Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
There is a spirit of weariness that has come against many in the body of Christ lately. It is a heavy weariness of heart, a weariness of the physical body, an exhaustion that has come against many to attempt to ‘shut you down’. This spirit of weariness has been sent by the enemy as a strategic attack to steal the LIFE and VISION of God’s people for what He is leading them into and strategies for this season.
This weariness has been heavy and at times has left many feeling like the “life is being sucked out of them.” The enemy is scared of what God is doing and about to do through your life and he is doing all he can to shut you down. This spirit of death/witchcraft that is hitting many is attempting to shut down your SIGHT and your STRENGTH, but the Lord is BREAKING that weariness. This attack is bringing tremendous confusion, a feeling of being dazed, not being able to think straight, and a feeling of “I feel like I’m losing my mind”!!
Pay attention to the area that this heavy weariness is hitting, pay attention to what area that feeling of having the “life sucked out of you” and “why bother” has hit, because this is very area of your next breakthrough. Where the weariness has been so heavy and no signs of visible life in the natural, there are about to be overnight miraculous turnarounds.
This attack is really attempting to shut down heavenly VISION God is releasing and blindfold many, but as you stand firm in worship, the truth is, what He is speaking is about to MANIFEST INTO REALITY. You are crossing over in MANIFESTATION.
I saw encounters with Jesus and His power taking place in many lives all across the body of Christ at a level many had never experienced and was suddenly breaking the heaviness and the chains of this weariness. The weariness has been so heavy against many, the exhaustion so deep and out of the norm, it brings with it the sense of “just give up”, “don’t push through anymore, it’s too hard” but the Lord is breaking the affect of this attack as the people of God WORSHIP. Worship you way through this! As you worship the Lord is bringing a greater AWAKENING and ACTIVATING into the lives of His people.
Increase of sight, strategy and strength is flooding into the hearts, souls and lives of believers as they position themselves in worship and His power is displayed. A greater activation of giftings, operating in them and flowing in His anointing is being released.
The weariness has been heavy, but rejoice for it is breaking and as you are positioned in worship as your warfare, you are moving into encounters with seeing His Shekinah Glory, seeing the weighty manifested presence of God that is going to leave you undone in the most beautiful way. Undone by His power and His beauty. In these encounters with His Glory, you will be set on fire by His fire that will ignite your passion and hunger for Him in exponential ways. As His fire falls, creativity is going to explode. Fresh expressions of worship, expressions of the creativity of God will burst forth. Where this spirit of weariness has attempted to keep you caged, you will be infused with a supernatural strength, joy and expression of His creativity in your life that you have not experienced before.


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  • Barb

    Thank you, Lana!!!!!! I can’t even begin to express how much I needed this word today! And I was almost too weary tonight to read it right before heading to bed!!! ??? MUCH is going on in my life. My own mother passed away last month, and on the heels of that, my mother-in-law started going downhill with Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonian Disease. But God is doing SO MUCH in our family’s midst, that even my mother-in-law is aware of, and extremely grateful! But nonetheless, as you can guess, it is all causing a great irregularity of life and weariness!!!!!! So I thank and BLESS you for this so-timely word, precious sister!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rina

    Yes!! Midst a unusual weariness that came over me two days ago I started singing about a New Fresh Wind of the Spirit that is coming in from the South, East, North and West… it is FRESH and it is COMING. I pray that it brings those long awaited ANSWERS and the supernatural strength, joy and new creativity that you have prophesied. So be it then! Thank You Abba Father and thank you Lana.

  • Debra

    Lana, thank you for being obedient to the Lord in releasing these words of life. I have been one of those the Lord has been speaking to you about.
    Many blessings!

  • Cheryl

    I really need this word!!!! I truly feel that heaviness, I have felt like I’m at the end of my rope for a long time. I need breakthrough in almost every area of my life. Please Lord show yourself strong and quickly. I Praise Your Holy Name!

  • Cheri

    Good morning Lana, and fellow believers!!? Word for word what you posted is spot-on. Before it came through I asked the Holy Spirit to please encourage us today. A couple weeks ago, at around 2 in the morning I was in the pit (again) when your post came through, FULL of encouragement. Thank you for Lana Lord. Post Your angels around her and her family. Bless her beautiful heart. In Your Name Jesus. ???

  • Chali

    Thank you for this word . I have been feeling very weary lately and downcast . A message that is truly speaking what I’m am going through .

  • Darla

    Thank you so much for this post. I have been so weary and feeling like I have been failing in every area of my life. I finally broke down last night and told our Lord that I can’t take anymore. I woke this morning to this post and knew it was for me. Thank you!

