Prophetic Words


Today the Holy Spirit came upon me in great weight with the sense of a strong call from His heart to His people…

It was a strong clarion call and it came with quite a strong sense of urgency. It was an urgency that called us into the deeper depths of crying out for Him and His presence. It was an urgency that filled the atmosphere with expectation of seeing the Lord move in an even greater way than we have already been seeing, which has been glorious, but the sense surrounded me strongly of a mighty increase in the weight of His Glory: an outpouring of His Spirit in a greater way than we have seen and the Spirit of God taking us deeper into the depths of His heart and a move of His Spirit in our midst.

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard the Lord say:

‘The hour is urgent! The hour is urgent! I am about to pour out My Spirit in a way you have not seen. I am about to come in power and the weight of My Glory in a way that you have not yet seen. I say unto you, My people, I am coming ready or not. I am coming ready or not. I am going to pour out in such a mighty way that you must be ready to embrace and carry that which I am pouring out. For I say unto you, your posture and positioning before Me right now is of vital importance – to be leaning in and listening to what I am saying – for I am about to pour out in such a mighty way that old wineskins cannot contain the new wine that I am pouring out.

‘I am going to pour out My Spirit in such a way that it will send a seismic shift into My Church and make way for My glory. I am about to pour out My Spirit in such a significant way that will cause My Church to tremble again. I have been calling and calling, calling and calling out to My people: get ready, position yourself for the mighty move of My Spirit. I say unto you that the time has arrived and I am going to come in such a powerful way in your midst that you will KNOW THAT I AM GOD.

‘I say unto you, that as I come in might and in power in these days, it will shake all that has been built on sand. I say unto you, that all that has been built upon man will not be able to sustain My Glory and My presence that is about to invade in a catalytic way. For I say unto you, that I am branding My people in this hour with My fire, My refiners fire, and I am raising up a Church who is walking in purity and holiness.

‘There is another great shaking upon you, My Church. It’s the shaking of MY WONDER! It’s the shaking of MY AWE! It’s the shaking of MY GLORY! Where things have been hidden in darkness and I have been calling them into the light but it has fallen on deaf ears, you shall see more of the hidden things brought into the light and you shall see more of the injustices met with My justice in these days. For I say unto you, that the way I am about to pour out is going to bring such a clarity within My Bride – of who is for Me and stands with Me and stands upon My Word and for My truth, and those that do not. For there are many hiding behind My name, but know Me not.

‘Oh the weight of My Glory that’s coming! Oh the weight of My power and outpouring that is about to flood My Church. In this hour I am calling you, My people, to arise and stand in boldness and to live facedown in awe and wonder. And I say unto you, that as the weight of My presence increases in these coming months and year, it will be very clear who has not lived before Me in awe and wonder of who I am. For the hunger for power has driven many, but I say unto you, that I am raising up a people who walk in PURITY AND POWER.

‘My people, listen to Me. Turn not your ears from My Spirit. Listen to My voice. I am calling you deeper. Consecrate and cry out and come to Me and allow Me again to examine you in the light of My presence. For there is a catalytic move of My Spirit upon you, and oh, the Glory of My presence that you shall see: but I am coming swiftly to deal with the fame and game playing in My presence. I have called and called and now I am coming swiftly to RESTORE THE FEAR OF THE LORD!!!!

‘Deeper depths! Deeper depths! Deeper depths! Deeper depths! Come away and pray! Fast and pray! I am coming ready or not! Arise and align! Arise and Align! Arise and Align! I am birthing deeper desperation in My people. Can you feel the labour pains? Can you feel the intensity increasing in the Spirit? I say unto you again, My people, THROW OFF ALL THAT HINDERS and the sins that so easily entangles, and RUN with perseverance the race marked out for you, fixing your eyes on ME, the pioneer and perfecter of your faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). My people, throw it off, throw it off, stop dancing with the darkness and throw it off. The trembling is upon you in this hour, My Church, the trembling that comes in My presence as My Glory is revealed.

‘“Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow I shall do wonders among you.” (Joshua 3:5)

‘The days of awe are upon you as I release My ROAR from the heavens over My people and the trembling of AWE begins and the greatest days of the outpouring of My Spirit and Glory are released. I have been moving in My Church in a beautiful way, but the tidal wave of My Glory is about to crash in – in an unprecedented way. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. I’m coming! I’m going! This is a catalytic move of My Spirit that will see Me take centre stage again in My Church.

‘Ready or not… here I come!’