Prophetic Words


I have seen increased opposition for many this week in the areas of fear.
Fear attempting to keep many in their comfort zones, fear attempting to steal hope and HEAVENLY LIFE vision for the future, fear of failure and fear of remaining in the unchanging void of breakthrough status quo.
These FEAR mountains before you need to be faced head in with an intentional choice to TRUST HIM and WALK OUT that trust in whatever way, shape or form that takes for you to combat this fear in your life.
The Lord is building a company of people who will NOT be shaken! That their trust in Him and His goodness and love will not be moved, shaken or overcome.
These intentional choices and actions to place confident trust in Him is thrusting His people into new realms of faith, knowing their authority, vision of His glorious nature and filled with greater hope and joy.
I saw Jesus restoring hope. Those who feel like their hope has been “taken out”, I saw Jesus come and breath life and hope again into their lungs and they arose with great confidence and faith in Him to continue the journey.
He is meeting His people! The key is trust! Trust, trust, trust Him and watch fear fall to the wayside as His perfect love is demonstrated over and over again.
Fear is attempting to keep many from their destiny, their appointed moment of release into greater levels of favour, influence and responsibility. The fear is intensifying. You are about to be thrust into new realms of what He has called you to do.
Do not be afraid. Step forward and trust Him! He is faithful and will not let you down! All will be provided for! The goodness of God that you saw in this past season will be the FLOOR of this next season.
There is such incredible increase waiting for the people of God on the other side of radical trust.
A glorious new realm of intimacy with Him awaits you!!!!
Take His hand, move forward even feeling afraid for you WILL overcome and you will be thrust into new realms. Increase will be added to you as you steward your heart and life well by radical, complete abandoned trust in the One who loves you more radically, passionately and wonderfully than anyone has ever loved you. AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN you will see His love and provision and faithfulness for you as you continue to walk with Him and hold His hand.