
LVM UPDATE – Words You May have Missed.

Hi friends!
We’ve had some website problems over the last few weeks as some may already know. We have been assured that all data has remained secure, but a recent update corrupted something deep in our database that stopped some functions of the website. Consequently, emails had not been going out for some time.

We are currently working with a local website team to develop a new website. While there are still issues with our current website, we seem to have made it work enough to resume emails for the time being.

Below, I have pasted the words that may have not made it to your inbox.

Thank you all for following us, covering us in prayer and supporting us. We are excited to have this problem behind us, although it may be a week or so before we have the new website up in full.

Kevin and Lana Vawser



Today I heard the Lord say “I am answering the cries in the hearts of many of My people who have become weary and disillusioned and are crying out “Lord, are you willing?” I am answering this question “I AM WILLING” and I am restoring hope, and INDEED I WILL DO IT”

Luke 5:12-14 was burning on my heart after the Lord spoke this.

One day, while Jesus was ministering in a certain city, he came upon a man covered with leprous sores. When the man recognised Jesus, he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet and begged to be healed, saying, “If you are only willing, you could completely heal me.”

13–14 Jesus reached out and touched him[a] and said, “Of course I am willing to heal you, and now you will be healed.” Instantly the leprous sores were healed and his skin became smooth. (The Passion Translation)

The Lord began to show me many in the body of Christ who have become disillusioned specially in the area of healing (physical, emotional, mental) and areas where they have sat on a promise for so long from the Lord and it has been such a long time of not seeing any movement or breakthrough and in fact the area where the Lord gave the promise, get worse. Hope deferred has set in and many have been struggling in secret before the Lord “God, are you even willing to heal me? Do you even want to move in this situation, in my body, in my life?”

Friends, that is the voice of hope deferred, that is the voice of weariness, that is the voice of discouragement and disappointment. The Lord is bringing His comfort to you. He knows that the battle has been long. He knows how hard it has been. He has not only been with you, but He has wept with you in the pain and the struggle but knowing that a greater day awaits you.

I feel the heart of God right now for those of you in this place, He wants you to know that OF COURSE He is willing. He gave it all at Calvary to make the way for eternal life, to make the way so you can walk in deep relationship with Him, to walk in His healing, in freedom and in the abundant life He purchased for you (John 10:10)

The battles have intensified, the struggles have increased, but that is NOT an indicator that you’re breakthrough is further away, it’s actually an indicator that you are closer than ever. The Lord is not only going to move FOR YOU and you will see a mighty demonstration of His power in your body and your circumstances, He is going to heal your heart. He is going to remove the hope deferred that has made the heart sick and He is going to lead you deeper into the place of promises fulfilled.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

But when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 AMP)

When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on,

the delay can be depressing.

But when at last your dream comes true,

life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul. (Proverbs 13:12 – The Passion Translation)


I heard the Lord say that for many “HOPE’S VOICE WILL RESOUND THIS WEEK”.

Things will SHIFT this week. Things will MOVE this week. Things will SHAKE this week. Things that OPPOSED will BOW this week. Hope’s voice is going to RESOUND this week. A MIGHTY restoration of HOPE will flood your hearts this week. A breath of fresh air will be released to you this week by the Spirit of God. It will not be by your own hands or something “you can do” it is going to be by the hands of God. God is going to show you this week just how WILLING He is. Be expectant! MANY hearts are going to SHIFT this week and the SOUND of HOPE will begin to resound again. You will watch hope deferred drain out of your heart as the Holy Spirit ministers to you and you will feel the first signs of NEW LIFE, RESTORATION, HOPE and JOY flutter in your heart again. 


I heard the Lord say “Pay attention to your dreams this week”. Expect the Lord to visit you in the night hours this week and minister to you. Ask for it. Expect it. 

I heard the Holy Spirit say “There will be divine TRAILERS released this week”

This week in dreams God is going to be releasing “divine trailers” of what is to come, what is about to unfold, what many are about to step into and this is going to begin the divine “ball rolling” of hope, excitement, joy and healing of the heart getting ready for the new land and assignments that He has for you. 


When the Lord spoke this I felt this was a two-fold word. The “script” of how things have been and things that have been written that have been in opposition to the promises of God and what He is speaking is going to SUDDENLY change. The revelation and manifestation of God’s power is going to SUDDENLY change the SCRIPT. Suddenly things are going to shift in the script.

I also felt the word “SCRIPT” was being used by the Lord to highlight “SCRIPTS” that are given by doctors of medicine to when you’re sick or battling disease/infirmity so I knew the Lord was speaking about physical health.

I then had a vision where there has been so much physical infirmity and disease many have bee battling without any signs of breakthrough, I saw Jesus stand before them and He handed them HIS SCRIPT and it said “SHIFT!!!!”  There is going to be SHIFTS in physical bodies and health this week for many. He is changing the SCRIPT decreeing there is a divine SHIFT that is about to take place by His hand in your body.

He’s changing the SCRIPT to SHIFT!

