Prophetic Words


I keep hearing Proverbs 13:12 SO LOUDLY in the Spirit right now.
Decree it, meditate on it, thank Him for it, hold onto it. Disappointment and hopelessness are being healed and fulfillment of dreams and promises are happening now!
“When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.” – (The Passion Translation)
“Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.” – Proverbs 13:12 (MSG Translation)
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.” – Proverbs 13:12 (AMP version)


  • Janet Lafata

    Hello Lana, Was able to come to one of your recent Meetings in Michigan. It was such a blessing! I am so thankful the Lord has placed a love for America in your heart! Thank you for this word. Just yesterday as I was working in my home based shop, the Holy Spirit came upon me with intercession quite unexpectedly. At first I didn’t know why. But as I prayed, it was for “turn around”. Yours is a confirming word! Love and blessings to you and your dear family!

  • patricia

    Thanks Lana I so needed to hear this today! I have been so discouraged and disappointed and tired of believing for my promises and dreams they seem too be so far away sometimes I need prayer to believe in them again.

    • Cherie

      Dear Beautiful Patricia, Beloved daughter of the Most High God, I bless you to believe that Jesus is Faithful and True…. That He ALWAYS causes You to triumph…That He is overflowingly, deeply, longingly in Love with You!!!
      I bless you with Knowing Him more intimately as the He holds you and comforts you, wipes away your tears, protects and heals your broken heart, And gives you the desires of your heart. You can let go and lean back into him….he’s right there.
      I bless you in Jesus’ ? name. AMEN!!!!

  • Cherie

    When I awoke this morning I was talking to God. ..mentioning those scriptures to Him. This has been such a long hard trial. I praise Him for it, the intimacy with Him that has developed, and fruit I see in my friends and family who have walked and stood with me. Nevertheless I am weary and long SO MUCH for the manifestation of Victory of all His promises to me. I give You Praise, Father, for yet another gift of Hope and Love through this word!!! I bless you, Lana, for listening and putting it where we can see it.

  • Patricia A Houston

    Lana thank you for your recent prophecies, they are most encouraging as it seems like the Lord is sending words of encouragement & comfort to me! I’m hanging in there as I’m standing on His Word in belief His covenant promises will come to pass!

  • Marilyn

    Thank you Lana for this. I will be praying and thanking Jesus for this message . And praying it over my son and daughter. Especially my daughter who has had a world of disappointment in her life. I claim this for my two children especially my daughter who has had so much disappointment and hurt in her life. I pray this Lord , I thank you Lord and I claim this in Jesus most Precious name. Amen!

  • Michele Arete

    Thank you very much….. Your words are always such a blessing to me!! You are right on for what’s going on in my life!!! I awoke this morning, telling the Lord, that hope deferred makes the heartsick. It’s been a long road.

  • Erica Vollgraaff

    This girl’s onto something here! For me it’s the fulfilment of my dream that Jesus will be coming SOON! I find myself thinking about what it’s going to be like. What is eternity with Jesus and those we love all about? What are we going to do? I mean, here on earth life is about being born, growing up, learning all kinds of stuff at school, being taught by life itself, being educated to be able to earn money in one’s adult life. It’s about getting married, or not , about having children, or not, all kinds of relationships and what we do with them and what they do to us. It’s about life slipping out from under us until we realize with a kind of dazed comprehension that life has almost gone, and our grandchildren ask us why our cheeks are so wrinkled and we smilingly answer that it’s just because we’re old. And they say, “Ek wil nie oud word nie”.
    And all thro’ life we’ve hoped and enjoyed the fulfilment of that hope, …… sometimes – not always – sometimes we find ourselves dragging thro’ days when our hearts are sick with, as the Bible puts it, deferred hope. But somehow a quiet strength develops deep inside us. And it’s good.
    Lana says God is preparing us to receive what we hope for! He’s working behind the scenes to give us an expected end, Jeremiah tells us in his 29th chapter and the 11th verse.
    So what am I expecting when I slip out of this life and into eternity? Eternity! Never, never to end! Overwhelming thought! This life’s experiences haven’t prepared me for that!
    I’ll be with Jesus – because I chose to follow Him here on earth – and with Mias and those I loved here and who also chose Him. And there’ll be a fulfilment I never dreamed possible. So many answered prayers! That’s one of the reasons we’re going to get new bodies, because the joy we’ll experience there is going to be so wonderful, full, overflowing and so, so special………
    Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man, the things God has prepared for those who love Him.
    So what are we going to do? I don’t know, apart from spending every eternal minute (forgive the oxymoron) in inexplicable thankfulness for what Jesus did for us and worshipping Him with every fibre of our being and doing what He has planned for us to do. And has He got plans….!!!!!!
    Looking up!
    Thanks Lana. God bless you

  • geoff

    I have been waiting on a breakthrough in my marriage since 2008. There have been several times when it has been close. There is a combination of circumstances, and illness, keeping us apart. But He said He would “do whatever it takes . . .” I stand on His promises. I don’t want to give up, but it has been a long time. Let there be a sign, at least, to encourage me.

  • Tameka Christophe

    In the name of Jesus Christ I declare and decree disappointment and hopelessness are being healed in every area of my life and fulfillment of dreams and promises are happening NOW! Because “Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around!” Jesus Christ came that I may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflow therefore, my sudden good break is happening now, HALLELUJAH, Amen!!!

  • My Name Means Tree

    Oh Lord, Jesus. Yes. As my desires align with Your will… as You mature me and know exactly what I can handle with integrity and grace, consistency and honor, let it be so.

  • Claudia

    Thank you Lana! I thank Yeshua for the deliverance that He is doing in my life from all things of the past and some in the present! Thank you for this word. It is on point!