By Lana Vawser
Recently I had an encounter with the Lord where He showed me an assignment of the enemy that is about to be released into the body of Christ in the United States of America regarding the US election that is about to take place in a little over a month.
Before I share this encounter with you, I want to state this and make it clear that since I felt the Lord speak of Donald Trump in this encounter, firstly I am not releasing this word from any “political standpoint” of reviewing any policies or agendas. I am simply releasing this word from an encounter that I had with the Lord and felt a strong urgency to release it.
Secondly considering the video released yesterday from 2005, I want to say firstly that the Lord DOES NOT condone sin, and by releasing this encounter I am not condoning Donald’s past actions, but felt an urgency to publish this encounter as a warning to the body of Christ.
As I pondered this encounter in light of yesterday’s video, I felt a stirring from the Lord to not focus on the past but what God is saying TODAY in THIS SEASON right now.
I was standing in what looked like a “commission room” in hell and so much darkness around. I saw the enemy and he was about to release a horde of demons upon the earth into the United States with a specific target against believers.
What I noticed about these demonic spirits was that they had blindfolds in their hands and they were ready to “move”.
I asked Jesus what these demonic spirits were and he said that they were “spirits of deception”.
I then heard… “My people that are not pressing in for discernment, to hear My heart concerning the US election and who I have anointed for the next Presidential Term, will be brought to a place right now in this season where they will be blinded by deception. This army that is about to be released into the body of Christ in the USA are coming to blind people to the truth that I have anointed Donald Trump and Mike Pence and the people of God need to hear this so that they keep pressing in for discernment despite what the media and the ‘natural world’ says. Things are going to continue to escalate and pressure intensify to push Donald Trump out, but My people need to take their place and stand with Me to see My purposes come to fruition.”
The sense surrounded me that this is a very strategic moment, a time of urgency and a time to pray even more fervently. The sense of ‘laying down agenda(s) and simply seeking the heart of God for this new season for the nation of America that is approaching.
I felt this reminder from the Lord to His people in the USA to be praying for discernment right now and to lift their eyes up higher. Place not your eyes on ‘media’ or the ‘natural’ but really continue seeking His heart. I felt such a strong sense of an ‘increase in onslaught’ in this US election in this “last leg”, and God’s people are going to need eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying more than ever before.
As I have sat with the Lord on this word, I have felt the Lord’s heart for His people to not get “caught up” in what is going on in the “natural”.
The very heart of this word ultimately was I felt a call from the Lord for His people to “come up higher”. To not be bound up by what is being reported or what is not being reported. The fate of a nation does not hang on MAN, it’s in the hand of the Lord and the ONUS is on the Church right now.
I believe Jesus is calling His people in light of everything going on in this messy situation in the USA with Clinton and Trump, to seek His heart above ALL ELSE.
Put your hope in Jesus. To cry out for the Lord to bring a cleansing and a turning in this nation. To really individually continue to seek out the heart of God and ask the Spirit of God to give eye salve so there may be clear spiritual sight regarding this election and the destiny of the USA.
“Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see” ~ Revelation 3:18
This is not just about Donald Trump/Mike Pence, this is about the destiny and the fate of the United States of America. The Lord sees BEYOND today, and it’s time to really seek His heart and His ways.
This is really a time of repentance for America and calling forth the plans and purposes of God in the nation and a surrendering of agendas to align with His ways, even when we don’t understand. It’s time to stand in the gap more than ever before for a move of God in the nation. I felt that this is a very strategic moment right now, the fate and destiny of the nation hangs in the balance.
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Elmarie Richards
I hear what you say Lana and I totally agree. The past is past and we all have sinned. This is a new day and I believe Trump is the right guy to take America to their future. Hillary is not what she seems to be.
Thank you, Lana, for being faithful to speak God’s words and heart. We so appreciate your heart of love for the United States of America. We join our prayers and intercessions with all who will respond to God’s call.
Vivian Flanagan
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
Even in the season of right now he says the most wicked and hurtful things. I cannot believe that the Lord would be behind this at all.
Do you have any idea what hurtful and “mean things Jesus said?