Over the last week or so the Lord has laid pioneers and forerunners heavily on my heart. Those that are pioneering with the Lord and forerunning, the Lord showed me that the fire has been turned up seven times hotter. There have been incredibly intense fiery trials against many of you in the last while. You have wondered what’s going on or what you have done wrong or if you have missed what God has asked you to “Pioneer” through misunderstanding.
The Lord showed me that this isn’t about “you have done something wrong” or “you have got it wrong” the Lord showed me that there is an intense FIRING upon the PIONEERS right now. There is an intense PURIFICATION BY FIRE that is taking place upon you and the Lord has you. There has been fire of the enemy that has been turned up, but there is also the fire of the Lord that has increased to bring forth a further purification of the heart and purification of the vision that He has given you.
This is not a bad thing, this is an incredible good thing. It is painful and it is hard, but the Lord showed me that you are actually INCREASING into ALL that He has for you. This is actually a place of PROMOTION. This is actually a place of significant birthing of increase IN YOU stepping into who you are in Him and what you are called to and major increase of the VISION of what He has called you to pioneer and to build.
I heard the Lord decree two words over the Pioneers and the forerunners:
Then instantly I heard 1 Chronicles 4:10:
Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.” (English Standard Version)
You may feel like you have gone backwards, you may feel “hidden” in the fire, but this is actually the place of God’s deepest work of preparation in your heart and in the vision He has given you to prepare you to step into the greatest EXPANSION and ENLARGEMENT of the vision that He has given you. He is purifying, strengthening and fortifying.
I had a vision and I saw the eyes of the Lord fall upon FOUNDATIONS. It was the FOUNDATION of the heart and FOUNDATION of the vision. The Lord was removing roots in the foundations and repairing cracks in the foundations where there were things that had taken root and found their way in that were not of Him. Lies, unbelief, man made ways that were not the way He was moving and building. I heard His voice thunder “THIS IS THE DIVINE RESTRUCTURE”
God is RESTRUCTURING things and it is not a bad thing, it is gloriously good and it is a new wineskin so that He can pour in more new wine than you have ever seen or experienced. He is preparing you for the greatest move of His Spirit in your life and through the vision He has given you. He is making changes. He is shifting things around. In the RESTRUCTURING it is requiring DEEPER TRUST. Trust Him and know that He is leading you, preparing you and making room for the King of Glory to step in like you have never seen before. (Psalm 24:7-9)
The vision shifted and I saw puzzle pieces all over the world. What struck me was SO many of these puzzle pieces were in hidden places. I knew instantly that the puzzle pieces represented the PIONEERS. I saw some of these pioneers that were SO hidden, they weren’t “known” in the christian world, but they were KNOWN BY HIM and KNOWN IN HEAVEN. Their faithfulness in stewarding what God has asked them to build was stunning. It had moved the heart of God. It was from mother’s stewarding the vision and pioneering new strategies and heavenly wisdom in raising their kids, there were people pioneering in the medical realm, there were people pioneering with the Holy Spirit in the Church, there were people pioneering in the business mountain, the education mountain, the governmental arenas etc. I saw that these hidden ones have come under such incredible assault, fire and opposition of late but the breaker has been set now to turn the tables and bring a HUGE shift. There are major rewards being poured out from heaven for their faithfulness and obedience.
From the hidden ones to the pioneers that are known in the body of Christ and the earth, I saw them as puzzle pieces and they were coming together carried by the wind of the Spirit. As the puzzle joined together it formed a Scripture:
““Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. ” (John 14:12ESV)
The Lord showed me that in this new era the Pioneering Spirit of God is increasing significantly in the new thing (Isaiah 43:19) God is doing and as the Pioneering Spirit of God moves in the earth and upon the Pioneers there is coming a MAJOR demonstration of John 14:12. We haven’t arrived there yet, but it is coming. A collective powerful demonstration greater than the works Jesus did. We are moving towards this in this new era and seeing God entrust the Church and the Pioneers with greater demonstrations of His power than has EVER been before. There is ‘world changing’ breakthrough that is going to flow through the Pioneers that is going to bring radical transformation, change and impact GENERATIONS. People will be drawn from NEAR AND FAR to the fire of God that is going to increase on the VISION of what He has given the Pioneers and what He is building through the vision and its extension.
I heard the Lord say:
“You have not even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. There are greater things to come, greater than you have ever imagined. The PURIFYING FIRE of My hand is NECESSARY to prepare My people and the PIONEERS to move with Me and the leading of My Spirit, walking in revelation of their authority to see My Kingdom established in the earth, My Glory revealed and My goodness and salvation resound like never before.”
“The fire is removing the mixture! The fire is removing the dross! The fire is fortifying, strengthening and establishing. The enemy has come with the fire turned up but ALL THINGS the enemy meant for harm, I am turning for good. As there has been the fire of the enemy against you and as there has been the fire of My Spirit bringing purification in all things, I decree that there shall now be a DOUBLE PORTION released upon you My faithfulness Pioneers as you listen to My heart and move where I am moving and build as I am building.”
The vision shifted again and I saw the opposition of the enemy that’s coming against the Pioneers and their vision and I watched as the enemy pushed hard against them and the vision and the Pioneers kept pushing back. The “pushback” and “pushing back and forth” has been long and it has been hard and many Pioneers are weary from the “push back” and have been wanting to give up. I then heard the Lord say “RESISTANCE TRAINING”. What many Pioneers didn’t see was in the wrestle, in the pushing “back and forth” there was a HUGE increase of FAITH within the Pioneers God was building. Whether they felt it or not, God was increasing FAITH on the inside. There was an intense fortification taking place where the ONLY OPTION was God and His Word. That beautiful yet painful place was the place of the greatest establishment in Him. In the “PUSHING BACK AND FORTH” God was increasing faith muscles that SUDDENLY there will be a shift, SUDDENLY by the Spirit of God ALL hope deferred will be healed, and there will be a MAJOR release to many PIONEERS – A GIFT OF FAITH. Suddenly the tables will turn from pushing continually in the wrestle to living on the OFFENSE in faith, victory and authority and suddenly beginning to take more ground and in greater acceleration than ever before. No longer shaken by “second heaven” antics, but rooted in Christ and His victory and His solution through His Word like never before.
In the “wrestle” and the “push back” God is weeding out and squeezing out anything that would hinder the Pioneers from living in deep rooted faith. God is bringing the Pioneers UP THE MOUNTAIN of intimacy and living deeper and higher in the reality of being seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6) and placing more faith in what God says and what He is doing rather than distracted by the “second heaven” and natural circumstances and placing faith there. This major shift and increase of faith is the platform to not only see major breakthrough and fulfilment of His promises but to believe for greater things than ever before as the blossoming of His promises manifests.
Lastly, I felt an ‘anxiety’ upon many Pioneers because of what they’ve endured and many not seeing the “fruit” YET of what God has promised. So those questions bubbled “Have I missed it?” “What have I done wrong?” “How can I extend the vision when I haven’t seen breakthrough yet?”
I heard the Holy Spirit say:
God is going to be speaking LOUDER and MORE CLEARLY than you have ever experienced before. God is going to CONFIRM the vision. God is going to give you such CLARITY like you have never experienced before in FURTHERING the vision and extending the vision. God is going to make things CRYSTAL CLEAR and more SPECIFIC than you have ever experienced. DO NOT be anxious and do NOT be afraid, just stay close to His heart, yielded, open, surrendered to Him and His ways because He’s turning up the dial of His voice.
Much of what God will cause you to do and EXTEND the vision will be IMPOSSIBLE and OUTSIDE your comfort zone. When this happens, can I encourage you, OBEY and OBEY COMPLETELY! Do not obey half-hearted, obey will ALL your heart and to the best of your ability.
“I have determined in my heart to obey whatever you say, fully and forever!” (Psalm 119:112 – The Passion Translation)
In that place you are going to see the POWER OF GOD meet your obedience and your “faith greenhouse” you have been cultivating with Him and you will see EXTRAORDINARY PROVISION of God like never before. He is going to PAY what needs to be paid for the vision. He is going to give you EXACTLY what you need for the extension. He is going to bring the right PEOPLE to birth the vision and it’s extension with you. He is going to give you ALL the resources and BEYOND for what you need to implement it all.
There will be a MAJOR explosion of EPHESIANS 3:20 that will manifest in your obedience.
“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (The Passion Translation)
You are increasing into ALL God has for you Pioneers. Things are RAPIDLY SHIFTING AND CHANGING. Don’t fight it. Go with the transition. Embrace the fire of God to purify and fortify. KNOW that where the fires of the enemy has been turned up 7 times hotter, He is now going to DELIVER YOU and ADD to you. Your greatest preparation for the greatest demonstration and promotion from the HAND OF GOD is upon you. Yield! Surrender! Obey!
It’s a NEW DAY!