  • Gloria Silva

    I was expecting this word, thanks God, my year had been so hard, and I was feeling exactly like that!!! My God is faitfull He is so real!!!! I am adore His Holy presence!!!! Thank you Lana for let the Lord use you like this!!! Blessings

  • Diana

    This very Word IS worship in itself! As I was reading this Word, I felt the Lord prompting me to use THIS Word to speak over myself INTO VICTORY! The Lord told me last week: ‘If you don’t give up, YOU WIN! So, don’t give up. Hallelujah! It’s about glorifying the Lord WHEN Victory is reached. Thank you ?. Blessings!!!

  • Susan M

    Oh praise Him….Lana this is so accurate in the Spirit on every level, and the weariness is lifting through praises.., amen! I have been experiencing this intensely since 2013 and earlier, but through a commitment to praise in 2015, have seen restoration unfolding….Our Gos is awesome…and Faithful and True! ?????


    Right after the first part spring, I has this heaviness, and all that goes
    with it. A personlal ward came to me that I would be so low I would feel
    as thought I was tatally confused, and also that my fmily might try to
    comfort me, but it was a heavy spiritualthink. I would feel exasperation
    from them, because I should get up and do something, but, no will.
    All have been waiting, hand and foot on me. Finally, with the help of a
    kind Jewish doctor, I was able to start on my out out. I’m better, but
    not text yet. familiar spirits over me./ I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN

  • D Williams

    Such a powerful word! I have been fighting this very thing! I was just asking the Lord today why I’m so tired and don’t feel like myself! So thankful for your obedience to the Father to remind us of the battle we are waging and to remain focused on Him no matter what!!

  • Esther Mutua

    Thanks my sister for this word. I’ve been sso weary physically and didn’t know what why! Thank you JESUS for New strength from today. AMEN!

  • Esther Mutua

    Thanks my sister for this word. I’ve been so weary physically and didn’t know why! Thank you JESUS for New strength from today. AMEN!

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Thank You Father God for this on time Word through Ms Lana. I receive it, Trusting as many are, that You Lord are Breaking this attack. The last 2 days I have felt So exhausted, and confused – sleeping so much. A couple weeks ago, I dreamt a black widow spider was crawling over my knees as I lay in bed, under the covering of 2 blankets. I saw it shoot a web across my knees. I threw the 2 blankets on the spider, and was able to escape it’s snare. I Will Worship – We Will Continue to War Worship, Trusting and Praising our LORD GOD. Today, i looked up the name Kai, as my daughter will have a baby girl this week – she loves this name. One meaning of the name Kai is REJOICE! Praise The Lord!

  • Monica Singh

    Hi, Pastor Lana, thank you once again for your word. I was so looking forward to my late sisters court case last Thursday and the court remanded the date to February 2017 and for whatever reason I don’t feel disappointed. I don’t know why because I have been waiting from 2013 for justice but now I am not feeling anything. I am still thanking the Father for Victory.

  • Meshack/Suzan Ivy Baloyi

    Thank you Lord as Isaiah said in 45:21-22 ” Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none else. I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and I shall not return, that unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (KJV)

  • Dorothy Keller

    Amen! I will not give up, The enemy has tried to distract me from the promises MY GOD has showed me. Abba Daddy is faithful, and always on time. There is a excitement in my spirit for this breakthrough, an expectancy of knowing the enemy has been defeated. That the price was paid by the precious blood of Jesus I have every victory and shall walk claiming and celebrating it! . Encounters, fire, glory for this is the day the Lord has made and I am a child of God!! The refreshing recharging of my spirit through the power of the Holy Spirit, consuming me!! AMEN!!!

  • A. Funderburg

    Thank you. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me. I went and had a sleep test done but it came back negative for any sleep disorders but I am really tired all the time. Now, that this has really registered with me and I receive this for myself what do I do to ensure it comes to pass?

  • Quaife

    We were so blessed celebrating the Lord’s Feast (Lev 23:1-2 NKJV) of Tabernacles…! There is a peace and joy that comes with preparing for His return…

  • Yisraelle

    Had to post again. Came back to this after another awful episode. No one to share with.. I came back here and it has ministered even more than yesterday, the brothers and sisters’ comments as well as the ‘Word’. Our God is faithful hallelujah regardless of the filth and muck confused desperate overcome daft enemy seeks to throw at us. He is the one that was made a public spectacle hallelujah of over 2000 years ago but remains too thick to get it!!! THANK YOU VICTORIOUS YESHUA HA’MASIACH!!! I/We love YOU forever! Amen.