Matt 10:34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth..but a sword”
1 Corin “Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles”
Matt 16:23 “he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan”
Matt. 7:4 “You hypocrite,take the log out of your eye”
Matt. 23:13 “But woe to you,hypocrites”
Matt. 23:16-17 “Woe to you, blind guides”
Matt. 23:27-28 “you are like whitewashed tombs which..outside appear beautiful,..but ur full of hypocrisy and lawlessness”
Matt. 23:33 “You serpents, you brood of vipers”
Luke 11:43 “you are like concealed tombs”
John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil”
John 8:55 “and u have not…
Tascha M Smith
Wow thank you for that Word… I don’t believe in you but I DO believe in your ability to hear from the Lord! Divine order in the kingdom always has the man as the head! So I was not voting for Hillary but I wasn’t voting for Trump either this has changed my mind & I will be obedient to what the Lord has spoken through you! Thank you & may God get the Glory!
Deborah Lobo
Praying. God loves America?
Christine G.
I am in full agreement and in prayer, seeking disernment for the Lord’s
perfect plans for our Nations, this upcoming elections, I do not place
my faith into Hilliary, I’m for Donald Trump, inspite of all the ugliness,
the media, is claiming him to be, for this is thee one, God’s anointed,
and chosen one for America, and he will be the next president, who
will reign, and used by God, to cause the American people to know
there is hope, bringing back our God, in which we stand, bringing
back prayer, into the White House, as it was once before, setting
up all righteousness, used by God, as he desires it to be, in Jesus
name. Amen !! It shall come to pass ! Thank you Jesus, for this one
chosen anointed president Donald Trumph.
Yes we who are “REAL” Christians must understand that Gods Ways are “NOT” Mans. And when He sent the Prophets to His People warning them to “REPENT” and turn to Him so they could be delivered from their Disobedient ways He spoke through them regarding current events as He is here through our Sister and I also can “WITNESS” to this Truth as it is “NOT” about Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton it’s about “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which can only be understood and Realized in Christ Amen? God sent Jeremiah to admonish the people as they were to be His People only to find rebellion and a very Self-Centered form of Worship which was demon worship to which Jeremiah told them that the Living God was about to bring a Change into their world Named…
anthony fedrick
11Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 4:14, John 3:16.
Brandon Lewis
There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. It’s not about God saving America, it’s about asking HIM to save ones soul. Do you research and you will see that Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same coin and neither have humbled thems elves unto the Lord
Capt. Richard
The most important words were “discernment” and “repentance”. Let us ponder the heart of this message, for play time is over.
Amen to that.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, redeemed by His blood, committed to serve and follow Him. We come to You as Your believing people; Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. We lift up to You this nation of ours, the United States of America. We thank You for the many centuries of special grace and mercy that You have granted to this nation. We thank You for the godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footsteps—labored, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your kingdom.
Lord, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. We ask You to…
I have heard other Christians say they have heard The Lord say that Trump is His man for prez. However, what I have a little problem with is the idea that God is so involved with our country as a nation; it seems the only nation He ever was involved with was/is Israel. Now, His main involvement is with the Body of Christ. As far as this nation is concerned, it seems to me that it has become like Sodom-a candidate for destruction, but perhaps after the Righteous are removed.
Part of the reasoning for my position is that our problem as a nation is not going to be solved by a better president or a better government; no matter how much righteousness we try to insert back into govt, it will not fix the problem of sin.
Sandra Sullivan
A husband and wife intercessors were told by the Lord who said, ” I established the country of Israel because I loved them. America is the only country in history that was established by people who loved Me. I will not forget it. This country is Mine because it was given to Me by people who wanted the freedom to worship Me. Neither will I give it up”.
Christine G.
jean says: “…I have a little problem with is the idea that God is so involved with our country as a nation…” I never thought that either, until new interests my in life led me to begin researching our nation’s beginnings, esp. our Founding Fathers & George Washington in particular. As I read of some of his exploits in life – and in fact even events in his lineage prior to his birth – I started seeing things differently. Now I don’t understand how anyone could read about these things and NOT see God’s hand at work in the United States of America. I do not say the USA has been a ‘perfect’ country. But I do believe God continues to be involved with us, and for us, for good.
Olga Guerra
Amen. There is so much, so so much more that is not being shown by the media…this is another distraction. Praise God!
Thank you, Lana, for this post. I took your words to heart and as I was in prayer interceding for our country, I saw a picture of the blindfolds that are in the hands of the demons catching fire and burning. I agree with you that we, God’s people, need to seek God’s heart and pray fervently for our country. WE MUST DO OUR PART!