Lana Vawser, 8 Aug 2019

Recently I heard the Lord say “It’s time for a new lease on life”. When I researched the meaning of that phrase this is what I came across:

“A new lease on life” definition:

“an occasion when you become more energetic and active than before”

“an increase in the period for which something can be used or continued” 

(Definition taken from:

When the Lord spoke these words I felt His heart so strongly for those who have been battle weary, those who have felt they have come to the end of themselves, those who have felt like the battle has been ongoing, where the ‘dark night’ and the ‘stormy trials’ just seem to gain intensity rather than the indication of the sun of the new morning and day rising.

I felt His words of comfort surround me as His voice whispered “It’s time for a new lease on life”. The excitement in His heart bubbled with the anticipation of a new day. The anticipation of the demonstration of His faithfulness towards His people.

As I leaned into His heart to hear more of what He was speaking, I heard His whisper:

“My people, the time to trust Me like never before has arrived. Trust not what your eyes can see. Trust in Me and My nature. Trust in My Word, for what I am doing in you now is more beautiful, glorious and wonderful than you can imagine. I am working deep in your hearts, I am working and rewiring your minds as you feast on My truth and I am strengthening you for what is ahead. I am bringing you further into John 10:10, the abundant life that you have in Me. I am bringing you forth into a time where you will experience a new lease on life. You will have greater strength in Me than you have ever had. You will have greater peace in Me than you have ever known. You will have greater resilience against the schemes of the enemy than you have had before. I am increasing you, I am breathing life into you, I am strengthening you, empowering you, reviving you and refreshing you. I am the God who finishes the work that I started (Philippians 1:6). Be confident My people and trust in Me knowing that I am doing deeper things within you than you realise and preparing you for all that is ahead. It won’t be long now before you see the signs of the ‘new lease on life’ beginning to spring forth all around you.’ Do not despise the pruning, for the pruning is happening to prepare you to carry more than you have carried, to go further than you’ve been and to do what you never thought you could do. I am establishing you in your identity in Me and the revelation of My life. You will not only find yourself again in Me but come forth stronger than before.”


I had a vision of a dark room where films are taken in to be developed. I Saw Jesus standing in this room and it was very dark, quiet and still. He was in there and He was gently, carefully and strategically working with these ‘negatives’ and ‘films’ to bring forth the photos. Once these photos were developed they were so crisp, so clear, so beautiful, such amazing photos.

The sense surrounded me that many feel like they are in that ‘dark room’ right now. It looks dark, it feels very quiet, very still and you can’t ‘see’ what’s happening, but Jesus is there with you and He has got this. The words surrounded me “I’ve got this and I’ve got you and VERY soon you will SEE what I have been developing in YOU and FOR you.”

The vision opened up before my eyes again and as Jesus was hanging these beautiful photos up on the wire to ‘dry’ He turned one around and there was a Scripture written on the back:

This is why the Scriptures say:

Things never discovered or heard of before,
    things beyond our ability to imagine—
    these are the many things God has in store
    for all his lovers. (1 Corinthians 2:9 – The Passion Translation)

But, as it is written,

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
    nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9 ESV)

Trust Jesus and trust what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life. You might be feeling like you are in that “dark room” and not know what exactly is happening but He does. He is developing something more precious and beautiful than you have ever imagined. He is preparing you for something greater than you realise. 

I then saw Jesus turn to me and He whispered:

“One of the greatest gifts My people will receive in developing room is the place of REST in Me. The quiet trust and REST in Me will bring about great healing, strength and freedom”

I am humbled and quieted in your presence.
Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap,
I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you.
O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust,
waiting upon the Lord now and forever. (Psalm 131:2-3 – The Passion Translation)


The vision then shifted and I saw a car driving down a freeway and my eyes were draw to the side mirrors and on the mirror it said “OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR”. In the natural this statement is placed on mirrors as a “warning”  but when I looked at this statement in the vision excitement rose up within me. 

