Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Arise! I am pulling back the curtain! I am revealing what you have really been dealing with .’

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard:

‘My people, Arise! Arise! Arise! I say unto you, that there are many in this hour who have been dealing with significant opposition against your assignment. I say unto you, that there are many who have labelled opposition of the enemy as natural realm circumstances and it has kept you under false burdens within your assignment. I say unto you, that I am PULLING BACK THE CURTAIN! I am REVEALING what you have been facing is an onslaught of the enemy. For many of you have been crying out to Me, “Lord what is wrong with Me? What have I done?” And many of you have lost your rest and your peace because you are living in anxiety wondering what you have done wrong. You were faithfully serving Me in your assignment/s, and suddenly things shifted and began to escalate leaving you feeling suffocated and contained.

‘My people, listen to Me, many of you have been in the greatest battle you have faced over the assignments I have given you and the new assignments that are upon you. You have not even realised the level of opposition and battle you have been in, as the enemy has been attempting to keep you in a place of not recognising his schemes and attempting to convince you that, that which you are facing and enduring is natural realm and is your fault.

‘I say to those of you that have been in this place, ARISE! ARISE! I am removing the veil that the enemy has attempted to put before your eyes to hinder you from seeing what has been truly going on. I am bringing you into a new realm of clarity and now you shall see clearer than you have seen what you have been dealing with. For I say unto you, that I am bringing you into a new realm of discernment within your assignment. I am bringing you deeper into a place of divine wisdom and understanding within the assignment/s that I have given you. For the enemy has come hard against you in this hour and he has come harder than ever to keep you distracted, to steal your focus and to attempt to keep you from moving into another level of AUTHORITY WITHIN YOUR ASSIGNMENT.

‘ I say unto you, that MUCH of what the enemy has been after in this hour is your heart and your authority. The enemy has come with such condemnation in this hour against many of you with his taunting lies, and there has been great onslaught of the enemy coming against many of you to CONTAIN YOU within your assignment. Many of you have lost your ability to dream with Me within your assignment and to thrive within the assignments that I have given you and who you were created to be in Me and do what I have created you to do and to thrive. But I say unto you, that as I am pulling back the curtain and I am exposing and revealing the schemes of the enemy, you are moving into a new level of authority in Me within your assignment as you begin to see what has really been happening behind the scenes.

‘I say unto you, watch the chains of containment break off by the power of My Spirit within your assignments. Watch the chains of containment shatter as I am bringing you into a new slipstream of My Spirit and My grace within your assignment. Where many of you have felt like you have been barely surviving to continue in what I have called you to do, I am bringing you into such a deeper place of dependence upon Me within your assignment and the strength that shall come to you by My Spirit in the exposing of what the enemy has been doing – you are coming into a new level of EMPOWERMENT.

‘There is a roar that will continue to arise within you, a roar of NO toleration of the enemy’s schemes, an increase of the roar of faith, an increase of the roar of My authority within you to not only evict the nonsense and the noise of the enemy from your land, but see My Spirit bring forth an acceleration of fruitfulness of My plans and purposes within the lands of your assignments. I say unto you My people, there are many of you that need to arise in this hour and take your authority back within your assignment. There are many of you that need to arise in this hour and step back into the victory that is yours in Me, within your assignment.

‘For the enemy has worked so hard to attempt to convince you that all you have faced has been natural realm circumstance, and has for many, convinced you that what you are dealing with is not by his hand. But now as I reveal what has been going on behind the scenes and under the surface, and for many, there is about to be a ONCE AND FOR ALL SHIFT.

For as I reveal what the enemy has been doing and the tactics he has been using to keep you contained, to keep you from moving in your authority, moving in faith, and for many, being the leader that they are called to be, the very exposure and revelation of his tactics is ending these cycles of his ongoing attacks to keep you hindered, contained and distracted.

‘For I say unto you, that I have a greater increase of insight of My plans and purposes for many of you within your assignment in this hour. There is increase within your assignment that I am bringing to you: and the heavy cloud of confusion, opposition, and for many, despondency that has been upon you, has been to KEEP YOU from this place of increased insight. For I say unto you, be expectant in this hour for this increased insight. Where there has been significant confusion, THAT IS NOT OF ME and the invitation before you is one of entering into a new level of WISDOM within your assignment in this hour to move with Me in all that I have planned.

‘The enemy has attempted to keep you contained and I say unto you, that there is expansion and increase in My ways, in new ways, that are before you that he is attempting to keep you from: so ARISE AND GET LOUD! Declare My Word not with your own strength or loud voice, but get LOUD IN YOUR FAITH. Arise in faith and stand upon My Word. There is NO time to be TIMID, ARISE IN BOLDNESS and declare My Word knowing the POWER OF MY WORD. I say unto you, as I am pulling back the curtain and revealing what has been happening under the surface and behind the scenes where the enemy has been at play, LEAN INTO the roar of My Spirit that is birthing the roar of NO toleration for his schemes and plans, and allow My Spirit to awaken you to greater authority.

‘My people, in this hour I say unto you, GET OVERWHELM OUT OF YOUR VOCABULARY. For I say unto you, many have aligned their words with overwhelm that has opened a door to the heaviness and containment of the enemy in many ways in their hearts, minds and lives. My people, watch what you say, what you are focusing on and look to Me. I am bringing you into a place of such deeper dependance upon Me and slipstream of My grace where overwhelm will not be part of your vocabulary and feeling like you’re living in a constant state of overwhelm, as you continue to behold Me and see more and more of who I am.’