Very confirming Lana…
The unlikely but likely with God will win. With God actually have already won. Many have been prepared…Living Epistles Shall Courageously Manifest themselves on the other side of this election…exemplifying God’s forgiving Love, Grace, Joy, Peace and Freedom.
Denise Eden
Okay this a becoming a political agenda and not what I believe in my spirit of divine supernatural LOVE. Love you my brothers and sisters and respect your opinion but when we cross the line of promoting someone who promotes hate and division what does that say about our God of Angel Armies??
Sandra Sullivan
Perhaps you should read the account of Cyrus in the OT. See what kind of character he had and what God had to say about him and how He used him to bless Israel anyway. Can He not use Donald Trump in the same way to accomplish His will?
Prov 8:13
To fear the LORD is to hate evil;
Maybe you shud read more about the Angel of Armies.
Geneva Ruth Streeter
Thank you so much for speaking TRUTH, just confirms what Holy Spirit has been revealing to everyone who is seeking His will and His agenda for The United States of America. Rise up Esthers and SPEAK The Word of God into and over your nation, The United States of America, for God Himself watches over His Word to see that It goes forth and accomplishes what It was sent to do, your King has called for you for such a time as this!
Totally agree. God has raised up many men and women over the centuries who were not perfect to complete his will. We must be in earnest prayer for Trump and for America.
God’s Will be done first and foremost. Just which way that is remains to be seen. Just know that God’s timing is perfect. Not such a time is this because like Jesus said “When you see all these things…This generation shall not pass away…Look up for your redemption draw-ith Nye. God is in control! God is Great!
Plus God knows what’s in everyone’s heart and He will deal with them but I do know that Hillary is a globalist and can’t wait to get us to the NWO. Obama has basically made us SUPER NATION 1 with that last conference with your bordered neighbors. The question is has America become a Sodom Nation and are we ripe for judgement. They are doing Satan’s work. The Antichrist’s system the same one that this False Prophet is doing the antichrist’s system. I’m not trying to be negative just saying we need to prepare for anything and have COMBAT FAITH above and beyond. Complete faith because without Faith you can’t please God.
ray walter
Dear Lana, thanks so much for sharing this word. I sense the Holy Spirit and the Father’s heart all over it. It really brought me peace because I (as many) were riveted by the recent video that came out. I stand in full agreement of this revelation and I am emailing this word to our friends.
God bless you, 🙂
Ray & Kayla
Austin, TX
Joanie Jensen
I have believed in Donald Trump ever since I read that he was anoited by God. I kept believing it when I saw the size of his rally’s, and the size of the other candidates and the chaos around Donald. Even throughout all of the evil that Obama and Hillary tried to do. Even after the tapes yesterday and more tapes today. I have prayed for a miracle to get Trump/Pence in the White House, instead of the evil Hillary. This article is what I needed to hear. I wish the Republicans dropping out and asking Trump to leave, would see this!
Every christian should now say a word of prayer for Donald Trump and Mike Pence everyday from now till election is over
All Glory & Majesty to the Lord of Lords & King of Kings Jesus Christ, amen!
I have to 1st say, that you will never solve a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM with a POLITICAL SOLUTION. I’m finding more & more believers, who seem to think that isn’t a truth about reality…The Holy Word, begs to differ!
The Body of Christ has been under deception & has been lukewarm now for generations.
This satanic nation was founded by luciferians & kept by luciferians. The Lord is bringing judgment upon the entire satanic world order.
Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will CHANGE ANYTHING!
I refuse to participate (still) in a satanic system of ILLUSION! May God bless you & yours greatly. We’re in the Beginning of the End, of the Beginning. Shalom
Bless you!
Repentance is indeed the needed outcome to overcome deception. From reading this article, I briefly prayed and was directed to Obadiah 1:3, first sentence. “The pride of thine hear hat deceived thee…”.
We pray for all family members & people across this nation to realize that they haven’t been doing their best & can do more. They become bored with football, i-phones, etc distractions and humble themselves in admitting they haven’t fully been there for their families/bretheren.
This is the start of repentance which will directly lead to a lifting away of the blindfold of deception.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.
What are you saying? Hopefully, that Trump wins and Obama ha-ha leaves. I pray for Yahweh to give us more preparation time. Some of us are just learning all this.
