Prophetic Words


‘Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.’
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Recently, I had a dream and I heard the Lord speak in the dream, ‘I am turning the bitter places to sweet.’

‘My people, I say unto you, I am bringing you into a new realm of experiencing, walking in and receiving My grace and My empowerment. I am dealing with those bitter places and the bitter places of the heart, and I am breathing My breath of life upon those places. My love and My breath is exposing areas of bitterness in the heart and I am drawing you, My people, into repentance for the alignment with the bitter places and the fostering of bitterness in the heart. I am bringing forth great freedom in this hour and I am speaking FLOURISHING over your hearts in My name.

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard:

‘My people, My hand is moving swiftly, and I am breathing upon the bitter places and I am turning them to sweet. There is a powerful move of My Spirit right now, in this day and in this hour, to bring a great turning. There is a powerful turning of My hand to turn the places where there has been such pain, such hardship, such hard ground, such grief — and places where it has felt like many of you are fighting and walking an uphill battle — I am now declaring GRACE UPON GRACE.

‘I say unto you, My people, that there is fresh grace for you in the places that have been bitter. I am turning them sweet and you will move into these areas with great ease. Where there has been a fight, where there has been a great pushing and toiling of the hard grounds, as I breath My grace and My Spirit upon these areas they will turn to areas of such fruitfulness. They will turn to areas of such abundance and life. For I say unto you, that the areas where the enemy has attempted to label them with “BITTER,” I am now declaring breakthrough in these areas to bring forth LIFE and the place of increased anointing and blossoming.

‘I say unto you, My people, do not align with the declaration of seeing the bitter places remain, but align your faith and your decree with My decree — which is the BLOSSOMING of My hand and life that is coming forth bringing forth SWEETNESS.

‘My people, look not to what has been bitter, turn not your head back or down to what has been bitter, but lift up your eyes knowing where your help comes from: it comes from I, the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121). And I say unto you, oh, the HELP that you are seeing and will see in this hour, as you experience some of the greatest demonstrations of the divine turning — that comes by My hand and not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit (Zech 4:6) — explode in unprecedented ways in your midst.

‘I am closing the door to the bitter places. There is not just a shift, there is a SEVERING of the bitter places by the power of My Word. There is a SEVERING of the places that have been bitter, and I say unto you, that many who have lifted up their voice to Me and cried out “Lord, my season has been so bitter,” I say unto you, that there is a “NEW SEASON” upon you. That new season has begun and it is one of recompense and one filled with the deep demonstrations of the power of My turning hand.

‘I say unto you, that I am severing those bitter places and I am bringing you into the blossoming place of life and recompense in Me, and I am awakening you to the higher perspective. As I sever the season of bitterness I am bringing you into a greater place of UNDERSTANDING. I am bringing you to a higher perspective of what I have taught you and revealed to you and placed and built within you as you have walked in the past season. I am causing you to come up higher to see from My perspective, and you are coming into a time of experiencing My grace to BUILD like you have never felt before. I say unto you, that the bitter places will no longer contain you. I say unto you, that the bitter places will no longer hold you back as you continue to align with My way, My Word and align with My truth and obey My ways.

‘I say unto you that I am bringing you into a realm of supernatural grace to do what you never thought you could do, and you will build in new ways and new directions. I am causing the expansion to happen in ways you have never imagined and in places you never thought: and those places where there has been such hardship and such bitter places, I am bringing you into new spaces to BUILD and BLOSSOM in My ways and My life in, ways you have not walked in before. I say unto you, that where many have felt like your hearts have been downcast and downtrodden for so long, I say unto you, that I am bringing you into such refreshment and life that you shall see that My river whose streams make glad the city of God.

‘“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall, God will help her at break of day.” Psalm 46:4-5

‘“God has a constantly flowing river whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight to His people. His river flows right through the city of God Most High, into His holy dwelling places. God is in the midst of His city, secure and never shaken.” Psalm 46:4-5 (TPT)

‘I am bringing you deeper into dependence, My people, dependence upon Me and I am going to demonstrate My empowerment, My miraculous provisions and My mighty hand to perform that which I have promised, in powerful ways that you have not yet seen. I am turning the impossible into possible — watch for the turn. I say unto you, WATCH FOR THE TURN. I am bringing forth a mighty turning. Watch as I am turning the bitter places to sweet. I AM THE GOD OF RECOMPENSE!’