Prophetic Words


Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘STOP APOLOGISING, BUILD BOLDLY.’ The sense surrounded me so strongly that there are some who are still feeling very stuck and intimidated by fear and insecurity: and the Lord is calling them to shake off this fear and insecurity, through obedience once and for all, and stand up and build.

As I leaned in and listened I heard the Lord say:

‘Stop apologising for who you are, what you carry and the WAY that I have called you to build in this hour. For I see many of you who are hiding in the shadows and afraid to step out and do that which I have called you to do, and are entertaining insecurity. I am calling you to take Me at My Word. I am with you: I have called you and I have anointed you for such a time as this, and you CANNOT remain in the shadows when I am calling you forth. I am calling you to step out and BE who I have called you to be.

‘For there are many of you who are entertaining the lies of the enemy around your identity and many of you are entertaining narratives of “outcomes” that are not from My heart. You MUST take a strong stand and a strong resolve AGAINST these narratives. For the reason the intimidation and the fear is so strong against you and your identity and what I have called you to build, is because AS YOU BUILD you are going to FIND BOLDNESS IN ME like you have never known before — but YOU MUST step out. I am calling you out. You cannot remain hiding in shame and hiding in fear. I am with you, I have gone before you, and I am calling you to step into My strategy.

‘My people, the wisdom I have given you in this hour, and the strategies and ways I am leading you into IS against the grain: but My people, as you follow Me and embrace that which I am speaking and My strategy, you are going to see that I am pioneering THROUGH YOU. You cannot remain in the familiar places when I am calling you forth — PIONEER. I say unto you, “You MUST take the first step.” As you take the first step, you will see Me do the rest. There are many who are being lured into the comfortable and the familiar places because it is what you have known before, but I am calling you out. I am bringing you forth in this hour as the water walker, and you must continue to follow where I am leading.

‘For there are great and new movements about to be birthed in the earth over this next year, and you must be in position and ready to move, receive and perceive where I am leading. I am arming you with strength and strategy, and AS YOU FOLLOW ME you will not be shaken. The enemy is lying to many of you through fear and intimidation — speaking words of foreboding that as you step out you will be shaken and overcome. But the TRUTH is, AS you step out at My leading and follow Me, you will find a SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH and BOLDNESS that you have not yet known. There is strength found in the stepping out as you rely upon My Spirit to carry you where you have not yet gone and not yet been.’

‘My people, where many of you have been feeling a level of warfare against you stepping out and building boldly as I am calling you to in this hour, the warfare has been strong because not only am I bringing forth movements, but this IS the appointed time where you shall see the mobilisation of multiple movements and streams. For you shall see that where the enemy has tried to keep you in apology and in the hidden place, I am positioning you and releasing you to steward multiple streams and multiple movements that I am bringing forth NOW in this hour. There is about to be a mighty multiple flow, and the enemy is attempting to keep you stagnant and stuck. My people, listen to Me, you MUST DECIDE. Do not allow your heart to flounder to and fro. You MUST DECIDE and REMAIN in your decision. You must decide with fierce resolve in this hour to remain obedient to what I am calling you to.

‘As you step out you will see a new level of grace and empowerment. I am bringing you into a space of deeper dependence upon Me, where you will experience a new realm of empowerment to do what you never thought you could do. It is not in your own strength, but it is through the deeper levels of dependence upon Me in this hour: you are going to find a supernatural tidal wave of My power flowing through you to see that which I have called you to build, be built with precision, provision and strength.

‘For I say unto you, to many of you have felt like you were building from empty and you were building from a place of such deep tiredness: receive the river of My Spirit and the tidal wave of My power that is crashing upon you over and over and over again. AS YOU STEP OUT, you will not only be refreshed, but you will be strengthened by My Spirit in mind, body and heart, in a way you have never known. I am refreshing and strengthening you, and again I say unto you, these are the days where I am arming you with strength and strategy.

‘My people, there are many of you who are waiting for the “YES” of man to move on what I have called you to build. You are waiting on the applause and confirmation of man going in the same direction, but this is the hour where I am calling you to step out and build in NEW directions and you MUST follow Me. Many of you are hearing the chatter in the spirit attempting to convince you out of the strategy that I have spoken, but, My people, WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO? And WHO TOLD YOU THAT? It was not Me. I have spoken clearly to you of the strategy and wisdom for the days ahead and you MUST boldly step out and follow where I am leading you. Are you willing to be uncomfortable in your flesh, to follow where My wisdom is leading? My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who are willing to die to their flesh to follow in My wisdom and My strategy — the WAY I am leading — no matter the cost.

‘Watch, My people, and see that as you step out of apology and build boldly with Me, that not only will you see apology break off of your life, but you will see the winds of acceleration come from every direction — My winds to ACCELERATE THE BUILDING. Pay attention to the WAY I am calling you to build in this hour! For I say unto you, that I am building and birthing some mighty structures and arks in this hour that are being formed in the hidden place. And I am causing them to accelerate and flourish in their building, by MY HAND, that in the days to come they will be bunkers and arks of My Glory that will see My wisdom flow from within them in an unprecedented way. My light will go forth from these hidden places to establish My Kingdom and bring significant shifts in the earth, and My Word to go forth like never before.

‘For there is a great test in this hour that is coming upon many, as some strategies of building I release are coming with the instruction to build behind closed doors and in the hidden place, and not paraded to others. This is a great test upon many hearts in this hour that is exposing any need to be “seen” or “validated” by man. For in the hidden place, as you build in secret, I am also refining hearts and bringing My people deeper into My ways.

‘It’s time to stop apologising and build boldly, and not be apologetic of the strategies, wisdom and building plans I am giving to you. As you step out and obey, watch and see the magnitude of what you are stepping into with Me.’