I’m sorry, but I wish that Trump would tell Hillary to go ph#*k herself.
I hope you don’t proclaim to be a born again believer. There isn’t a black heaven and a white heaven.
Susan Davis
The question is when Noah was building an ark and warning people to get on the ark–did he also go among the people he was warning before the flood to get involved in their politics?
Greg Hobson
By divine revelation God told Noah to build the ark and even its dimensions,He also told him why, that humanity was so corrupt the world would be destroyed by water. So his motivation to go among the people to warn them and to get involved with their politics must have been very low in the mind of Noah.We have no more Noah’s but God can give his revelation to certain people. Trump is no saint. But I beleive God will work through him
as many Christians think in the world. Some of the greatest people in the Bible all had faults and God picked them as the best. So unto today.
Luke Taylor
The first thing that Donald Trump should do is get down on his knees and ask for repentance of his transgressions and then in the debate tonight state that God has forgiven me of my sins, why can’t you America. It is not the past that we need to dwell on but the future of our nation. We must all repent and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways. 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 7:verse 14
Paula Campbell
How do you know he didn’t? He did apologize during the debate last night. You can’t possibly know another man’s heart. Dr. James Dobson, who was among the more than 900 evangelical faith leaders who met with the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting in New York City, says it happened fairly recently. He also said he knew who led the businessman to Christ. Don’t judge lest ye be judged…Matthew 7:1-3King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Please lady, you havent said not one thing that we havent already read in the bible, You havent given us any indebt precise information. Quit trying to be a prophet if you have nothing original to say,
Paula J
I don’t know if she’s a prophet or not, but I am not for the Islamization of America and will vote for Trump even though I have never cared for him as a person.
ASR Martins
Tony, I have never met anyone that reveals the heart of God quite like this lady does. This is only possible because of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. People might be seeking for sensation or the prediction of major events but that IS NOT what it is about. It is all about revealing God’s heart for His people. That is why Lana’s words and prophecies are so uplifting and why it exhorts so many people on a daily basis
Jerry Cartwright
Thank you for visiting my blog. I think it is most interesting that we have such similar thoughts on this subject. I think God is letting His people know what needs to be done.
Paula J
It’s been obvious for years that anyone voting for the Clintons or Obamas has to be totally blind or totally in agreement with their destructive plans.
This vision is confirmation of what a prophet called Mina Lee Grebin of Faithful Walk Ministries had. She was visited by the Lord and he said to her that the christians who vote for Hiliary will be blinded… might be good to look into.
Be blessed
Ken Curry
Touched my heart!
Kate Derrickson
Makes no sense? You say don’t get caught up in the mess of this thing and yet you say that a vile man like Trump has been chosen by God. Maybe I would believe that if I knew that Trump is going to be a dictator in the likes of Hitler and he will begin the slaughter of anybody he does not like. Then yes he is perfect for it. But as some kind of saint that is going to make old evil abortion frenzy always in constant war America great again and somehow whole in the eyes of God, not so. I doubt that you spoke with Christ or that any of this happened. What does God have in the world? Doesn’t the bible say if you are a friend of the world, you are an enemy of God? And vise versa? Yes it does. You need to read your life manual the bible.
I agree
You are one of the blind. Notice he is a new believer and supported by James Robinson, Kenneth copeland,etc. look at king David- he was called by God yet had commuted sin. O need to wake up
Teri Aurora
God used a donkey to speak on His behalf because a stubborn man would not listen to nor heed His Word. God turns the hearts of kings. His ways are not our ways. Wake up you religious people and stop thinking God would do things the way man did. The way man does things is what got our country in this mess in the first place. A religious and political spirit is ruling this nation and God is using Donald Trump to expose that. To say that God could not use Donald Trump is to say that He is not God.
God allows leadership to be lead by people who are not Christians; that’s not to say that we should not be looking for good character in those whom we are voting for. If we look at the life of Joseph, he was used under the rulership of Pharoah. There is none perfect, no not one. Jesus many times himself said a lot of things to the religious people of His day that was offensive, but it was the truth.” Regardless of how we feel about Donald Trump’s character,one thing that is evident is that he is telling the truth about America and the state that it is in. God can certainly use him.
God wants to bless America, but things need to change in leadership. If Hillary gets elected, prepare for end times with Socialism at front.
