Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Come deep into the womb of My Word.’ When the Lord spoke these words, immediately I felt the sense of carrying His Word — deeply, tenderly, quietly, in a hidden place — and to not be quick to release the revelation He is releasing right now from His written and Rhema Word.

The Lord then reminded me of a dream that I had recently, and in the dream I heard the prophetic voice of the Lord go forth and He said, ‘In this hour, the focus is not RELEASE, it’s RECEIVE.’ I was surrounded strongly by the sense of the invitation upon us right now, as the Body of Christ, to hear, receive and perceive the secrets of His heart — His intel, His wisdom — and that much of what He is releasing in this hour is not for public view, but for intercession, strategy and positioning in His ways.

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard:

‘My people, the increase of divine revelation and divine intel in this hour does not equate to the rapid release of revelation. Come deep into the womb of my Word. I am calling you, My people, deeper and deeper into My Word in this hour — and to study and find the hidden treasures within My Word. For I say unto you, that I am bringing forth, right now, a deep returning to My Word: and the wind and breath of My Spirit is blowing strongly right now, drawing My people deeper into My Word — and the treasures, revelation, insight and wisdom that I am releasing from My Word in this hour is needed for the days ahead.

‘For I say unto you, that many are running around looking for wisdom in many areas. They are looking for the wisdom of My ways in the ways and words of man — above My Word — and I say unto you, RETURN to My Word. I say unto you, that I am bringing you deeper and deeper into the wisdom of My ways as you study and search out My Word. I say unto you, that I am bringing forth a divine balance within My Church in greater ways of Word and Spirit. My eyes are roaming the earth, LOOKING for those who will continue to be students of My Word and those who will be hungry to LEARN of My ways and allow My Spirit to teach, instruct and disciple you in My ways and not the ways of man and man’s wisdom.

‘I say unto you, that in this hour, I am drawing you deep into the womb of My Word to search out mysteries (Daniel 2:22) and in My Word I will give you instruction, insight and strategy that you have not seen before. For these are the days where you must hear and know My ways and My wisdom. I am working deeply within hearts in this hour, to bring My people back to a place of humility and deeper into a place of humility. For I say unto you, who has directed the Spirit of the Lord? Or as My counsellor informed Me? Whom did I consult with and gave Me understanding? And who taught Me in the path of justice and taught Me knowledge and informed Me of the way of understanding? (Isaiah 40:13-14 AMP).

‘I say unto you, that this is the hour to cry out for comprehension and intercede for insight (Proverbs 2:3-5 TPT). This is the hour to come deeper into seeking out My wisdom and treasuring My words above all else. I say unto you, that you must come deeper into the womb of My Word: you must allow My revelation, My wisdom and My insight to grow within you, and I am looking in this hour for those that I can trust to carry my intel in My way and My strategy.

‘I say unto you, My people, that I will cause the Church to tremble again. I say unto you that I will cause My people to tremble at My Word again.

‘“This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at My Word.” (Isaiah 66:2)

‘I am coming swiftly in power and might to draw My people deep into the place and awe and reverence of who I am, through the mighty release of My fire and My Glory. I say unto you, that the days of the fear of the Lord being restored to My people have arrived, and there will be a great trembling that will come upon My Bride as she sees Me in My Glory and My Majesty. I say unto you that My terrifying Glory is coming and it shall draw My people deep into My heart. It shall draw My people closer to Me and into the beauty of My holiness. There is a purging that is coming that is deeper than anything that has been experienced before, but oh, the purging that shall bring forth My pure and spotless Bride in such radiance and splendour. Oh, how she will arise in shining My light, My purity and My Glory for all the world to see, and the nations shall be drawn to her light (Isaiah 60:3).

‘My people, I am bringing you into the place of trembling in awe and wonder of who I am: in the restoration of the awe and wonder of who I am — and from that place a VICTORIOUS CHURCH, MY VICTORIOUS BRIDE, WILL ARISE.

‘I say unto you, My people, that as you hear the call to come deeper into the womb of My Word; as My mighty power and Glory comes to reveal My power, My majesty and authority; and as My Church trembles again at My holiness and My beauty; in the MIGHTY MOVE OF AWE upon you My Church, as you are ALIGNED IN AWE, you will receive MY wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10-12)

‘Do not be afraid of the shaking that’s coming. Do not run in fear, but embrace the shaking and the move of My hand, in the hour, as My Glory and presence comes in ways that are unfathomable and unimaginable, and the revelation of My holiness and Glory that shakes everything. For in this place there will be a MIGHTY deliverance, and My Spirit of MIGHT will come upon My Church in mighty ways, and the birthing of the BOLD BRIDE will ARISE. My Bride with boots on, My warrior Bride, will arise from the place of deep, deep awe and wonder of who I am and My Glory: and the days of familiarity with Me will be over. I am coming swiftly to DEAL WITH familiarity. It’s time to see Me as the Glory King! The King of Glory! Almighty God.

‘My people, listen to My call: NOT ALL will carry My wisdom in this hour, it is those who live in awe and wonder of who I am and treasure My words above all and are students of My wisdom and My ways and allow Me to teach and instruct them — they will HEAR, PERCEIVE and RECEIVE what the Spirit is saying. It’s time for My Church to return to the awe and wonder of who I am, and to tremble at My Glory, My power and authority. And oh, the birthing of My glorious Bride that will happen from this place, and THAT VICTORIOUS BRIDE will see the nations tremble at My Glory and authority that they walk in.’