I heard the Lord say “Many finding themselves in the dark developing room right now feel like the things I have spoken to them are further away than ever, but the truth is, My promises are CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR!!!! My people it is IMPERATIVE in the dark, developing room, to be flying as the eagle high above the natural, coming up the mountain and seeing from My perspective. For the developing room will be but for a moment, then you will enter into a fullness of your promises, destiny and acceleration unlike you have known before. This is the season of radical breakthrough. This is the season of seeing My power manifest like never before. The ‘moments’ in the dark developing room does not mean the breakthrough is further away, it means I am developing deeper things within you so you can move further into breakthrough, promotion and acceleration of all that I have for you than you realise. You MUST have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart that KNOWS My ways to understand what I am doing in these days. Lean in, push past the natural and listen to My voice and you will see that some of the greatest ‘developments’ of My hand within you and for you are taking place RIGHT NOW!”

This week in the early hours of the morning as I was waking I heard the Lord speaking over many in the body of Christ and He said:
“I am removing the lids and you are going to stand taller than you have ever stood before.”
The Spirit of God is moving powerfully right now removing “lids” of His people. He is removing the ceilings. He is removing the lies. He is removing the words spoken by others. He is removing the “natural realm” expectations. He is removing the “doubt”. He is removing the “fear”. He is removing the “shame”. He is removing the “pain”. Whatever the “lid” may be for you, the Spirit of God is moving in your life to shatter that lid and shatter that ceiling.
God spoke to me last year about the removal of these ‘lids’ and I wondered why the Lord was speaking about this again and I heard Him say:
“There are many in the body of Christ who have felt the weight of the lids get heavier recently. There are many that are wondering what is going on. What they have done wrong. Why these very things that they are pushing to break through have become heavier and many are feeling the breaking of these lids is further away than ever. I want you to encourage My people that these lids are not only coming off now but I am lifting My people up as eagles above the heat, above the storm and calling them up the mountain to live at the peak of the mountain top with Me where the air is crisp, cool and there is much peace, swayed not by circumstance and affected by the fires that go on below, I am bringing My people into the REVELATION OF THEIR SEAT in Me like never before.”
“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6 NLT)
“He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated[a] as one with Christ!” (Ephesians 2:6 TPT)
These lids have contained many of you for so long. These lids have caused you great pain. These lids have suffocated the life out of you. They have stolen your joy and your peace, but I hear the Lord saying “NO MORE”. There is a MAJOR point of breakthrough taking place right now where these lids are SHATTERING, not just for one day, but once and for all. You are moving to another level. You are entering a new realm. A new season of encounter with Jesus is opening up that is more glorious than you have ever experienced. There is a refreshing of divine romance happening for many of you with your first love where disappointment and pain/trauma has stolen and dampened the affection of your heart for Him. He does not turn you away, He embraces you. He is skipping towards you over the mountains to come and to lavish His love upon you again.
The Lord showed me that many have been feeling that this season has been one of the hardest ever. Many are feeling like the pain, trauma, battles continue and it feels like nothing is ever going to shift, but I heard the Lord say “THIS IS TRULY YOUR GREATEST SEASON”.
The lids are coming off. You will no longer apologise for who you are. You will no longer apologise for the giftings He has given you. You will no longer apologise for the favour over your life. You will no longer apologise because you are different to those around you. You are coming DEEPER into the fullness of who you are in Christ. As these lids come off, you are standing taller than you have ever stood.
You are standing taller in the confidence of the revelation of who He is, His love for you and who you are in Christ. You are standing taller in the revelation that you are in right standing with the Lord as you have given your life to Jesus (Romans 5:1-11)
You are “going up the mountain” and living as the eagle soaring high above with Him in your authority in Christ. You are standing taller in your authority.
You are standing taller in peace.
You are standing taller in vision.
You are standing taller in creativity.
You are standing taller in anointing.
You are standing taller in maturity.
You are standing taller in boldness and courage.
This is your time to step into NEW THINGS with the Lord and not be held back by the lids that have attempted to contain you for so long. You are going to experience the power of God like never before that will shatter these lids, the wind of the Spirit will meet the sails of your faith and cause you to RUN with Him like never before.
You are being empowered like you have never experienced before. Supernatural strength and empowerment is upon you. New assignments are coming to you. I had a vision and I saw Jesus handing out scrolls with new assignments on them and as you took these assignments you began to “RUN” and “SOAR” like never before. You will THRIVE and FLY in these new assignments. The deep work God has been doing in you is transforming you more and more into the image of Christ and you will not recognise yourself once these lids come off. You will feel like a completely different person. Truly, the greatest season of yoru life is opening up now where you are going to do with Him what you never thought you could do and go where you never thought you could go.
These lids won’t even be a memory. You won’t remember the pain of these lids, but the JOY of the breakthrough into freedom in Christ. You are being birthed, fashioned, fortified and extended into the overcomer that you already are in Christ. Much of the pain you have been feeling are the growing pains of these lids COMING OFF.
This truly will be the greatest demonstration of His power to deliver, establish and fortify you further in who you are and thenew assignments He has for you.
Ask Him what the lids have been over yor life if you don’t already know, then repent of living under them and ask Him to come and remove them.
Then you just watch and see what He is going to do. Where the enemy has attempted to “contain” you, now you are being ACTIVATED and COMMISSIONED into all things NEW. (Isaiah 43:19)
Recently I heard the Lord say “Daughters of God, your new beginning is here” and the sense surrounded me strongly of the Lord’s heart to encourage the daughters of God that there has been a decree from heaven, declaring a new beginning over you. There HAS been a shift that has been decreed and there is a great UNRAVELLING and REVEALING that is now beginning to take place.
The Lord spoke to me that this UNRAVELLING and REVEALING is beginning to manifest in the lives of His daughters in accelerated ways in this new era.
God is UNRAVELLING the chains that have held you. God is UNRAVELLING the mindsets that have contained you. God is UNRAVELLING the oppression that has suffocated you. God is UNRAVELLING the whirlwind of despair and discouragement that have continued to keep you in a place of disorientation.
The Lord is now REVEALING exactly what the NEW BEGINNINGS actually look like. You are coming into fresh revelation of your identity. You are coming into greater clarity of your calling. You are coming into greater awareness of the Spirit of God operating in your life and through your life. You are coming into a season of CONFIDENCE in the voice of God and what He is speaking. No longer will you be tossed to and fro by confusion and the enemy “twisting” the word of the Lord, but you are coming forth with an assurance of the Lord’s voice like never before.
You NEED this confidence in hearing the voice of God because of WHERE God is going to send you. For the new assignments, the new doors, the new ventures and adventures with Him, the Lord has to make sure that you are concreted and fortified in HIS voice alone.
There has been an INTENSE boot camp and resistance training happening for the daughters of God in many ways, where the Lord is building spiritual faith muscles in His daughters. He is building the faith muscles to push back against circumstances or what the enemy is saying and stand in the Word of God alone. The Lord is building the fortification and confidence in His voice alone so the Esther’s may go forth with the fire of His Word in their belly to bring major change with the Spirit of God to cities and nations, to change, shape and influence culture, seeing the Kingdom of God extended.
I heard the Lord say “You are writing a new story”. The journey is changing. One story has ended and now another begins. The Lord has so many divine surprises for you in this new era and it is the responsibility upon the daughters of God to “BE READY!”
It is IMPERATIVE in this hour to be praying and asking the Lord “How can I be ready?” “God what does it look like for me to be ready?” “Lord, make me ready”
It is IMPERATIVE that the daughters of God are found with enough oil in their lamps. (Matthew 25) The King of Glory is coming (Psalm 24:7-9) and there is a divine significant moment upon the daughters right now coming further into their identity, inheritance and influence like never before.