Robert Brown
There are many things that we may not see but those that we can from Hillary are without any doubt total and completely against the believes of any real Christian. On the other hand, there are 2 things from Trump that make me believe in the possibility of a change through his lead: 1.- He is prolife 2.- Mike Pence IS Christian. These are 2 big points in his favor, and I have a third one: his apology about that video from 2005. Is God already working in him? Let’s pray and trust in God. I pray for a total and permanent change of this nation including the stop of killing of hundred of thousands of unborn innocent babies, revert legalization of homosexual marriages and God back into our schools.
Darcy Downing
Amen… and God searches the heart and knows the heart of a man and the heart of the matter!
Ricky Jody Bowling
Donald Canaday
I believe you are right about Donald Trump.I believe in my case God placed wisdom,in reporting history and how time travel is trying destroy all aspects of society.
I find it very disturbing and unlike what I know of God and His Word that He would be instructing His people to support a man that does not in ANY way represent the CHARACTER our GOD and in fact is an example of the CHARACTER of the WORLD! The Word tells me to test every spirit and the word that goes forth to see if it bears witness to my spirit and the is consistent with the CHARACTER and WORD OF GOD…this word is not consistent with either.
Praying that GOD will illuminate His Word.
Thomas Conlon
Please remember that on ocasion, our Father in Heaven used sinners to further his plans. Our Father choses who he wills and no one is beyond his grasp.
Denise Eden
I agree my sister..this is unacceptable to my spirit and will continue to love those who feel this way.
Sue Blake
We have to look at party planks…..Trump is against abortion and same sex marriage. I do believe that the Lord wants a strong man to do his will in this Country.
Why is everyone so anxious to over look Hillary’s sins and flaws and especially those of her husband. . Make no bones about it Bill’s womanizing will not stop in the White House again and Hillary will lie and cover up for him still and she has been a part of this all along. She has threatened women and caused them harm. She also has a foul mouth. It has been wash off like her emails.
Character of God? Maybe you should read your bible more clearly.
God lost hope – (Gen 6:6) …
God gets jealous – (Deuteronomy 4:24)…
God gets angry – (Jeremiah 3:8)…
God lost faith in mankind – (Gen 6:13)…
God has regrets – (Gen 6:6) (Jeremiah 3:8)
God gets grieved – (Gen 6:6)…
Maybe you wouldn’t consider him to be perfect either. Or how about when he swallowed up thousands at the tent of meeting? God is not all cracker jacks and candy.
In Jer 29, God told the people to pray for the enemy & for the peace in the places they were being taken captive…so that His people would be OK! God IS VERY interested in “politics” or nations (people). 1Timothy 2:1-2 tells us to pray for leaders (regardless of politics) not against them… Trump or Clinton! If he has repented…get over it! God forgives and forgets. I don’t live in the USA but visit often. Sometimes we can’t see the wood for the trees & outsiders see things! The existing administration has caused great damage. America has progressively slumped greatly over recent years, by removing God! The US constitution was based on Christian foundations and Gods word. Change HAS to come. Only 1 person seems to offer it. Pray &…
The word tells us to forgive. What we need most of all is forgiveness I’m not condoning what he did it was awful but that was 11 years ago people change.
Susan Chisholm
Do you think Hillary is a better pick. 28 years in government and all the
damage she has done.
Ken Wiseman
It is not about Trump as much as Gods agenda and Trump represents that with the choosing of Supreme Court justices that will decide on abortion, gay marriage, freedom of religion, etc. it’s obvious we cannot have any more corruption to live in the white hours which is totally corrupt and needs a cleansing
Trump recently received the LORD Jesus as his personal Savior. He is a new born again. We must pray for him and that the fear of the LORD would be upon him. That the LORD would send him Godly men and women to serve around him. We must forgive his past as he has said he was sorry. No one is going to be perfect and everyone has a past.
Perhaps the LORD allowed Trump to make so much so that he could not be bought. God raise and brings down.
We must do the best with what we have. Who else would you vote for. Withholding your vote would be a vote for Hillary.
I pray the LORD will give you peace.
Marilyn has been blinded. She is judging the outside of the cup and assuming that somehow shoe knows the inside. Hillary pays trolls to visit pages like this so that could explain it.
