Today, I heard the Lord say, ‘STAND! Lean in! I am bringing forth that which you have not seen before.’
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard the Lord say:
‘Stand still! Don’t move! Don’t run! Don’t hide! Don’t move! I see that many of you are feeling like you want to run and hide.
‘Many of you have felt the warfare has become too much, and there is a weariness that continues to plague you that you were hoping to be free from by now. I see many of you strategising on how to move and shift things so that you are no longer on the front lines, no longer having to face all that you have been facing. But I say unto you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I am WITH YOU and I am strengthening you for the days ahead. For many of you are feeling like you are at your weakest, but I say unto you, that you are at your STRONGEST because of your dependence upon Me. For what you have endured in the last few years and the intensity of the last few months has left many of you feeling broken of strength. But I say unto you, that your strength upon Me as your ever present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1) and your life, has come deeper than it ever has. Your reliance and dependence upon Me is deeper than it has ever been.
‘Many of you are going through a fire on the definition of strength and what it means to be strong. For many of you have defined strong in what you can ‘do.’ But strength is found in Me and who I am, and in the confident expectation of what I will do. My joy is your strength. I am bringing you deeper into this place. So be not discouraged by how weak you may feel, because I am bringing you into your days of greatest strength that is found in ME! My people, many of you are about to enter days where you are going to experience life, strength, refreshment and vitality like never before. And it is, and will be, found in the deeper and deeper places of dependence upon Me.
‘I say unto you REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE! Stand! Do not lay down your tools. Continue to build that which I have spoken to you to build. Look to nothing else but Me. Many of you need to stop leaning into your emotions and lean into My Word. For your heart and your emotions are leading you into a place of instability, and I am leading you into a place of deeper stability in Me as the Rock upon which you stand. For I say unto you, lean in deeply and listen to My voice, block out the chatter that is so loud in the spiritual realm, look not at the outworking of natural circumstances, and do NOT give voice to heaviness. LISTEN TO ME! You must be vigilant in your focus upon Me in this hour, and make NO ROOM for anything that is not of Me and anything that would vie for your attention and focus. For I am bringing forth that which you have not seen before.
‘This is a CRUCIAL moment for many of you. For you have heard Me say to you in the secret place that this is a threshold month, where I am bringing you into greater momentum in that which I am bringing forth from within you: and it is that which you have not seen before. YOU MUST SEE AS I SEE! The enemy is coming against the wind of My Spirit that is being released in this month to usher you further into much of what I have for you: and he is attempting AGAIN to bring you under, to delay you and to cause you to withdraw and move into despair. But I say unto you, STAND! LEAN IN! For I am not a man that I should lie: and the winds of My Spirit are increasing to empower and carry you into all that I have for you, and to bring forth from within you, and in your midst, that which you have not seen before.
‘There is a great temptation right now to MISINTERPRET what is happening — if you look at the natural realm. I am calling you higher. I am calling you deeper. Many of you need to get quiet and block out the noise and voices of others, and listen to what I am speaking and what I am revealing. For I am bringing you into new and unprecedented days and there is TOO MUCH NOISE in the birthing room. You must close the doors to the birthing room. You must allow Me to bring forth from within you, and through you, that which has not been seen before — and that must be done in the place of deep intimacy and quiet with Me. Do not give into intimidation to withdraw. LEAN IN and WATCH ME BRING FORTH THAT WHICH HAS NOT BEEN SEEN BEFORE.
‘For I am closing doors that need to be closed. I am shifting and severing alignments that must be shifted and severed in this hour, so that I can bring forth that which has not been seen before. But many of you are being entangled in your hearts, because you are THINKING THROUGH YOUR HEARTS. I am calling you deeper into the place of communion with Me, to LISTEN to what I am speaking and align yourself with MY thoughts. For if you continue to think through your heart, you will be entangled with emotion, confusion and lack of understanding. For what I am birthing and bringing forth, you have not seen before. And it requires a DEEP DEPENDENCE upon Me, and My voice to be the highest voice, and a NEW LEVEL OF FAITH. ‘You must NOT SHUT THE DOOR and shut off your heart and minds to the UNFAMILIAR because it feels foreign — it is ME. I am teaching you a new way of moving and operating with Me. Allow Me to close that which I am closing, and allow Me to lead you into the unfamiliar — and LEAN INTO IT.
‘For many of you have been pushing the unfamiliar away because of fear and intimidation. But I say unto you, that you are about to move into your greatest days of seeing My Spirit move through you in new spaces and places, and the manifestation of My glory and My majesty will take your breath away.
‘Stay close to Me in this hour, and do not misinterpret all pressure for warfare. For there is much warfare taking place right now: but right now you are in BOOT CAMP! There is intense preparation and training taking place: do not be quick to label it as warfare. You must be living close to My heart to be able to discern the difference. You must move slow and steady right now. For I am ARMING YOU with NEW STRATEGIES for the days ahead, and MANY of these strategies feel UNFAMILIAR: and I MUST teach you how to operate with Me in these new blueprints. Do not assume that you know. Deep dependence, I am calling you deeper.
‘Watch, My people, over the next three weeks, how I will bring forth an increase of many new strategies and divine insight. Watch as I ARM YOU in a greater way with the strategies of heaven. But you MUST be STILL and QUIET to hear and to listen to all that I am speaking and revealing. For much of what I am revealing and speaking is going to require you to pick up new tools in the spirit with Me, to build in new ways. And I am your teacher: to continue to lead you into all truth, and to lead you in ways of wisdom you have not yet walked in.
‘The enemy has come to try to disarm you because I am ARMING YOU AFRESH in this hour: because I say unto you that I am DISARMING THE ENEMY and the tentacles of witchcraft that have come against you in many areas of your life to disarm you. But I, the Lord Your God, am DISARMING THE ENEMY with MY STRONG ARM. Strike the ground again with your posture to STAND, and be still and watch Me fight for you. (Exodus 14:14)
What I am doing right now is bringing forth a monumental shift in your life and in how you move and operate with Me. What you’re entering into is unprecedented. Stay close.