Don’t be afraid of the new story, it is a story where you will see the Lord MAKE HISTORY in your life and through your life. You will see Him move FOR YOU and THROUGH YOU in ways that are going to change how things HAVE BEEN and how things will be, FOREVER. There is A LOT at stake right now, it is so crucial to be in the secret place with the Lord delighting in Him, knowing Him, keeping the affections of your heart upon Him alone and following His direction.
I had a vision and I saw Jesus working on the brains of His daughters. He looked like a surgeon, the Master Surgeon and He looked up at me and smiled and said “The time for the divine REWIRING has arrived”.
The atmosphere surrounded me with the strong sense of the Lord is bringing to the surface in the lives of His daughters the “thought patterns”, the “strongholds of the mind” and the “patterns of thinking” that are not in line with what He says and His Word and the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)
The Lord is bringing those mindsets to the surface right now and in many ways they are coming up “one after another, after another”. Do not panic or be discouraged by these mindsets and ways of thinking arising. The Lord is bringing them up so you can repent of aligning with them, break your agreement with them and ask the Holy Spirit for His truth.
In that process a MAJOR rewiring is taking place. Healing, deliverance, freedom and UPGRADE.
The Lord then showed me the word REQUIRED.
Again the vision of Esther came before me and I heard the Lord say “THEY WILL BE REQUIRED OF”
You will be called upon. You will be set up in specific divine moments in this new era set up by the hand of the Lord with your mouth FULL of the wisdom of God to speak forth, to one, to one hundred, to many. Wherever the Lord sends you, but now is the time you are being REQUIRED OF to take your place and move into all that He has for you. Now is the time.(Esther 4:14)
You have known deep battles of the mind and torment of the mind but the Lord is breaking it in the deeper training upon you of renewing your mind and living by faith. Living in a higher reality and coming up the mountain.
You will be filled to the brim and overflowing with the wisdom of God, heavenly wisdom, discernment, direction and blueprints from heaven.
The shift has arrived!!!! Your new beginning has BEGUN! Watch the unravelling and revealing take place!
There is a resounding sound from heaven being thundered “WILL YOU TRUST ME AND MY DIRECTION?”
There is a MASSIVE change taking place right now, there is HUGE momentum and acceleration happening and some of the greatest alignments by the hand of God happening RIGHT NOW.
Recently in a dream the Lord spoke to me “Lana, the things My people thought would never be aligned, I am now aligning”
There is a MAJOR divine alignment taking place. There is a major move of His hand happening to rewrite cycles. Cycles that have continued that are not of the Lord, He is breaking and He is beginning new cycles. A divine reset. A divine activation of new cycles for the new era. There are new pathways that God is leading the body of Christ into but we cannot enter into all the new thing God is doing if we are not yielded to His ways.
The Lord is asking the body of Christ a question “Will you trust Me and My direction?” not “Will you rely on your own direction or the direction of yesterday.” It is imperative right now as God’s people that we are ACTIVELY and INTENTIONALLY asking for the wisdom of God and the directions that He is leading.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
Recently I had a vision and the Lord showed me that some of the directions that He was leading His people into in this new era were completely unexpected. Many were shocked, stunned and slightly perplexed in the direction of the Lord because it is SO unexpected.
As this was happening I saw the invitation from the Lord to RADICALLY TRUST. As God’s people abandoned themselves completely to the Lord His direction in obedience, that ONE MOMENT of radical obedience in the direction He was leading CHANGED EVERYTHING. I watched in this vision as a whole new world opened up before them. I watched the divine RIPPLE EFFECT that took place from that ONE DECISION to follow Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit in His direction, not only opened up NUMEROUS NEW DIRECTIONS but also a level of INCREASE that was one that had never been experienced before.
The Lord showed me that these directions He is leading His people in for many is the place of the greatest TEST OF TRUST. These directions of the Lord are going straight to the heart. It is the test of trust where EVERYTHING is being “put on the line in faith” before the Lord. It is the kind of trust that throws EVERYTHING upon the Lord, the deepest yieldedness that many have ever experienced. Many in the body of Christ are feeling their soul react to this place of deep yielding. There’s been fear, there’s been anxiety, there’s been stress, but IN that place where the Lord is asking FOR EVERYTHING, the resounding of the Lord’s heart “COME FOLLOW ME” meeting with the resounding “YES LORD” from His people is dealing with ROOTS of fear, anxiety, stress, fear of man, intimidation, doubt, unbelief “ONCE AND FOR ALL”.
This is the greatest test of trust for many of you, but can I encourage you, in this place of the greatest test of trust, you are about to encounter the deepest level of the revelation of who He is and His faithfulness of your life. In the ‘new directions’ that He is leading, in this place of “come follow Me” even if you’re scared, even if you don’t understand and it looks different to what you expect” you are going to receive the greatest gift of all – seeing Me like you have never seen Me before.”
The enemy and fear is screaming “what if this happens….” or “this is going to happen if you step out…. ” all of these whispers being negative… where I hear the Lord’s whisper “I’ve gone before you, I’ve got you covered and you are stepping into a realm of grace and demonstration of My power unlike anything you have ever seen.”
I then heard the words “Harvest is coming in unexpected packages”. These directions the Lord is leading His people in are actually the “pinnacle of harvest” thus far. What God is about to do, how He is going to increase you, the flourishing of the seeds that is going to explode, the promises of God that are going to manifest, it is going to take place in EVERY DIRECTION. This explosion of harvest in your life is going to be the greatest manifestation of harvest in your life thus far.
“The season has changed,
the bondage of your barren winter has ended,
and the season of hiding is over and gone.
The rains have soaked the earth[n]
and left it bright with blossoming flowers.
The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived.[o]
I hear the cooing of doves in our land,[p]
filling the air with songs to awaken you
and guide you forth.
Can you not discern this new day of destiny
breaking forth around you?
The early signs of my purposes and plans
are bursting forth.[q]
The budding vines of new life
are now blooming everywhere.
The fragrance of their flowers whispers,
“There is change in the air.” – Song of Songs 2:11-13 (TPT)
Not only is the Lord bursting harvest IN your life in unexpected packages through these new directions of His hand, He is preparing you in the radical place of TRUSTING HIM for the MIGHTY HARVEST OF SOULS upon the earth. God is uprooting things in the heart through this great test of trust and exploding His truth within you to PREPARE YOU to move into the next level of your destiny and divine positioning that will take place to see MANY SOULS come into the Kingdom. The “next level” of your destiny for many is in the AWAKENING of who you are and who He is and going forth no longer held back by fear, fear of man, people pleasing, doubt and unbelief and in the recognition and awakening of who you are, you shift atmospheres and extend the Kingdom wherever you go.
The Lord spoke to me “Lana, these unexpected directions and greatest tests of trust” is bigger than My people realise. The ONE DECISION to obey Me and follow Me wholeheartedly in My direction is setting My people up for a bright future. This one act of radical obedience and yielding is opening up the “BRIGHT FUTURE” of greater manifested freedom, victory, healing and wholeness, opportunity, increase and positioning of My hand because I am building an army, a victorious bride who follow My voice at all costs and do not bow to the voice of man made expectations, pressures and ways, but follow Me wherever I lead and however “out of the box” or “unexpected” it looks.
Some of you have been feeling anxiety, fear etc about a pathway the Lord is leading, but He wants you to know to not fear for He is with you, there is nothing to fear. This is a point of major encounter with Him, a great test of trust where the revelation of His truth and faithfulness will change your life and the “domino affect” of His acceleration that will take place through your obedience will be like nothing you have ever seen. He’s got you covered!
I saw many feeling anxious “if I go this way, it’s so against what I expected or against the grain, it’s seems like a backwards step” and I heard the Lord say “This step is actually your greatest step into divine acceleration that you have ever experienced.”
God is shifting! God is changing! God is reshaping! Follow His voice, follow His direction, He’s with you and will not leave you and you will see great miracles explode in your obedience to Him. It may be the greatest test of trust and at times super painful, but you’re actually being positioned for the greatest encounters and breakthroughs of your life, but be INTENTIONAL to continue to ask for His wisdom and to know His ways and then follow Him and that is the place of tremendous peace and joy!