Arpana Sangamithra
I agree with you! I have no peace with this prophetic word as well
Kristine Euribe
Thank you for sharing this!! I was reminded also that King David was an Adulteror and murderer! Solomon was a womanizer and yet had more wisdom than any one! We absolutely are on the precipice or war and are about to lose our country to globalism! Trump is nationalist! And I pray daily for his salvation and safety!! God bless you! Kris
thank you for that! I had forgotten that God has used many sinners to do His bidding; in fact, the only Person that wasn’t a sinner was Jesus.
Meshack/Suzan Ivy Baloyi
Thank you and God bless your prophecy, for the that listens to a prophet gets the reward of the him/her.
geri boisvert
This was more of an exhortation not Prophecy people. wake up!
Kay Danley
I decree that Donald Trump is God’s man for such a time as this in the US presidency and by the end of his term(s) in office, he will have redeemed himself in the eyes of the people in this nation and the world many times over.
Karen Kelley-Roark
I felt the Holy Spirit all over your message! I know God has this election covered. Thy Will Be Done! Thank you for sharing!
You just erased everything i believed in your prophesies from the past, tell me if God has appointed trump then God should have prevented this tape from getting out, he should shut trump up so he stops saying the wrong words and offend every demographic, and if you are a prophet, you should have known that this tape will come out and told us about it before it comes out..i think you have already pick your side in our election because thats what evangelicals are supposed to be republicans and what you are seeing is based on your own beliefs..i am very sorry God forgive me for what i said and like your prayer i pray God take off the blinders in my eyes if i am being of now unless God speaks to me directly i am will not agree.
janet murray
Thank you. We bind also spirit of fear..and heard many prophetic words that Trump will win.But, we must not let up or let down your singing in the spirit.
Here is the National Prayer line 9am EST each morn. thru election day.. 641-715-0700 code: 230273#. Follow prompts. After you mention your name, and State, HIT MUTE key on phone or others will hear background talk, etc. Mary Colbert, Dr. Don Colbert in Aug. heard from the Lord if you think that Trump will win with out prayer, think again. Started on Labor Day. I would call in 10 min. ahead and then it is only 15 min. 8-*;15 am central time or 9-9:15 Eastern time. All 50 states 10,000 people are calling in. If you hear music and you call later, you may not be able to get on the call.
Darcy Downing
Amen. God knows the heart of a man and the heart of the matter. It’s time to pray in- press in- prayer warriors and watchmen on the wall. Continue to call your states to pray. We lift You up Lord! “Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it?” Lam 3:37
yolanda ortiz
Thanks for sharing I will be praying for discernment and wisdom. I have got to the same understanding you got on this revelation through praying and meditating on God’s word. I have meditated a lot on the kings of Israel.God Bless you.
Tatenda Dune
Lana thank you so much for posting this word. It has given me even more courage to post exactly what God has told me to post on my facebook account. I thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and not waivering in the things He has called you to do. Glory be to God for he is our sovereign God! The all knowing Yeshua! Hallelujah!
Becky Waller
I so appreciate all of the thoughtful comments, many containing godly wisdom. Let us not forget that the next president will nominate the vacancies that have/will occur on the Supreme Court. I believe that is where our focus should be, wherever that leads you.
What God has shown me is very similar but the body of Christ is so lacking in any real discernment that I haven’t bothered to say anything. They can’t hear God over there emotions and there so proud that 90% of them won’t ask God because they automatically assume there opinion is God’s opinion. I bet that 100% of the negative opinions on here didn’t pray let alone fast, which is all you shared God is saying. If God’s people are so proud and arrogant then maybe we don’t deserve God’s blessings.
When learning about deliverance, you learn that the thing you see in others is usually something that you yourself have. The Christians I know with the most pride talk about Trumps pride.
Ken Wiseman
months ago as we watched the virtual herd of republican presidential candidates get pared down from 16 to 1 I was struck with an idea. As I read the Gospel of Matthew about Jesus cursing a fig tree (Matthew 21.18-21), I immediately saw it as a metaphor for the Republican Party. The party of the Religious Right that once walked in the light and the truth of Jesus’ words, had been inspected and had demonstrated that they were no longer what they represented themselves to be. I pray that God will give us eyes that see and a heart that discerns His truth. That Trump is God’s Annointed for US President does not bear witness, neither does the analogy of Trump as a “Cyrus.”
