Recently, I heard the Lord speak over many daughters of God, ‘Arise daughters, break agreement with a victim mentality. I am causing you to arise as victors and overcomers.’
As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard:
‘My daughters, ARISE! ARISE! ARISE! For there are many of you that are in a battle of tensions. There are many of you who are finding yourselves in the season of intense pressure and tensions to come under a victim mentality. There are many of you in this season who are taking the bait of the enemy to become a victim to circumstances, pressures, pains and oppositions in this season; but there are deep and mighty things that I am teaching you in the pressure and opposition on how to arise and stand in ways you never have before.
‘This is the hour to not remain idle in the tensions – the tension to hide, the tension to run. This is the hour to stand and to arise and to move forward by faith, and take Me at My Word. For the enemy has come after many of you to continue to keep you in an idle position and cause your wheels to continue to spin, but without movement and momentum. And I say unto you, that in this hour I am inviting you into the winds of My momentum in ways you have not known before. I am causing you to move forward with a momentum that you have not known before. My daughters, this is the hour where I am mobilising. I am mobilising you within your assignment and causing you to move forward within My blueprint and that which I am calling you to put your hands to in this hour.
‘I say unto you, the temptation is great to remain idle, the temptation to come under circumstances right now and to hide away is great for many of you. But I say unto you, this is the hour where you must truly dig deep in the trenches, in deep intimacy with Me to allow Me to teach you the lessons, wisdom, revelation and understanding that I have for you right now that is going to help you NAVIGATE this season you are in. I say unto you that there are also jewels of revelation within the season that you are in right now, that is found in the tensions that are going to build you and set you up for the seasons to come, but you must not give into the temptation to remain idle. You must not give into the temptation to come under. You must not give into the temptation to hide and to remain silent. You must arise and DECLARE.
‘I say unto you, that the enemy has come hard at you in this season and in the tensions to attempt to lure many of you into unbelief, especially around the power of MY Word. For the enemy has come against many of you to remind you over and over again of disappointments and heartaches you have faced and to lure you deeply into unbelief. But I say unto you, that this is the season where if you take Me at My Word you will see unprecedented demonstrations of MY POWER at work WITHIN and THROUGH My Word.
‘This IS the hour that I am calling you to arise and overcome. This IS the hour where I am strengthening your resilience. I am strengthening your endurance in deeper levels. I am sharpening your vision. I am sharpening your discernment. I am taking you into deeper realms of revelation and mysteries contained within My Word, but you must NOT remain idle.
There are many of you in this hour who have been entertaining the lures of settling. There are many of you who have been entertaining the lure of settling for so much less than what is yours in Me and what I have created you to do. Can you hear the sound of the awakening to your destiny in this hour louder than ever? Your destiny to KNOW ME and to fulfil that which I have called you to do on the earth. It’s getting louder.
The call is getting stronger for you to arise and BE WHO I HAVE CREATED YOU TO BE.
‘I say unto you, that you must get FEROCIOUS and VIOLENT right now in apprehending by faith that which I am speaking to you. You are NOT to cower. This is the hour where you are moving into overcoming in ways you have not experienced before. For I say unto you, that for many of you, there will be decisions that must be made to separate yourselves from places and spaces that are fostering victim mentalities within you. There are places and spaces that I am highlighting that are not building faith, but sowing seeds of unbelief and lack of faith within you. I say unto you, be FEROCIOUS in your faith. For there is great transition taking place for many and there are new avenues and assignments ahead in this season and what I am teaching you right now in the tension will assist you in the new avenues and assignments that will come in this season.
‘My daughters, I say unto you that I am taking you deeper in this hour into what it looks like to live fully alive in Me and to live fully as YOU WERE CREATED TO BE. The strength in Me in the overcoming that I am building in you in this hour, is deeper than you have known. I am stretching you and pressing you and all that is not of Me is being refined and purified. I am strengthening you in ways you have not experienced before that is coming from the place of deep, deep dependence upon Me. The strength that you shall know in this season is a strength that is not your own. It is Mine.
‘You are coming further into the days of knowing what it looks like to live fully alive in My supernatural strength. Break agreement with overwhelm. Break agreement with limitation, break agreement with discouragement, despair and unhealthy narratives within your mind – and meditate upon My Word and things of above (Col 3:2). Now is the time to get LOUDER in your faith. Now is the time to get LOUDER in your NO toleration of anything that does not align with My Word. This comes not from your own strength, it comes from beholding Me and knowing that I am faithful and I am not a man that I should lie (Num 23:19).
‘Receive the wind of My Spirit strengthening you in this hour. Choose this day to arise and break agreement with a victim mentality. As you draw close to Me in faith, as you draw close to Me breaking agreement with a victim mentality, I will cause you to arise in these days with wisdom and discernment like you have not known: to move into a deeper place of partnering with Me in gloriously unprecedented works in and through your lives. Agreement with a victim mentality has dulled down so much of your discernment, it has clouded your vision and filled so many of your hearts with despair and heaviness.
‘ARISE! ARISE! Be violent in your renouncing of the victim mentality and know that I am bringing you into a level of governing with UNDERSTANDING and awakening to your authority that is going to bring significant transformation in your life and through your life. It’s time to learn in a deeper way, what it looks like to live as an overcomer. Not only are you taking back land, you are taking new land, and occupying in the overcoming, especially in the lands of your hearts and minds.