For many months the Lord has been speaking to me about His faithfulness being demonstrated powerfully in unprecedented ways in the body of Christ in this new era.

The way He is demonstrating His faithfulness is going to heal hearts, strengthen many in the body of Christ and restore joy to those who have lost it.

“But you, O Lord, your mercy-seat love is limitless, reaching higher than the highest heavens. Your great faithfulness is infinite, stretching over the whole earth.” (Psalm 36:5 TPT)

“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” (Psalm 36:5 ESV)

Recently the Lord put the FORERUNNERS AND PIONEERS on my heart heavily. There are many that are forerunning right now and many pioneers who have been in such an intense battle and the fire has been so very hot. These forerunners and pioneers are “making way” are carving out the pathways that have not been walked before. They are walking with the Lord and following the leading of the Holy Spirit to move into unchartered territories, pave pathways that are seemingly “against the grain” and do what has “never been done before” in obedience to the Lord.

These forerunners and pioneers are partnering with the Spirit of God to break through hard ground, to break open ancient wells, to push through man made structures at His leading to see the tidal wave of His Spirit and presence come in a way that we have never seen before.

In the midst of this new era we have entered these forerunners and pioneers have been facing battles on every front. The Lord kept using the word “relentless” with me as I sat with Him. They have been facing relentless opposition and attack, and much of their opposition has been from the words of man speaking against what God is doing in their lives, through their lives and the mandate of God upon them because it “goes against the grain” and what is “expected” or defined as “normal”. These ones have remained faithful to the Lord and continued to move in obedience to what God has spoken to them.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV)

I had an encounter with the Lord where I saw the heart of the God was MOVED by their OBEDIENCE and PERSEVERANCE.

I heard the Lord say:


The Lord has been moved by yieldedness and dedication of these FORERUNNERS and PIONEERS to continue with the Lord’s work and to NOT bow to anything else but what the Lord has said. They have a strong resolve within them that comes from the place of deep intimacy and love for Jesus that it has to be HIS WAY or NO WAY at all.