Warren (South Carolina, USA)
Thank you Saint Lana for your heart to hear God and your heart for America.
Multiplied Blessings to you and your family!!!
South Carolina, USA
Lana Thank you for sharing the heart of God with us. I have been listening to Kat Kerr (Lady with the pink hair) and she has stated the same thing about Donald Trump being God’s choice. I also agree that we need to seek the face of God very earnestly in these last few weeks. Donald Trump has been under attack since he started in this election. He is far from perfect and has sin in his life, but remember, God can raise up stones to do his work! His will is TRUMP! I pray everyday for Donald Trump/Mike Pence. Prayer is critical right now, we need a miracle!. Lana, it takes courage to stand in the midst of so many nay sayers to proclaim the word of the Lord. Your are sounding the alarm for us to pray!
Thank you Lana for your heart for America. I believe you are standing with us in prayer over this nation in this critical time.
Being so burdened by the election I have been praying. God gave me a dream where a friend said Isaiah 45:” No weapon forge against me will prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgement, I condemn.”
I woke up in the morning and found about King Cyrus in Isaiah 45 and I knew Cyrus was Trump and no matter how many times people write him off. He prevails. Indeed because of God no weapon against Trump is prospering. Thank you Jesus!
Darlene Harris
What I think I heard in all of this is that Trump is our choice here? He’s my choice. And Bible men were able to fulfill Gods call on their hearts even though they sinned. I’d rather have a real man in office as President than the other end of the spectrum, which is what we have now.
Teri A.
God used a donkey to speak for Him when a man was too stubborn. God’s ways are not man’s ways. We have a history of God using the “unusable” and least likely. Man passed over David to his brothers but God chose David to be King. God turns the heart of Kings. The Religious spirits and Political spirits are being exposed. Pray for the USA and do not criticize God’s prophets.
Like Lana I was searching for the truth about Trump and Clinton. I prayed and asked God for a sign. He gave it to me a few days later in the form of an African American man from Cleveland who shared his viewpoints on the candidates and said Trump was the only one who would save America and bring all Americans together. This election is a fight between the globalist elite like Hilary who want complete control of people and the nationalists like Trump who want to help Americans get back to work, fix trade treaties, protect their borders, and stay safe from terrorism. When a Black preacher from Detroit put the prayer shawl from Jerusalem on Trump and prayed for his protection, I knew what side God was on. We all need to keep praying.
Connie Marie
Like Lana I was searching for the truth about Trump vs. Clinton. I prayed and God sent me an answer in the form of a Black man who discussed the candidates with me and my husband and told us that the only candidate who could save America and bring Americans together was Trump. This election is a fight between the globalist elite like Hilary who want to control all the people and resources of the world for their greed vs. the nationalists like Trump who want to save America, fix trade treaties, get us back to work, unite us, protect border, and kept us safe from terrorism. When I saw the Black Detroit minister place the Jerusalem prayer shawl over Trumps shoulders and pray for his protection, I knew who God had chosen. Keep praying.
Connie Marie
Like Lana I was searching for the truth about Trump vs. Clinton. I prayed and God sent me an answer in the form of a Black man who discussed the candidates with me and my husband and told us that the only candidate who could save America and bring Americans together was Trump. This election is a fight between the globalist elite like Hilary who want to control all the people and resources of the world for their greed vs. the nationalists like Trump who want to save America, fix trade treaties, get us back to work, unite us, protect border, and kept us safe from terrorism. When I saw the Black Detroit minister place the Jerusalem prayer shawl over Trumps shoulders and pray for his protection, I knew who God had chosen. Keep praying.
geri boisvert
I think it was obvious Trump vs Clinton. You would have to be totally deceived to think that Clinton should run.
Robert Kubilus
Like Lana I was searching for the truth about Trump vs. Clinton. I prayed and God sent me an answer in the form of a Black man who discussed the candidates with me and my husband and told us that the only candidate who could save America and bring Americans together was Trump. This election is a fight between the globalist elite like Hilary who want to control all the people and resources of the world for their greed vs. the nationalists like Trump who want to save America, fix trade treaties, get us back to work, unite us, protect border, and kept us safe from terrorism. When I saw the Black Detroit minister place the Jerusalem prayer shawl over Trumps shoulders and pray for his protection, I knew who God had chosen. Keep praying.
