into My heart to disciple you in discernment. You must allow Me the room to bring the interpretation of that which I am releasing. For pride and preconceived ideas and expectations will hinder you understanding that which I am speaking. You MUST be surrendered to Me and to My understanding, My strategy, My wisdom in the outworking of that which I am revealing.

‘And I say unto you, that there will be those of you that will be called upon in this hour in a greater way to take a stand upon the discernment I have given you. You will be called to stand upon that which I am speaking and revealing. I say unto you, ‘DO NOT DILUTE YOUR DISCERNMENT.’ You are not to dilute that which I am revealing to you. When these times come, you will carry My heart and My wisdom and My tone to release and speak that which I am calling you to speak. As you marinate in the secret place in that which I am speaking and revealing, as you spend time in My presence and knowing My heart and My Word, you will see My heart flow through that which I will call you to speak.

‘In the speaking, I release a warning to you, My people. BE SLOW TO SPEAK! Continue to cry out for wisdom upon your release. Speak only when I call you to speak. Do not rush the release of revelation and discernment, for MUCH of what I show you to is not for public view. You will see in the coming days more and more of an increase of My divine intel for the hidden place of intercession.

‘I am looking for those that I can trust to carry the very deep secrets of My heart. I am looking for those I can trust with My divine intel, to carry My heart and My insight with purity, humility and integrity.

‘Do not doubt your discernment in this hour. As I speak, I will confirm. Remain in My Word. It’s time to be discipled in discernment like never before.’