In this encounter the Lord showed me the intense battles that these PIONEERS and FORERUNNERS have been facing. They have been fighting for their lives recently yet they continue to put their hands to what the Lord has spoken and His assignment upon their lives right now.

There has been a deep weariness, heaviness and discouragement that has come upon many of these ones in the battle, but I heard the Lord speak “FORERUNNERS AND PIONEERS, MAJOR DEMONSTRATIONS OF MY FAITHFULNESS ON EVERY FRONT, ARE UPON YOU!!!”

Where there has been “battle” and “attack” and “opposition” on every front, the tables are turning, the shift is taking place where you shall now see MAJOR demonstrations of His faithfulness manifesting in your life on EVERY SIDE.

These demonstrations of His faithfulness are UNPRECEDENTED. The way He is going to demonstrate His faithfulness TO YOU, you have never seen before. Your heart is going to be healed in these demonstrations by the power of God. Your soul will be refreshed in these major demonstrations of His faithfulness. You will be “bubbling over” with joy, with peace, with excitement and vision for the future.

The words surrounded me so loudly :



In this encounter I saw the words “INCREASE AND FAVOUR” swirling around these pioneers and forerunners. There is a MAJOR birthing taking place of the new thing (Isaiah 43:19) that God is doing through what you are carrying and forerunning right now and as the release is happening and continues to happen you will be ASTONISHED at the level of increase and favour that will be released upon you by the HAND OF GOD that will totally change your life. I heard the words “Many have felt like they were in the prison like Joseph in such battle, caged, but OVERNIGHT they will be positioned into the PALACE. That overnight positioning is taking place NOW.”

God is restoring, increasing, redeeming and extending like never before. The increase in the acceleration, the favour in the acceleration will be like nothing you have seen before.

Many of the forerunners and pioneers feel like they have lost so much time “in the battle” but the Lord is restoring time and doing more in a moment that could take years to do. The power of His Spirit is going to be demonstrated in what He does in a moment that is going to increase faith and awe of who He is.

God is majorly increasing favour upon these ones in extravagant ways to see His Kingdom extended, to see His name lifted high, to see many come to know Jesus.

The Lord spoke again “This major increase of favour is upon these ones right now because they will keep it about Me.”


In the midst of this major increase of favour I saw “brothers” surrounding these PIONEERS AND FORERUNNERS and they were “whispering”.

It reminded me of Joseph’s brothers and the words that can be spoken because of jealousy and insecurity and not knowing the Father’s love. I then heard the words “I HAVE PREPARED YOU AND WILL PROTECT YOU”.

There is a maturing God has been developing within these forerunners and pioneers to see them respond to words of jealousy, accusation or hurtful words with a heart of love like Jesus.

I watched as the pioneers and forerunners who were feeling the impact of these negative words coming against them from their brothers/sisters in Christ not respond in offense, not respond in hurt or pain, but respond in love. I saw them on their faces weeping, not because of the pain, but out of the love that they felt for the very ones who were cursing them, as they received the Father’s heart for their brothers/sisters. There was strength found in the blessing of those who were cursing them. They were motivated by His heart and a heart of forgiveness, blessings and reconciliation.

I then heard the words “In the blessing of those who curse you some of your greatest enemies will become your greatest friends.” Such an incredible sense surrounded me of the powerful transforming, miraculous move of His Spirit to completely reconcile and turn things around.

“But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..” (Matthew 5:44 ESV)


I heard the Lord say that there has been an intense battle of the mind upon the pioneers and forerunners, such a torment of the mind, but it is now breaking and He is moving them into a major increase of wisdom and discernment.

There is a MAJOR increase upon them of discerning the Lord’s voice from the voice of the enemy.

If that’s you, the Lord is taking you deeper into the library of heaven to reveal more strategies to you for this new era. He is going to release to you SPECIFIC wisdom on how to implement His strategies and how to STEWARD them.

The wisdom of God that He is releasing is SO weighty and SO precious, treat it with care and steward it well with your obedience. Do not move forward with halfhearted obedience but give your all to HIS WAYS.

For the Lord showed me that FEAR OF MAN is an are that could cause halfhearted obedience as others come playing “devils advocate”.

I felt the Lord saying to keep your head between your knees in the place of intercession and focus on what HE is speaking. You have the deep resolve within you to follow the Lord’s command and that is clear by the journey you have walked, but do not allow things that “glitter” or the temptation of what looks like “greater influence” in the natural, sway you from the Lord’s words to youin this increase of favour. You know His voice, you know His way. I felt the Lord’s saying that for many of you the enemy is changing his tactics. Previously he has come to you with fear and intimidation, weariness and torment of the mind to cause you to “give up” and that hasn’t worked.

The Lord showed me that he will now try to lure you with things that sparkle or glitter that aren’t “bad in nature” but just not what the Lord is breathing on.

The enemy will attempt to bring confusion to hinder the acceleration. It’s important to stay focused, be wise with whom you share and what you share and move in the wisdom and discernment of the Lord for that is where you will find great clarity and protection. Like where the enemy attempted to tempt Jesus on the rooftop (Matthew 4) by offering all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus compromised, USE THE WORD OF GOD, what God is speaking and where He is leading as your weapon.

God is going to send you forth with such specific heavenly wisdom for others also that He will position you to release this wisdom to the people He connects you with that will bring significant cultural change to the areas of culture they have influence in. The Daniels truly are arising.

The shift upon you right now is the greatest shift and birthing of your life that is why the battle has been so intense, but there is a royal flush of His victory that is already yours in Christ, manifesting POWERFULLY in your life to position you in ways you have never been positioned and to do what you have never done and go where you never thought you could go.

You will RUN, RUN, RUN with Him like never before and your bodies healed and strengthened and empowered with divine endurance.

This is your season of fulfillment of your destiny in ways you have never seen to see the name of Jesus lifted high and His Glory spread all over the earth with many coming to know Him.

The battle in the dark night has shifted and the sun is rising upon you, a new day of adventuring, exploring, building and running empowered by the Spirit of God like never before.