Vivian Goss
I saw Bishop Jackson place that anointed prayer shawl upon Donald Trump also. I wept. I knew he was God’s anointed one!
Ken Wiseman
months ago as we watched the virtual herd of republican presidential candidates get pared down from 16 to 1 I was struck with an idea. As I read the Gospel of Matthew about Jesus cursing a fig tree (Matthew 21.18-21), I immediately saw it as a metaphor for the Republican Party. The party of the Religious Right that may have once upon a time walked in the light and the truth of Jesus’ words, had been inspected and had demonstrated that they were not what they represented themselves to be.
Peter and Tessa Harvey
Thanks, Lana, for this timely revelation to you from the Lord concerning the upcoming US Presidential elections. It saddens me to see Christian commentators, one particular Melbourne-based American blogger, totally bagging Donald Trump. I cannot read his blogs on this topic, although many of his blogs on other issues are very insightful. My wife and I have been truly blessed by your words over the past couple of months, since “discovering” you on the internet. Looking forward to the meetings in Hobart this weekend. God Bless.
Pat White
Thank you for this Lana. It is word for word what I believe God is saying, and a confirmation for me in the midst of much judgment. Many Christians still go by human instinct instead of seeking God’s heart and will in the matter.
My advice to you Lana is to post what the Lord shows you and do not read the comments. Good or bad. Just to spare yourself for this very blessed but also very difficult ministry God has given you.
My advice to you Lana is to post what the Lord shows and don’t read the comments. Good or bad. Just to spare yourself for this very blessed but very difficult ministry the Lord has given you.
Claudette T.
In his new book, Chuck Pierce writes:¨ I was looking into the future to see what will become a new movement. This was the new wineskin to move in a new movement ahead. I said : ¨Lord, how can America change? He immediately responded, My people¨ must learn to play the Trump card. If they do not, they will be ruled by a Jezabel spirit as in the days of Athaliah , in the seasons ahead!¨ (You must remember that this was May 31, 2008, well before Donald Trump entered the political scene. ) The Lord always make his prophets know of His plans
As God led me down this very path that He confirmed through Lana, and I struggled with it from looking through my natural eyes, I was reminded by God of His sovereignty in the following: 1) the life of Saul who became Paul; 2) how He used King Cyrus one who knew Him not; and 3) Jonah, whose view of God was restricted by his own selfish beliefs – what he felt God should or should not do, or to whom he thought was worthy or unworthy of God’s mercy. We each need to seek the heart of God.. It’s not about Red and Blue, it’s about God and salvation. I trust God inspite of my opinion, and I’m thankful He’s opening my eyes to see through His lens. God has an awesome plan and I can’t wait to see it unfold. Thank you Lana for obeying God…
This prophecy seems to be very, very credible! We’re blinded by the enemy. I do believe this Prophecy! It makes sense according to the word of God! Also Rev. 16:14 the spirits of the Devil are performing miracles. We must test all spirits! Amen!
geri boisvert
But do not forget that we still have a work to do on this earth regardless of WHEN Christ comes back.
I agree that The Lord works through all His children so that His Will be done. Donald Trump is not a perfect human being and he admits as much, however I believe he is the right person to carry out The Lord’s Will in restoring America to Christ’s path. If he can let himself be guided by the Light. I think he has a good strong courageous heart and with the help of our prayers he will succeed. It’s heartwarming to hear that people have received this confirmation directly from Jesus. I am from England and I believe the good people of America deserve this chance to take back their country. I’m praying for you all through this turbulant time.
Francine Lewis
Lana this is exactly what the Holy Spirit had been telling me, that the Body of Christ doesn’t have His heart concerning this election. At first I thought I was in left field but this wouldn’t leave me. The Holy Spirit has been showing me the enemy’s tacticsbfornweeks and you have confirmed it. Continue to speak what “thus saith the Lord” and pray I will too. I pray for hearts to change quickly in Jesus name.
Luane Watkins
Thank you for your continued and valued representation of a Christian woman.
LG Swift
The Lord Jesus is coming very soon to take his faithfull out of this sad and weary world.
geri boisvert
But do not forget that we still have a work to do on this earth regardless of WHEN Christ comes back. Sometimes, when people talk like this, they sit around waiting and doing nothing. You still have to live on this earth before you leave and do His will.