This week I had a very powerful dream and as I sought the Lord’s heart for what He was saying in the midst of this dream I heard the Lord speak…


So often we hear the word “possessed” and we can categorize the word as “negative” and often to do with the demonic. When the Lord spoke those words “POSSESSED WITH PURPOSE” there was such a deep, deep sense of abandonment to Jesus and laying down our lives to follow Him to see His name glorified and Kingdom extended upon the earth that filled the dream. In the dream the young man I was watching was completely overtaken by the purposes of God that he left everything to commit himself to the purposes of God in and through his life. Humility filled the atmosphere SO intensely in the dream. It was all about Jesus and His purposes and plans on the earth that this young man would hold onto nothing else but move forward in radical abandonment and obedience to Jesus to follow Him anywhere.

There has been such a battle for many right now where they feel completely consumed by the battles they are facing. There are many that feel completely consumed by the giants they are fighting and the Lord showed me that the enemy is attempting to distract and “deactivate” God’s people by keeping them in weariness to keep them from arising in their authority in Christ.

There is a POWERFUL shift taking place right now, there is POWERFUL change that is taking place, the turbulence of transition has increased but that’s because we are breaking through the barrier.


There has been SO much “chatter” in the atmosphere. There has been SO much “mental torment” and “battle of the mind” and many in the body of Christ have been wondering what’s wrong with them, “what are these thoughts I am having?”, “what’s wrong with me?”. Friends, there is an intense battle of the mind taking place right now, there is an intense battle in the spirit happening bringing confusion and the enemy attempting to cause God’s people to listen to the wrong voice/s, the wrong sound, WHY? because God is RELEASING A NEW SOUND!!!! There is a new SOUND being released on the earth, the sound of His heart, the sound of the fear of God being restored, the sound of the reintroduction of His power, the sound of His Glory and Majesty being revealed in ways we have never seen. The sound of revival! The sound of harvest! The sound of signs, wonders and miracles! The sound of salvation! The sound of intimacy with Jesus getting louder than ever. The sound of the Gospel reaching every corner of the earth. The sound of impossibilities bowing to the name of Jesus. The sound of healing, deliverance, freedom. God is AMPLIFYING the SOUND of His Kingdom being established on the earth. He is amplifying the sound of His sons and daughters arising in their authority and revelation of their identity to do what they have been called to do on the earth. It’s the SOUND of the King of Glory stepping in.

So the enemy is attempting to “confuse” and “distort” the sound. It is IMPERATIVE right now to be asking for wisdom and discernment like never before. Bind the spirit of chaos. Bind the spirit of fear. Bind the spirit of confusion. Bind the spirit of insanity. We aren’t chasing demons and looking for demons behind every tree. We are Jesus focused, we have our eyes on Him, but we must also not be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Look to Jesus and worship! Lift up His name and WORSHIP Him!

The Lord showed me that there is all this ‘noise’ in the atmosphere because of the new sound being released on the earth and because we are transitioning and breaking through the SOUND BARRIER to hear His voice with clarity like NEVER before.

The Lord is bringing the people of God DEEPER into Matthew 4:4, deeper than we have ever been:

“Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that flows out of the mouth of God”

God is maturing the body of Christ to know His voice, to discern His voice from the voice of the enemy and to live by His Word in every circumstance like never before. The wisdom and strategy of heaven is being released to the people of God that have ears to hear like never before. He is inviting us into a deeper place of communing with Him and hearing His voice.


Expect the encounter Jesus and the power of God in this new era where you will be overtaken by the PURPOSES of God like never before. The revelation of God’s love and His power is going to so consume you, overtake you and fill you in a new and fresh way that you will throw your life down before Him in fresh surrender.

The Lord is bringing the body of Christ into a place of deeper yieldedness and into a deeper place of surrender that when we hear His voice, we leave all behind and follow Him. (Luke 5:11)

The distraction that has attempted to stop you is going to be suddenly diminished as powerful encounters with Jesus and the strong arm of God to deliver take place in your life. You will transition from feeling like you are “fighting for your life” to “possessed with His purposes” like never before. You are going to encounter His heart and the revelation of who He is in life-transforming ways that is going to ignite a fire of His purposes upon your life to love others, to preach the Gospel, to raise the dead, to cast out demons, to heal the sick etc. It is going to SO increase like never before that you will be completely consumed afresh and overtaken by HIS HEART.


Where you have felt such a deep weariness and feeling constantly in battle mode, the Lord is shifting you in these encounters with Him to being EMPOWERED by His Spirit in ways you have never experienced. To go further than you have been. To do what you never thought you could do, not in your strength, but in the empowerment of His Spirit.

These encounters are so life-changing, so life transforming that you will receive His heart in such a new and fresh way, everything will change. For many, these encounters will change your direction, they will change your outlook, the will change your ministry, they will change your life. Doesn’t mean you have been doing things wrong at all, but it’s a new era and God is doing something completely new. Many of you are about to receive His heart for things you never had before. You will instantly receive His heart in these encounters, your heart will break and burn like His does and you will be overtaken by His passion and purposes. FROM that place, new ministries will be birthed and your lives will take a completely new course as you follow the purposes and plans of God. Weariness will break off, heaviness will shatter, confusion will diminish and you will be possessed with new vision, a new excitement for life with Jesus, new strategy, new creativity and new pathways.

The intense battle that has almost taken you out, almost killed you is going to make SO MUCH MORE SENSE as these encounters take place. You will go forth with COURAGE, STRENGTH, RESOLVE and the fire of God filling every part of you as you are totally possessed by His empowerment in a new and fresh way, His purposes and passions.

Some of the greatest movements, ministries and expressions of the heart of God are about to SUDDENLY come out of the fire RIGHT NOW to see the purposes of God released upon the earth in such POWERFUL ways to usher in the greatest harvest we have ever seen and friend, YOU are part of it.

Don’t give up! Keep going! The divine time has arrived!


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